Former Mountain State University Suing Accrediting Body

Officials with the former Mountain State University are shifting their attention to a lawsuit against an accrediting body.

Trustee Elmer Coppoolse tells The Register-Herald that Mountain State officials wanted to ensure the campus was in good hands before focusing on the lawsuit.

Last week, West Virginia University announced that it plans to buy Mountain State’s campus in Beckley.

Mountain State’s federal lawsuit alleges that the Higher Learning Commission didn’t follow its policies, rules and practices when it withdrew the university’s primary accreditation in June 2012.

In court filings, the commission says Mountain State failed to assert sufficient facts to maintain a majority of its claims. The commission also says the school’s request for re-accreditation is moot.

WVU's New Engineering Research Building to Open in Fall 2015

West Virginia University’s new Advanced Engineering Research Building is on track to open in the fall of 2015.

Associate director of design and construction John Thompson tells The Dominion Post that construction of the main building is completed. Faculty and staff will begin transitioning to the new building in the spring.

The four-story building will have offices, classrooms, a learning center and graduate student space. It also will have an 8,000-foot clean room for students working on nano-technology.

A clean room is an environment featuring purified air.

W.Va. Higher Education Changes to Help Students

West Virginia higher education leaders are finalizing policy changes to help students more easily transfer college credits and earn degrees.

The changes were approved by the state Higher Education Policy Commission and the state Council for Community and Technical College Education within the last two months.

The proposed rules state that a school should accept course credits from another institution if 70 percent of learning objectives are similar between the courses at each school.

However, officials tell The Charleston Gazette that there may be exceptions if the 30 percent difference between courses is crucial.

Rules also would require four-year public colleges to notify two-year community and technical colleges about students that meet “reverse transfer status” and can be awarded an associate’s degree while continuing work toward a bachelor’s degree.

W.Va. Northern Community College Names President

Vicki Riley has been named as president of West Virginia Northern Community College.

Riley has served as the school’s vice president of academic affairs since January 2008.

The West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education appointed Riley to the president’s job on Thursday.

Riley’s appointment is effective Jan. 6. She will replace Martin J. Olshinsky, who is retiring.

She previously served as special assistant to the chancellor for the community and technical college council and as president of Marshall Community and Technical College.

Yes or No to Common Core? W.Va. Isn't Sure.

Common Core is an educational initiative that has been in news headlines lately due to some controversy surrounding it. At the State Capitol yesterday, Delegates, Senators, and public met on the House floor to hear from eight representatives either for or against Common Core.

Some citizens against Common Core sat in on the meeting, sporting bright, yellow t-shirts that said in bold black letters, “save our students” on one side and “stop common core” on the other. Caution tape lined the aisles of the chamber as if a crime scene had taken place.

Dr. Sandra Stotsky of the University of Arkansas, was one of six speakers from out of state to address the issue. She claims those who wrote up the standards were not qualified.

“When we get to actually who wrote the standards, which is where I came into action on the validation committee, it then turns out that most of the key writers for both the ELA and the math standards had no K-12 teaching experience at all,” said Stotsky, “the ELA, English Language Arts writers had no degree in English or English literature, they had no prior involvement with K-12 education, indeed they were totally unknown to everyone in the field. Who chose them, why they were chosen, to this day, we still don’t know, because everything was done non-transparently.”

One of the speakers supporting common core was Dave Spence, the President of the Southern Regional Education Board. He argues that the level of success since Common Core was adopted, has significantly impacted education levels.

“So having one set of standards is critically important along with insuring they are rigorous enough to predict readiness for post-secondary education,” said Spence, “At SREB, since 2007, we have argued that all states should have standard meeting these criteria relating to college and career readiness. We also believe that there’s not only one set of standards in literacy and math that would meet these readiness requirements. We do believe that the common core state standards rise to the level of college and career readiness. That is why and how they were developed and researched. What I hope we don’t lose sight of as states, is that where states were seven to eight years ago, before the common core, somewhere near 40 states, either in English Literacy, Math, or both, did not come up to the level of college and career readiness.”

Delegate Amanda Pasdon, the incoming chair on Education, says there’s a lot that needs to be discussed once the Legislature is in session.

“We need to have standards for our children,” Pasdon said, “certainly everybody needs accountability and we need standards set in education. What we’re learning about Common Core is that we had some challenges with the rollout, there was some challenges with implementation, and there’s been some backlash for that, and that’s understandable, so what we want to make sure more than anything that we do is get it right for our students and get it right for our children.”

So Pasdon agrees we need standards in West Virginia, either Common Core or not Common Core.

Nine Counties to Receive Funding for School Construction Projects

Nine counties will receive state funding for school construction projects.The largest award, $1 million, will go to Berkeley County to add six classrooms…

Nine counties will receive state funding for school construction projects.

The largest award, $1 million, will go to Berkeley County to add six classrooms to Potomack Intermediate School near Martinsburg.

Greenbrier, Wirt, Gilmer, Marion, Ohio, Fayette, Upshur and Lincoln will receive smaller grants for projects.

The Charleston Gazette reports that the West Virginia School Building Authority approved about $5.6 million for major improvement projects on Monday. The authority also approved about $1.6 million for projects affecting more than one school district.

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