Bungee Jumping Coming To Harpers Ferry This Spring
A Canadian company plans to open a bungee jumping site at an abandoned quarry in Harpers Ferry this May.
Continue Reading Take Me to More NewsGov. Earl Ray Tomblin announced Tuesday the West Virginia Testing Assessment Project for residents in the nine counties affected by the Jan. 9 chemical spill into Elk River.
The project, which will make use of $650,000 from the state budget according to Tomblin, will be conducted by independent scientific experts under the direction of Dr. Andrew Whelton, assistant professor of environmental engineering at the University of South Alabama, and Corona Environmental Consulting.
Gov. Tomblin said West Virginia American Water president Jeff McIntyre offered financial support for the WV TAP project but no money from the company has been accepted.
Both Tomblin and Whelton referred to the project as “unprecedented.”
Whelton said the project has three main objectives:
1. To convene an international panel of experts to examine the West Virginia safety factor of 10 ppb MCHM drinking water screening level.
2. Determine the drinking water odor threshold for MCHM.
"This action is important because it is possible that people that can detect MCHM odors at concentrations less than the sensitivity of labratory instruments," said Whelton.
3. Conduct a focused drinking water residential sampling study.
Whelton also noted plans for a larger scaled testing project to include a sample “much greater than 100 homes” as a continuation of the study. He also suggested the need for animal toxicity studies on MCHM as well as medical monitoring for those affected by the incident.