Chris Schulz Published

Federal Funds Awarded To WVU Transit System For Improvements, Updates

A landscape frame shows a rounded, forested hill dominating the top right of frame. Below the hill can be seen a red brick building in the midground, with what appears to be a rail station in the foreground, with foliage in the extreme foreground. The station has four cars parked at it, all four in a blue and yellow color scheme, with the sides facing camera in blue with a WV logo in yellow. The left of frame is dominated by a brick wall with windows. In the background right of frame can be seen a bridge spanning a body of water, the Monongahela River, and further back a small skyline that leads into a hill that slopes right into the rounded hill mentioned above.
The Beechurst station of West Virginia University's Personal Rapid Transit System in 2014.
Joanne C. Sullivan/Flickr

The mass transit system many students at West Virginia University (WVU) use to get around campus is about to get some upgrades.

WVU’s Personal Rapid Transit system (PRT) has been awarded $6.5 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

The PRT system was designed and developed in the early 1970s by Boeing and first opened in 1975. It serves as the university’s primary mass transit system that connects the three areas of the WVU Morgantown campus and downtown. When school is in session, WVU estimates 15,000 people ride the PRT every day and more on game days. 

The money will fund the PRT Passenger Station and Guideway Modernization Project, which will update all five of the PRT stations and guideway to meet federal standards.