Texting while driving is illegal in West Virginia, but technology is being used to guarantee that you can’t text from behind the wheel.
Mobile Life Solutions of Louisville, Kentucky has developed an app called TextLimit. It makes a phone incapable of using once the vehicle gets to a certain speed. The app is available for free to West Virginia drivers.
“ This is a national epidemic,” says company president David Meers. “And distracted driving laws alone are not going to solve the problem. So this is a high tech solution that you can put in the hands of all West Virginians for free due to our partnership with the highway safety program there.”
The app works with GPS to determine how fast a vehicle is going. Beyond a certain speed, texting and most calling functions are deactivated on the phone. Emergency 911 call functions remain active. It can also provide a report on a vehicles speed and location. Meers says he invented it with teenagers in mind.
“I’m a parent of two teenage daughters myself . They were the impetus for me to develop this product. And now that we have finished development and the app in widespread use my kids joke and say ‘Dad you’ll be the most hated man in America by teens.’”
The app can only be programmed by the administrator, such as a parent or fleet supervisor.
It will be available at http://textlimit.com/latestnews and free with the code NOTEXTWV.