Delaney Wells Published

DHHR Opens Applications For School Clothing Allowance

A mother and young daughter shop for school clothes together.nicoletaionescu/Adobe Stock

The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Bureau of Family Assistance will accept school clothing allowance applications July 1 to 31. Eligible children enrolled in West Virginia schools will receive a $200 benefit towards buying school clothing.

Families with children who receive West Virginia WORKS cash assistance, parents or guardians of children in foster care, children 4-18 years old who receive SNAP benefits, or are enrolled in school and whose household income is 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Level as of June 30, 2023 will automatically receive school clothing allowance benefits.

Applicants must submit an income verification for July 2023 with applications for school clothing allowance. 

“In 2022, 81,029 West Virginia children were assisted by the school clothing allowance program,” said Janie Cole, commissioner of DHHR’s Bureau for Family Assistance.

Recipients will receive an electronic benefit transfer card that will function like a debit card and can be used anywhere that accepts EBT cash transactions. Parents and guardians of children in foster care will receive their allowance benefit as a check. 

All applications must be received by July 31.

Click here to apply or contact your local DHHR office.