There are a myriad of professions in the health care industry and Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) wants West Virginia high school students to consider each of them when choosing a career path.
CAMC invited more than 35 high schools to its eighth annual Annual Healthcare Career Showcase on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Representatives from more than 55 CAMC departments will talk to students about career opportunities in a hospital setting.
While most think of doctors and nurses when they consider a profession in health care, many people work in other healthcare settings like IT, human resources, supply chain, finance, law and more.
Several West Virginia colleges and universities that offer academic programs for many of those jobs will also have displays and information at the showcase.
According to a press release, students will receive a “road map” book that will guide them through the showcase, explaining the education, minimum requirements, licensure, and certification required to work in a particular field.
Appalachia Health News is a project of West Virginia Public Broadcasting with support from Marshall Health.