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Home » Kanawha County Middle School Teacher Earns Above And Beyond Award
Kanawha County Middle School Teacher Earns Above And Beyond Award
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Ann Hall, a middle school teacher for more than 23 years in both Boone and Kanawha counties, has earned West Virginia Public Broadcasting’s Above and Beyond Award, which recognizes excellence and creativity in and out of the classroom.
Hall was presented the award this week at John Adams Middle School in Kanawha County. She actually won it in February, but inclement weather and COVID-19 precautions delayed the presentation. She received a monetary award, our signature Blenko Above and Beyond blue apple paperweight, a certificate of recognition, and a host of other special gifts made possible by the sponsorship of Advantage Technology.
Harrison Evans
Ann Hall teaches at John Adams Middle School in Kanawha County. She also has taught at Madison Middle School in Boone County where she also coached the Girl’s Cross Country Team. She also coached Track at Scott High School.
Hall’s motto is to worker smarter, not harder. “Sometimes students struggle with what I call ‘math myths,’” Hall said. “They believe some people have a math mind and some don’t. They believe you must do math quickly in your mind to be a ‘good’ math student. I try to teach with a growth mindset perspective and show my students that through our struggles we all learn and grow. This year they have really persevered and I’m so grateful that I have been able to grow and learn with them.”
Kelly Griffith, WVPB’s Education Director, said Hall certainly goes above and beyond the call of duty for her students. “Ms. Hall is a shining light in the world of education. Her expertise in the field is inspiring as it activates curiosity for students to explore and learn in a safe environment. Her dedication to her students is commendable.”
Hall is a National Board Certified Teacher in Early Adolescent Mathematics. In 2020, she was selected as a Mountaineer Mathematics Teachers Noyce Fellow (M3T) from the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. She was one of only 19 teachers selected for the fellowship. As an M3T fellow, Hall will have the opportunity to collaborate with math educators throughout the state to further improve her effectiveness in the classroom. She also serves John Adams Middle School as president of the Faculty Senate.
She earned a B.S.B.A. in accounting from West Virginia University and began a promising career in the banking industry before realizing that her true calling was to teach. She then earned a master’s degree from WVU in education.
She has taught 8th grade math at Madison Middle School and was the Girls Cross Country coach at the school, leading the team to success while also coaching track at Scott High School. A dedicated runner herself, she has completed nine marathons.
Hall was nominated for the award by a member of the community who said, “She is an example of someone who ‘walks the walk’ in life.’ During the past year, and as a result of the pandemic, she has continued her dedication to her students without fail.”
She also helped several of her fellow teachers by passing on her technical skills and tips on how to teach remotely. According to her nominator, “She is a coach on all levels!”
As a math teacher, one of Hall’s favorite days during the year is National Pi Day, which is celebrated on March 14 to recognize the mathematical constant pi — 3.14. She celebrates the day with students, friends and family. She’s even been known to bake and deliver pies to exceptional math students to acknowledge their achievements.
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