Flashback to your days as an 18-year-old in West Virginia. Did you idolize Paul McCartney as your friends raved over Green Day? Did you play sold-out clubs and hopp’n festivals around the state? Were you “Runnin’ on Good Times”? If you were, you have a good deal in common with the Hattons, a pair of brothers who founded the Huntington rock band Of the Dell.
We sat down with Of the Dell’s frontman Corey Hatton to talk about his band, his dog, his state and why he keep’s getting banned from, well, everything.
Note: this interview is uncensored. Listener discretion is advised.
Of the Dell released their debut single “Runnin’ on Good Times” on Neurological Records this past November. You can keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter. To hear more of their music, tune in to ‘A Change of Tune,’ airing Saturdays at 10pm EST on West Virginia Public Broadcasting.