Shawn Fluharty

Death Of Kyneddi Miller Sparks Policy Conversations Around CPS And Homeschooling

Kyneddi Miller was found dead in her home in April. A police report said the 14-year-old girl was found deceased in what a police report described as a “near skeleton state.” Her grandparents and mother have been charged with abuse and neglect. Now officials are pointing fingers at what organizations and policies created the crack that Miller fell through. There is also a rally planned for Wednesday morning by community members.

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House Democrats Say Republican Priorities Are Skewed At Session Midpoint

The minority house caucus says many of the Republican supermajority’s proposed bills infringe on people's constitutional and personal rights.

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House Votes to End Greyhound Breeding Fund

The House of Delegates has passed a bill that would effectively put an end to greyhound racing in the state, according to its opponents. Senate Bill 437…

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