Associated Press Published

Tomblin Says He Hasn't Decided on Possible Congressional Bid


Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin says he has been asked about running for Congress, and hasn’t decided either way yet.

The Logan County Democrat told The Associated Press he has been approached about vying for the 3rd Congressional District seat next year. The southern West Virginia seat is currently filled by freshman Republican Congressman Evan Jenkins.

Tomblin said he hasn’t made “any final decisions on anything yet,” adding that he’s keeping the door open.

Tomblin cannot run for re-election because he is reaching his term limits. The opening for governor is expected to draw a competitive field.

Tomblin won a special election for governor in 2011 and was re-elected in 2012.

Tomblin was appointed acting governor in November 2010 to replace Democratic U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin when he headed to Washington.