Activists in West Virginia's Eastern Panhandle are promoting local history. They hope it will encourage residents to support the preservation of a village they consider threatened by corporate development.
Ryan, Warren Campaign in W.Va. For Senate Candidates
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Two major Congressional players made stops in West Virginia Monday to rally around their respective party’s candidate for Senate.
The atmosphere in Shepherdstown was upbeat, in a word, at current Secretary of State Natalie Tennant’s rally as supporters chanted and cheered for the Democratic candidate. Tennant was joined by veteran Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.
In the days leading up to the rally, Tennant’s Republican opponent bashed her for teaming up with an anti-coal Senator whose agenda the state GOP says hurts West Virginia.
Warren has backed the latest regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency meant to curb carbon emissions across the nation. Tennant stood firm saying she will fight those regulations if elected whether Warren is with her or not.
“Before you put regulations on us, invest in West Virginia and the technology we can deliver to cut emissions and bring jobs at the same time,” Tennant said after the rally.
“I will stand up to Elizabeth Warren if I need to, to the President, to the EPA to make sure that we have strong coal and energy jobs in West Virginia.”
Credit Ashton Marra / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Congressman Paul Ryan joined Congresswoman Sheeley Moore Capito at her roundtable discussion with business leaders in Charleston.
From the cheers in Shepherdstown to a more subdued environment in Charleston, Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito was joined by Congressman and former Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan for a roundtable with business and industry leaders.
From the war on coal to Obamacare, Ryan’s appearance was full of the most notable Republican catch phrases of late. He answered questions about how to get Washington moving on issues like mounting student loan debt and expanding energy exports overseas.
“Elizabeth Warren is the left of the left of the Democratic Party,” Ryan said of the Senator’s visit scheduled the same day on the opposite end of the state.
“Elizabeth Warren is part of the war on coal. Elizabeth Warren is part of the United States Senate that is blocking legislation to preserve coal jobs that is blocking legislation to preserve energy jobs in America.”
Capito called Warren’s visit a “last ditch effort” for Tennant to save a struggling campaign.
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