Kentucky pastors sound off about gay marriage.
A former addict urges drug courts to address the roots of addiction.
The America Legion says the VA is a system worth saving.
Climate Change and Forests: By some estimates America’s forests can absorb up to 24 percent of the country’s manmade carbon dioxide emissions a year. To get those climate benefits, many experts say forests need to be well-managed–against droughts, bugs and invasive plants. But climate change is making these problems worse. As part of our series Climate Chronicles, the Allegheny Front‘s Julie Grant reports.
Ky Pastors Weigh in Same Sex Marriage: Two cases are moving their way through the U.S. Court of Appeals systems that could affect bans on same sex marriage in states like Kentucky and West Virginia. A ruling by the Sixth U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati in favor of gay marriage could impact marriage ceremonies at some Kentucky churches. Kentucky Public Radio’s Stu Johnson talked to pastors at two Lexington churches about their approach to same-sex marriage.
Ky Drug Court Officials Hear Former Addict’s Suggestion: Some Kentucky judges and attorneys are looking into ways to best apply new research into brain science to better serve the state’s 115 drug courts, which offer an alternative to incarceration for drug offenders. Kentucky public Radio’s Jonathan Meador shares the addicts plea with officials.
Korean War ex-POW Reunite for Last Time: For 39 years, the Korean War ex-POW Association has held an annual reunion. It’s an occasion when dozens of American veterans who were held prisoner during the three-year Korean War in the early 1950s can share a few days together and remember those who died in captivity. As Kentucky Public Radio’s Rick Howlett reports, this year’s reunion was the last.
The Black Mountain Bluegrass Boys: The band began in 1968 in Pocahontas County. Richard Hefner grew up in Mill Point with his family, where his mother Elsie ran the post office and served as the matriarch to a family of humorists and talented musicians. Listen to this story produced by Dan Schultz of the Traveling 219 Project to hear their songs, and meet the band.