Randy Yohe Published

W.Va. Special Session Will Extend At Least One Day


Day one of the legislative special session saw some bills passed, others still under consideration.

Gov. Jim Justice added one more last minute item to his special session call on 16 various issues. House Bill 217 allocates $250 million from the Coronavirus Recovery Fund to be used by local governments, state agencies and nonprofits for infrastructure upgrades. This completed legislation is effective from passage.

Other completed legislation includes:

– House Bill 210, allowing hunting with an air rifle during small and big game hunting season

– House Bill 214, removing some prescriptive limitations on physicians assistants and registered nurses

– House Bill 215, establishing a military expenditure fund that expands eligibility of an active-duty service member’s child or spouse for certain benefits.

– Senate Bill 205, authorizes the Commissioner of WorkForce West Virginia to create an Unemployment Compensation Insurance Fraud Unit. The bill establishes duties, training and experience requirements, and authorities needed for investigations.

Still under consideration is a bill that establishes an economic development fund to provide more than half a billion dollars for development and transportation projects.