Marshall University Education Majors spent the day with WVPB Curriculum Speicalist, Margaret Miller, exploring ways to make learning more relevant in this digital world. Student Teachers are digital natives and easily take to integrating media into their lesson planning. With the plethora of resources out there, WVPB shares West Virginia PBS LearningMedia, a free digital library with hundreds of thousands of safe video clips, interactive lessons and full length programming.
More that 1.6 million teachers throughout the country are using PBS LearningMedia, included in that number are the over 6, 200 teachers, students and caregivers from West Virginia. WVPB has added West Virginia History and West Virginia STEAM resources to PBS LearningMedia. This information is available to anyone in West Virginia, but it also provides the world access to West Virginia.
“Student teachers are excited about getting these resources.” Miller said. Student teachers are just beginning to develop lessons in their education fields and West Virginia LearningMedia provides them with a great supplement or an outline for lessons they need to teach. In fact 92% of teachers who use PBS LearningMedia say that technology is a useful and motivating tool for students.
This past year WVPB has provided LearningMedia training to over 700 teachers from Pre-k to those working with adult learners. Generally, anyone who has participated in a training has found something to take back to be more effective in their classroom.