U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Jay Rockefeller, along with 48 other senators and Congressman Nick Rahall (all D-W.Va.) sent a letter today to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel urging that the National Guard and Reserves, and the civilians who support our troops, receive pay during the government shutdown.
The letter comes despite the passage of the “Pay Our Military Act” which was signed into law just before the government shutdown. The intent was to make sure all military personnel receive pay. Still, somehow many service members and civilians, especially in the National Guard and Reserves, have been furloughed without compensation.
Meanwhile the list of legislators who have said that they plan to donate or refuse compensation earned over the course of the shutdown grew to 127 today.
Senator Joe Manchin announced today that he will donate the salary he receives during the government shutdown to the Save the Children charity in West Virginia
Congresswoman Shelley Moore-Capito has also asked that her pay be withheld until the shutdown is over. A representative from her office reports that she intends to donate that pay to a charity, but doesn’t specify which one.
Quick fact: Members of the House and Senate have earned $174,000 annually since 2009–which is about $500 every day. Among congressional leaders, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) earns $223,500 annually, while the Senate leaders Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) each get $193,400.