Briana Heaney Published

Morrisey’s Consolidation Of Departments Has Begun

Gov. Patrick Morrisey campaigned on “right sizing.” Now three days into Morrisey’s term as governor he’s proposing to restructure state departments. 

The new governor took his cabinet appointments as an opportunity to usher in an era of fewer governmental departments. 

In announcing five more cabinet appointments, Morrisey also announced plans to combine four state agencies into two. 

Morrisey said he will work with lawmakers to pass legislation that would combine the Department of Arts, Culture and History with the Department of Tourism. 

He said he also plans to work with the West Virginia Legislature to combine the Department of Commerce and the Department of Economic Development. 

Morrisey, who ran on reducing the size of the state’s government, said this is just the beginning of the consolidation of state agencies. 

“These are not going to be the end of the consolidation proposals,” Morrisey said. “You should expect that there will be a number of additional proposals in this area in the upcoming weeks.”

Morrisey said in the press conference that the state is staring down a budget deficit if the state doesn’t take necessary steps — including consolidations. 

“Those efficiencies are even more important in light of what we’re going to be talking about next,” he said “The era of big spending is over.” 

The new secretary of the Department of Commerce will be the current West Virginia Republican Party Chair, Mathew Herridge. 

Chelsea Ruby, who has been the secretary of tourism for the past eight years, was reappointed. 

Morrisey didn’t name secretaries for the Department of Arts, Culture and History or the Department of Economic Development.

West Virginia Public Broadcasting falls under the Department of Arts, Culture and History.  

Morrisey announced two more appointments Thursday. 

Stephen Todd Rumbaugh was appointed the secretary of transportation and commissioner of highways. Arvin Singh was appointed secretary of health.