Country Music

The Mine Wars For Young Adults, Faith After A Flood And Remembering Billy Edd Wheeler

Textbooks have long left out an important piece of labor history that happened here in the mountains. Now, a new young adult book fills in some of what might have been missed about the Mine Wars. Also, ...

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Marble Madness And Jon McBride, Inside Appalachia

Schoolyard games come and go, but for kids in one community, marbles still rule.  Also, this year marks the anniversary of some country music milestones, including the 40th anniversary of Floyd, Vi...

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Morgan Wade Rises In Country But Stays Anchored In Appalachia

Morgan Wade’s album “Reckless” launched her as a country music star, but her connection to Appalachia has kept her rooted in place. Inside Appalachia host Mason Adams recently spoke with Wade.

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