
Need Help Picking the Right Health Plan? Navigators Can Help.


For those of you who have to buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act it’s that time of year again – open enrollment is just around the corner. But finding the right plan can be both confusing and time consuming. That’s why for the second year the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are awarding grants to West Virginia organizations that support in-person help in shopping for the right plan.

The grant funds “Navigators” which are people and organizations who help consumers find the right health care option for themselves or business. According to a press release, “navigators can meet in person with consumers and help them understand the coverage options available to them.” They are also able to help consumers pick, apply for, and enroll in a plan of their choice.

Consumers can find Navigators through Local Health at

This is the second year of a three year funding cycle. West Virginia received 600,000 this year. Nationwide, 96 organizations received funding, including two in West Virginia.

Appalachia Helth News

Appalachia Health News is a project of West Virginia Public Broadcasting, with support from the Benedum Foundation.