The state’s largest solar generation facility came online Thursday in Monongalia County.
Mon Power’s Fort Martin solar plant spreads out on about 94 rolling acres just south of the Pennsylvania border. It generates about 19 megawatts of electricity. That’s not as much as two nearby coal-burning power plants. But for now, it is the largest solar plant in the state.
Del. Evan Hansen, D-Monongalia, is one of the legislature’s biggest supporters of renewable energy.
“We need a lot of solar electricity because there’s a lot of businesses that require it,” he said. “And they won’t come to West Virginia unless they can get it.”
Mon Power expects to complete two more solar sites this year and seek approval from state regulators for two more to be constructed next year.
The National Energy Technology Laboratory in Morgantown said Friday it has an agreement to purchase power from the Fort Martin facility.
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