The number of adults with active cases of the coronavirus in West Virginia prisons has doubled since Wednesday, totaling more than 100 prisoners between three prisons and one regional jail.
The largest outbreak by Monday was at Denmar Correctional Center in Pocahontas County, where the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation reports that nearly 60 prisoners have tested positive for the coronavirus and not yet recovered.
DCR defines “recovery” using guidance from the CDC, which states that “people with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after their symptoms began.”
In this guidance, the CDC adds that its recommendation doesn’t apply to people with severe COVID-19.
In Marshall County, both the Northern Regional Jail and Northern Correctional Facility have more than 20 active cases of the coronavirus each, according to the division.
Approximately 20 more prisoners recently have tested positive for the coronavirus at the Pruntytown Correctional Center in Taylor County. Throughout the state, more than 50 DCR employees are actively dealing with the coronavirus and quarantining from home.
While all state prisons have yet to reach their capacity, nearly all 10 regional jails had more beds than prisoners, save for the jail in Hampshire County, which was at capacity Monday. According to data from DCR Monday, the Northern Regional Jail is approximately 160 people over capacity.