A free mobile app will soon allow those in recovery to connect with treatment providers.
The Connections app is designed to provide support and prevent relapse for those seeking treatment for substance use disorder who may not be able to see a provider due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to state Department of Health and Human Resources.
The app will allow those in recovery to engage in group discussions and one-on-one messaging with their care provider and peers. It includes eTherapy programs to help those in the recovery.
Only West Virginia residents will be on the app, and those using the app will remain anonymous.
Connections is free and will be offered to those in recovery whether or not they are currently affiliated with a treatment provider.
The app was developed by CHESS Health, a New York based company that specializes in telehealth and online recovery treatments solutions.
You can find the app by searching Connections by CHESS on the App Store on iPhone, and the Google Play Store on Android.