
WVU Develops Collegiate Recovery Program


  West Virginia University office of wellness and health promotion has launched a Collegiate Recovery Program to offer addiction and recovery support to students.

The goal of the program is to connect college students who are seeking recovery from substance abuse and addictive behaviors to peer-support and services.

Program director Catherine Yura said in an email that the Collegiate Recovery Program is designed to be student driven ñ students help define what type of programs, resources and activities help with recovery. Part of that, she said, is having a physical space where students can find support and resources.

Collegiate Recovery Programs started at a few universities in the 1980s as part of an effort to reduce substance use on campus. Now, Yura said, each semester more than 100 new programs are established at universities across the nation. This is the first in West Virginia. 

Appalachia Helth News

Appalachia Health News is a project of West Virginia Public Broadcasting, with support from the Benedum Foundation.