Generation West Virginia is a non-profit dedicated to attracting and training young professionals.
Its NewForce program partners with the state community and technical college system to offer a fully-remote, tuition-free six month training program in coding and programming.
Generation West Virginia Executive Director Alex Weld said it’s a demanding program – that is in demand.
“It’s a full time program, Monday through Friday, eight to four,” she said. “It’s free for six months. Our mission is to attract, retain and advance young people. And we realize that means access to a good job as well.”
Weld said that previous NewForce cohorts had a more than 85% placement rate, with an average salary of $46,000.
“In our last cohort, half of that class was placed into employment before the program even ended,” she said. “And then 100% were placed, within three months of passing the program. So we’re seeing this kind of this type of job and this field really expanded West Virginia.”
The training is open to a wide variety of backgrounds and no college experience is necessary. Weld said this is the second NewForce cohort offered fully remote. Weld said it creates a win-win situation for keeping young West Virginians working here at home.
“We run this program remotely. And many of our employers hire remotely,” she said. “So you can really be anywhere in the state of West Virginia and get matched up with one of these employers who are looking for coding jobs. I think it really does help people stay where they want to stay in this state.”
Spots are limited and the application deadline is this Friday. For more information, go to