Reconnecting McDowell Moves Forward with Teacher Housing 19 Months Later

Asbestos abatement and environmental clean up began Tuesday at the vacant Best Furniture Store in downtown Welch in McDowell County Tuesday, some 19 months after a project to demolish and build new housing on the site was announced.

At a ribbon cutting in August 2014, representatives of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the main partners in the Reconnecting McDowell project, said they anticipated the entire project would be complete in 18 months.

“The current schedule is the asbestos and pigeon dropping removal is happening now for the next ten days and then the Best Furniture store will be demolished and then we start construction,” Randi Weingarten, President of the AFT said Tuesday at a press conference in Charleston. 

Weingarten expects the $5.5 million Renaissance Village will be completed by September 2017.

The Village will provide affordable housing to young professionals– in particular teachers– as well as storefront space on the first floor for a coffee shop or deli in the hopes of spurring economic development in the town. 

Weingarten explained the project had been delayed for a variety of reasons- unanticipated environmental issues with both demolition and its location in a floodplain and challenges raising the private donations necessary to complete the project. 

Credit Ashton Marra / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten speaks with a participant before the Reconnecting McDowell Board meeting Tuesday.

“We want to make sure that the people who live in these apartments can pay the rent and so, just like with everything else in the Reconnecting McDowell project, we are now focused on sustainability,” Weingarten said, “and that’s why the private funding becomes so important.”

“It’s taking us longer to raise that matching money than we initially had hoped.”

Weingarten says the group still needs to raise between $500,000 and $1 million for the Renaissance Village from private donors. The project is also being funded through federal loans and grants.

Reconnecting McDowell is a partnership of the American Federation of Teachers, the West Virginia Board of Education, and private businesses that started in 2011. Its goal is to improve the lives of children in McDowell County by addressing issues that arise from poverty.

Beckley, WV Airport Offers Flights to Popular Vacation Spot

A West Virginia airport is beginning to offer weekly flights to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The Register-Herald reports the flights originate out of Raleigh Memorial Airport near Beckley.

Airport Manager Tom Cochran says the airport has wanted to offer flights to Myrtle Beach for a long time. He says a survey through the Beckley-Raleigh County Chamber of Commerce showed that area residents were interested in traveling to Myrtle Beach.

Cochran says flights leave Beckley on Friday and return on Monday and cost about $100 round trip. The flight takes about 90 minutes and stops in Charlotte to pick up more passengers.

Cochran says about 75 flights to Myrtle Beach have been booked through August.

What's Next, Clay County?—Nonstop Journey to a Better Tomorrow

Early one morning this past January, two Clay County school busses pulled up at the state capitol complex in Charleston. Inside were members of the group “What’s Next, Clay County?”, one of twenty-five communities across the state that is organizing to strengthen their local economy as a part of the “What’s Next, WV?” initiative. 

Sign up to bring "What's Next" conversations to your community today!

Over seventy people attended their first community meeting last fall—not a small feat in a community of their size. They chose five areas to focus their work: youth and education; infrastructure; small business; drugs; and cleaning up trash and dilapidated properties.

Since then, they realized they would need outside help to accomplish all they have set out to do, so they set off for a day at the capitol. This is a story about a small, rural community fighting for a brighter economic future for their families and neighbors.


To get to know these Clay Countians in living color, check out this short documentary about their day at the legislature. 

What’s Next, WV? is a partnership of the WV Center for Civic Life, the WV Community Development Hub, and WV Public Broadcasting

Find more stories in this series!


Can Ginseng Help Diversify W.Va.'s Economy? Part II

  When you hear the word “ginseng” you might think about a wild plant that grows in the hills of Appalachia … and you would be right, that’s the good stuff. But there’s another way ginseng grows that’s a little less wild. Basically, we’re talking about ginseng farming in the forest, which can yield roots as valuable as the wild stuff. So is it a viable business for West Virginians? Well, there are some rules and regulations that might be hindering growth, but experts say there are ways to promote the industry.

Ginseng Regulation Reform: Enforcement Woes

Here in Appalachia, we have some major enforcement issues which it comes to ginseng. Not only is it a daunting challenge to police all the remote forest hillsides where seng grows, it’s also hard to ensure wild harvesters, growers, and dealers are abiding by the rules.

“Right now states are making regulations about plants needing to have three leaves, plants needing to have ripe fruits,” said Ginseng researcher and Eberly Professor of Biology at West Virginia University, Jim McGraw. “Once you make unenforceable rules people know that, they’re smart. You need to implement regulations that are going to be enforceable.”

Ginseng Regulation Reform: Wild v. Forest-Grown

Another conundrum is that the same rules that exist for wild ginseng plants, are often applied to forest-grown plants. McGraw explains that these regulations were conceived with the best intentions – to try to ensure wild plants would be able to mature and reproduce. But even for wild populations, McGraw says, the current regulations sometimes miss the mark.

Take for example one of the main ginseng rules: plants must be at least five years old to harvest…

“We know from our long-term monitoring of wild populations,” McGraw said, “that over 90 percent of the plants at age 5-years have never produced a single seed. And so that 5-year age limit does nothing to assure us that that plant has replaced itself.”

So that means, five years may not be long enough to help preserve wild populations. But for farmed ginseng, experts say, an age limit may not be necessary at all.

That’s why farmer’s pushed back a decade ago when federal regulators tried to say ginseng should be ten years old instead of five to legally harvest and export.

Robin Black at the Division of Forestry remembers how forest-growers threw down. 10 years was too long to wait for a return on investment, farmers said. And what if, in that time, ginseng was deemed illegal to export altogether (which is exactly what happened in Canada)?

West Virginia Ginseng Growing Program

“We started the ginseng grower program in 2006 out the request from a group called the Ginseng Growers Association,” Black remembers. “Ginseng growers came to us wanting to be able to grow ginseng on their own property so that if and when, if it ever happens that the ginseng season would ever be closed in the state of West Virginia those people that are legally growing it and registered with the state would be able to export ginseng out of the country and out of the state.”

To date, there are about 70 registered growers. But they struggle because of market insecurities, regulations, poaching and enforcement woes. Jim McGraw says research today is shedding new light on how to effectively build up the ginseng industry – especially regarding this forest-grown farming method.

McGraw  believes reworking regulations while thinking about forest-grown crops, could allow residents to take advantage of this valuable commodity, AND conserve wild populations.

A Native Seed Bank

And there are other steps we could take. McGraw says West Virginia could benefit enormously, for example, with a native ginseng seed bank.

“Right now, forest-plot-growers are mainly having to buy seed from Wisconsin and other cultivated sources, but we’d really rather have them using local sources.” McGraw said.

He pointed to stocking programs for fish as an example of effective programs that bolster natural resources. Current regulations prohibit collecting wild seed as a way to protect those populations, but McGraw thinks a better way to protect what exists might be to invest in it. McGraw says creating a permit program would be a simple way to make that possible.

“By whatever mechanism, whether it’s private enterprise or a government entity, we need local seed sources,” McGraw said. “I actually think there’s an opportunity for branding this whole thing, too. We could imagine a ‘West Virginia Ginseng’ that gets branded just like Vermont Maple Syrup gets branded and sold in a way that really economically benefits our residents of our state.”


A seed bank, and permit program are just a couple of McGraw’s suggestions. But other ideas to bolster the industry exist. A group out of Pennsylvania, for example just launched a certification program that establishes growing standards for the plant from seed to harvest.

But, while good ideas and some movement is encouraging for industry stakeholders, the stakes remain high. McGraw and many experts agree that in West Virginia with habitat loss, deer browsing, and increases in illegal harvesting techniques, the commodity could just as easily be altogether lost… if we do nothing to change current trends.

Can Ginseng Help Diversify W.Va.'s Economy? Part I

 The War on Coal, pressures from natural gas development, crumbling infrastructure, whatever you want to blame it on – jobs are becoming more and more scarce these days in communities dependent on coal. As a result, some folks are reaching back to their roots, literally and figuratively, to make ends meet – just as they have for generations. And there’s some big money there. Especially harvesting ginseng. But can plants like ginseng play a significant role in our economy today? Enquiring minds would like to know…

“The top five counties [producing ginseng] last year were Mingo, Wyoming, Logan, Randolph, and Mcdowell,” said West Virginia Division of Forestry’s Ginseng Coordinator, Robin Black.

For over 25 years, her role has been to monitor the industry. She says last year over 7,000 pounds were harvested. At last year’s average price of $750/pound, $5.5 million came into the state.

“The miners use that ginseng to pay bills, give them a Christmas, and that kind of stuff,” Black said. “So in southern coalfields, that’s big extra money that they can get during a small time period.”

But can ginseng play a more significant role in our economy? To answer that question, we have to understand some of the driving economic factors – the most important being that the most valuable ginseng roots are those that grow in Appalachian forests.

There are BASICALLY, three types of root:

1.    Wild

wild ginseng

  Wild seng is the good stuff. It’s the root that Asian markets will pay TOP dollar for (just as it has for the past 300 years).

“Wild plants tend to grow really slowly, their whole life history is very slow so it takes a long time for them to even get big enough to produce a single seed,” said ginseng researcher, ecologist at the Eberly School of Biology at WVU, Jim McGraw.

2.      Cultivated

cultivated ginseng

  “In the opposite extreme,” McGraw explained, “with extreme cultivation like happens in Wisconsin and Ontario, plants grow very quickly to adult size two to three years you can have plants producing seeds and be quite large…

Cultivated root is sold for a fraction of the price of wild ginseng. You can really tell when seng has been cultivated. The root is all swollen, fat, smooth, and white compared to wild seng which is scrawny, tortured, and dark.

3.      Forest-Grown

forest-grown ginseng

  Some mountain-folk have found that planting ginseng seeds in a more natural or wild setting produces a root that will fetch a more competitive price.

“These forest grown plants where people are actually planting seeds in the woods,” McGraw said, “they tend to be a little more like wild, but it depends what they do to them…”

So depending on the growing techniques, this forest-grown ginseng crop could be a game-changer, according to industry experts, academics, and others involved with ginseng.

Harding’s Ginseng

Larry Harding is one example of someone who has made a comfortable career forest-growing.

Credit Glynis Board
Larry Harding at Harding’s Ginseng Farm

“There’s not a person on this earth that could say that that’s not wild ginseng,” Harding said holding up a root he grew, “But that’s not wild ginseng. We planted that ginseng here on the farm.”

Harding’s father started his ginseng farm fifty years ago, just outside of Friendsville, Maryland. That’s just over the West Virginia border. The laws are a little different in Maryland, but Harding says each year he harvests 500 – 2,000 pounds of dry ginseng from over 80 acres of steep, forested land. It’s enough to provide Harding’s main source of income. And the price he can get for his forest-grown root compared to wild root?

“The difference in price when you’re talking about root like this? Little to none,” Harding said standing over a pile of roots.

Harding markets his product as having “wild characteristics, taste, color, and texture.” He says it’s the quality of this forest-grown sang that fetches funds comparable to that of wild sang.

Coalfields React to Part of Obama's Budget

President Barack Obama’s new budget proposal includes more than $3 billion worth of tax credits and other spending to help the Appalachian region recover from the declining coal industry. People across the coalfields are responding with mixed feelings.

In southern West Virginia, many people see initiatives from the Obama administration and the federal Environmental Protection Agency to reduce carbon emissions as an attack on their livelihoods.

So it’s not surprising to hear skepticism and doubt from the coalfields when the president announces intentions to throw a financial lifeline to Appalachia.

Eighteen year-old Brock Harris of Princeton, is glad to hear that Washington is paying attention to the struggles of the region.  But he remains skeptical if this part of the budget will remain a priority on Capitol Hill.

“We would be able to get all the miners who lost their jobs, who have a grudge about it, that’s angry about losing their jobs, kind of getting back on their feet,” Harris said.

So far this announcement hasn’t changed feelings of resentment from some coal miners. On Facebook one coal miner even said Obama’s plan gives “… the state money to remodel and cover up the poverty he created.”

A part of Obama’s proposed tax credits for the Appalachian region includes $25 million to help coal communities create economic development plans.

As of now, Harris doesn’t plan to stay in West Virginia after college. But he says an economic development plan that includes a diversified economy, might change his future.

“If it works out I would stay,” he said. “I mean if it has a better economy and it has what I’m going to school for I wouldn’t mind staying because you know it is my home and if they have a better economy by that time it would be a good thing to be able to stay and stay in my hometown.”

Betsy Taylor is a cultural anthropologist who’s worked for 30 years at Virginia Tech in Appalachian studies. She says she hopes that more economic development will invest in Appalachia’s vast cultural wealth.

“For this to work it’s really important that people in the community are able to help design what happens. And nurture the local culture, the local music. You’ve got to have local creativity involved. We need to reallyvalue what we’ve got.”

Another portion of the budget includes a $20 million investment into retraining laid off miners for other professions.

A similar program was created in 2012 called the Coal Mining National Emergency Grant. The grant provides up to $5,000 per participant for in demand jobs, such as Commercial Driver’s License or (CDL), Welding, Electrical Engineering, and more.

In West Virginia the latest count tallied 513 people that have enrolled in this training program and 321 have completed.

Funds are still available to miners that have lost their jobs through Workforce West Virginia.

Hear more on Inside Appalachia, February 8.

Credit Jessica Lilly
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Laid off workers explore new options.
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