New Battlefield Site Replacing Dilapidated Harpers Ferry Buildings
Five derelict buildings in Harpers Ferry are being torn down beginning this month. A new battlefield landscape will take their place.
Continue Reading Take Me to More NewsBefore they were nominated for a Canadian Grammy and before a Harry Potter lead helped fund her music, The Barr Brothers (previously The Slip) and Sylvie Lewis made a splash on the Mountain Stage. This weekend, we’ll open up the archives to hear how they sounded back in ’06 and ’07.
Broadcast from 1am-5am Saturday and Sunday mornings here on West Virginia Public Broadcasting, Mountain Stage After Midnight takes the best episodes from the show’s 32 year history and shares their memories and songs with our late-night listeners.
Tune in this Saturday July 11 and Sunday July 12 for some great tunes on Mountain Stage After Midnight.
We’ll hear an October 2006 show, recorded at the Creative Arts Center on the campus of West Virginia University. It includes Guster, Larry Coryell, The Slip (now known as The Barr Brothers), Miho Hatori and Hazmat Modine.
We’ll also hear a September 2007 show featuring Suzy Bogguss, Anais Mitchell, Lucky Tomblin Band, Eleni Mandell and Sylvie Lewis.
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