Affrilachian poet and playwright Norman Jordan is one of the most published poets in the region. Born in 1938, his works have been anthologized in over 40 books of poetry. He was also a prominent voice in the Black Arts Movement in the 1960s and 70s. He died in 2015, put part of his legacy is the Norman Jordan African American Arts and Heritage Academy in West Virginia. Folkways Reporter Traci Phillips has the story.
A group of about 25 protestors gathered on the steps of the state Capitol Wednesday with handmade signs chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” just as thousands of other activists gathered in large cities across the country. The group, while small in numbers, was there to show their support of Michael Brown, the black teenager shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, this summer.
On Monday, a Missouri prosecutor announced a grand jury would not indict the officer, Darren Wilson, on charges in the death, but a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the operations of the city’s police force is on going.
Greg Suzanne McAllister organized the Charleston protest which included members from multiple organizations including her fledging group Mothers of Color America, the NAACP, business owners and others.
Credit Ashton Marra / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
“We just wanted to stand in solidarity today,” McAllister said. “Justice delayed is justice denied.”
The Charleston protest was about more than just Brown and his death, McAllister said. It was also about standing for the unnamed African American men and women in West Virginia who have been gunned down by police.
“We know our people here are not immune to that type of discrimination,” she said. “It’s important that we stand together no matter what our race is against injustice.”
Credit Ashton Marra / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Greg Suzanne McAllister stands in front of the group gathered.
McAllister said the response in West Virginia to the Ferguson shooting was likely smaller because of the overall population, but also because of the lack of diversity. Only about 3 percent of the state’s population is African American.
Still, McAllister pointed to statistics that show West Virginia incarcerates African Americans at a much higher rate than whites in both the adult and juvenile justice system, meaning a change is necessary, she said.
The 2024 West Virginia legislative sessions may be an indication of what's to come in 2025: contentious debate, bills that unexpectedly die in committee, and others signed into law.
In lawmakers’ first vaccination discussion of the 2025 legislative session, testimonies and questioning took the committee’s time before they could take action.
On this West Virginia Morning, we check in with two Democratic lawmakers to discuss the minority party's response to Gov. Patrick Morrisey's state of the state speech Wednesday.
Gov. Patrick Morrisey delivered his first State of the State address to the West Virginia Legislature Wednesday night. Minority Leaders Sen. Mike Woelfel, D-Cabell, and Del. Sean Hornbuckle, D-Cabell, sat down with News Director Eric Douglas to discuss Morrisey's State of the State address and about being a minority to a supermajority in the legislature.