Statewide standardized test results show West Virginia students are improving in both math and English under Common Core education standards, but West Virginia teachers will be teaching under new standards this school year.
The West Virginia Department of Education released the statewide test scores for the 2015-2016 school year at the state Board of Education meeting Wednesday.
The Smarter Balanced assessment, a standardized test aligned to West Virginia’s version of Common Core, was given to an estimated 180,000 West Virginia students from grades 3 through 12.
Overall, state education officials say scores in both math and English increased anywhere from one to six percentage points. Overall proficiency in math increased from 26 to 30 percent of students and grew in English from 45 to 47 percent, but science proficiency dropped from 37 to 36 percent.
“We are pleased that we are starting to see some increase, but we do know that we have a lot of work to do, particularly in our mathematics,” Executive Director of the state Office of Assessment Vaughn Rhudy said on a conference call with reporters Tuesday.
Last year, the state Board of Education repealed Common Core standards after the urging of state lawmakers.
During the 2016-2017 school year, students will be taught under the new West Virginia College and Career Ready standards, but will still take the Smarter Balanced assessment.