Watch these two documentaries Monday, Dec. 9 beginning at 8 p.m. on WV PBS
8:00 p.m. — West Virginia: A Road to Statehood — This documentary brings to life the issues, differences and disagreements that divided the Commonwealth of Virginia, turning families and neighbors against one another throughout what is now West Virginia.
9:00 p.m. — West Virginia: A Film History — This documentary first premiered in 1995 and presents an unparalleled saga revealing the enduring strength and courage of a people who have faced some of America’s greatest challenges — clashes between colonists and Native Americans, the Civil War split from Virginia, the Hatfield and McCoy feud, the drama of the coal and lumber camps, modern labor struggles, and the social crises leading to the 1960s War on Poverty.
Narrated by Richard Thomas, West Virginia: A Film History weaves historic photographs and motion picture footage, quotes from letters and diaries, first-person interviews, and live cinematography into a rich and compelling narrative enhanced by a haunting musical score.