Jean Snedegar Published

Mark Williams – “Mr. Fuel Cell”

Randolph County native Mark Williams is a visionary engineer and scientist who was the first person to see the commercial potential of fuel cells to run everything from heart pacemakers to power plants. 

Every fuel cell in commercial production today can – in some way or other – be traced back to Mark Williams.  Working with the Department of Energy and private companies, the 58-year-old conceptualized and patented some of the most efficient energy conversion systems ever conceived, and he has worked tirelessly to introduce fuel cell research and development programs across the United State and the world.  He is also an adjunct professor at three universities, including West Virginia University.

At the National Energy Technology Laboratory in Morgantown – the world center for solid oxide fuel cell research – Dr. Williams is affectionately known as “Mr. Fuel Cell”.   

Mark Williams grew up in the tiny Tygart Valley community of Mill Creek, the fifth of six sons.