Associated Press Published

Will Billionaire Jim Justice Run for W.Va. Governor?

Jim Justice

Billionaire businessman Jim Justice is slated to announce his intentions in the 2016 West Virginia governor’s race.


Justice’s announcement will come Monday afternoon at the White Sulphur Springs Civic Center.

Larry Puccio, Justice’s lobbyist, confirmed the event Friday.

A coal executive and owner of The Greenbrier resort, Justice has expressed interest in running as a Democrat. has listed his worth at $1.6 billion.

Justice would be the second Democrat to make an official move toward running. State Senate Minority Leader Jeff Kessler opened a pre-candidacy campaign account to raise funds for the race.

For Republicans, state Senate President Bill Cole, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Congressman David McKinley are the main possible contenders.

Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin is hitting his limit of two consecutive terms and can’t run.