Political Lightning Round: Justice Versus Cole

On this Front Porch podcast, Scott, Laurie and Rick debate Bill Cole’s drug policy, Jim Justice’s tourism plan and a resurrected rooster.

Will stricter mandatory minimum sentences for drug dealers help curb usage in the state, as Bill Cole suggests?

What would Jim Justice’s focus on increasing revenue through tourism really look like?

And what politically-minded program would let the week slip by without discussing Donald Trump’s “Second Amendment people” comments?

All this, plus a sneak peak at Rick Wilson’s upcoming memoir and a story about a very special rooster, here on “The Front Porch.”

Subscribe to “The Front Porch” podcast on iTunes or however you listen to podcasts.

An edited version of “The Front Porch” airs Fridays at 4:50 p.m. on West Virginia Public Broadcasting’s radio network, and the full version is available above.

Share your opinions with us about these issues, and let us know what you’d like us to discuss in the future. Send a tweet to @radiofinn or @wvpublicnews, or e-mail Scott at sfinn @ wvpublic.org

The Front Porch is underwritten by The Charleston Gazette Mail, providing both sides of the story on its two editorial pages. Check it out: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/

Ex-Dem Nominee Starts 3rd-party West Virginia Governor Bid

West Virginia’s Democratic nominee for governor from 20 years ago is jumping into this year’s race outside of the two major political parties.

Charlotte Pritt filed paperwork with the secretary of state Friday to run for governor as a member of the Mountain Party, West Virginia’s Green Party affiliate.

Pritt, who was a pro-labor, liberal member of the state House and Senate, defeated now-U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin for the Democratic nomination for governor in 1996. She lost to former Republican Gov. Cecil Underwood in the general election.

Pritt says she supported Bernie Sanders and will vote for the Green Party’s Jill Stein for president.

Pritt joins billionaire Democratic businessman Jim Justice, Republican state Senate President Bill Cole and Libertarian farmer David Moran on the November ballot.

Manchin Defends Clinton after RNC Criticism

During the first evening of keynote addresses at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Monday, several speakers called for Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to be imprisoned after a using a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. 

West Virginia’s only Democratic Congressional leader defended Clinton Tuesday.

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin said the rhetoric displayed at the Republican National Convention Monday night “has no place” in politics in the country.

“If you’re a Democrat and you want to blame Republicans, go right ahead. There’s enough blame for the Republicans and if you’re a Republican and you want to blame Democrats, go right ahead,” Manchin said during a stop in Charleston.

“If you’re an American and you want to fix things, then let’s sit down and work through them.”

Manchin will be attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next week as a delegate and will cast his vote for Hillary Clinton-the candidate he’s been backing since early 2015.

When it comes to Clinton’s potential running mate, Manchin said U.S. Senator and former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine is his top choice.

Kaine is reportedly on Clinton’s short list. 

The 270 Project: Try To Predict Who Will Win The Election

Donald Trump has staked his brand on winning. "We will have so much winning," he has said in this campaign, "if I get elected, that you may get bored with…

Donald Trump has staked his brand on winning. “We will have so much winning,” he has said in this campaign, “if I get elected, that you may get bored with winning.” But can he win the presidential election? In a country that has changed rapidly demographically, Trump’s best shot is to drive up turnout among white voters, especially white men. But how likely is that? We at NPR Politics wanted a data-driven, quantitative way to answer the fundamental question of whether Trump can win, or if this is Hillary Clinton’s race to lose — and give readers the power to test it out themselves. There’s perhaps no better way to do that than through demographics. It’s by no means a crystal ball, but how we identify is arguably among the best predictors of how we will vote. So we created The 270 Project, a handy tool where you can adjust voter turnout and margin of victory for five demographic groups — white women, white men, African-Americans, Latinos and others (Asian, Native American, mixed race) — to see what it would take for Trump or Clinton to win. (The project derives its name from the number of electoral votes needed to win the White House — 270.) Give it a shot and see what you come up with.


Senator Kessler Reflects on Defeat and W.Va.'s Future

As the poll results came in the evening of Election Day, it was clear Senate Minority Leader Jeff Kessler would not take the Democratic nomination for governor.

But losing the race doesn’t just mean Kessler won’t be moving into the governor’s mansion in January, it means the end of his legislative career, at least for now. Kessler sat down with West Virginia Public Broadcasting to discuss his legacy after nearly two decades in the statehouse. These are some of the thoughts he shared.

About the Campaign Trail

It was a grassroots campaign. I was way under-funded. I spent maybe $250,000. I know some of that was money I carried over from old campaigns; I fundraised myself maybe $100,000. Obviously Mr. Justice spent $2.5 million and he won. I’m comforted by the fact that in the areas that know me best, I won.

I gave it my best shot. The message I was espousing is the truth – if you think whoever is going to take office and not raise some taxes, you’re fooling yourself. My message: investing in people, education, substance abuse programs, and infrastructure – roads, highways, and most particularly broadband? That’s our path forward. Whoever is going to be in that governor’s office, if we are going to move ourselves forward, that’s really what we’re going to have to do.

In Good Hands? Justice v. Cole

I don’t know. I’m concerned.

I’ve seen Senator Cole and while I like Bill personally, I think [republicans] are taking us down the wrong path. I’ve seen the radical republican agenda they’ve been running, whether it’s raw milk or RFRA … and it appears to be based not so much in sound public policy, but in an attempt to consolidate political power.

I haven’t heard anything out of Mr. Justice that would cause me to believe that he truly believes in a lot of the Democratic ideals and values. He’s been very silent during the campaign. I know he’s been a recent convert to the party, having switched to being the Democratic Party back in February of 2015 – then in May filed pre-candidacy to be the governor. I’ve yet to hear a lot of specifics out of him that would lead me to believe he’s going to have a progressive and inclusive agenda that will really attack the issues and double down on the things we need to do.

On the Budget

I predict they’re going to do exactly what I’ve been telling them they’re going to HAVE to do: we have to raise some taxes. Governor Tomblin is now going to advance several revenue enhancement measures. Cigarette tax, probably a consumers’ sales tax, possibly a gasoline tax, a cell phone tax – you’re going to see a cafeteria menu of new tax measures. And we’re going to have to pass at least some of them to raise a couple hundred million dollars, or we’re not going to balance the budget.

We’ve cut 20-25 percent of the budget in the last three or four years. There’s no fat left. You are now going to be cutting into programs that truly will hurt our people: free health clinics, state police barracks, libraries. And cutting funding to education is so counter-productive? I don’t think the senate Democrats will go along with it. I can assure you I’ll rant and rail against it.

Winning the War on Coal

You’ve got to be honest with people and show them a path forward. We need to invest in our people to build our workforce. The biggest challenge we have in our state is we have a low workforce participation rate which means we have so few of our people working. Why? Because they don’t have the skill sets or education to do the jobs that the world is moving into. Research and development, healthcare, things of that nature.

We have to redefine ourselves as a state. We’ve been a coal-dependent economy for 100 years. I tell folks when I walk in a room: “What’s been the most dominant industry in the history of the state?” 

"Why are we diverting so much energy into winning a war that, even if you win, you're still last!?" Kessler asked. "It's nonsense."


They’ll say, “COAL!”

I’ll say, “Well is there a war on coal?”

They’ll say, “HELL YEAH!”

“Well let me ask you a question: During coal’s heyday was West Virginia’s economy in the top five, middle five, or bottom five, nationally?”

They’ll scratch their head and say, “Probably the bottom five.”

Why are we diverting so much energy into winning a war that, even if you win, you’re still last!? It’s nonsense. 

We need to redefine ourselves like they have in Pittsburgh where they lost their steel industry and became a research and commerce center, an education Mecca for higher education. We’ve got WVU, Marshall, West Liberty, Wheeling Jesuit, we’re right next to Carnegie Mellon, we’ve got the research corridor in north central West Virginia, we’ve got a growing Eastern Panhandle. And yet to continue to pound the drum that we’ve got to have pick and shovel coal mining in order to bring our economy back is just a terrible fallacy.

Lessons from the North for the South

We went through the steel mill shut down and contraction and that’s why I’ve told the folks in the southern coal fields: Don’t tell me I haven’t seen it before. When I first went to the senate in 1997 the leading employer in the state was Weirton Steel. Second was Wheeling Steel. There were 27,000 people working.

And we were going to SAVE the steel industry, by golly. We marched on Washington and had all the politicians on a stage caravans and buses… and guess what? Wheeling Steel doens’t exist anymore and Weirton Steel has about 700 people there.  We couldn’t stop it.

Same with Pittsburgh! It was a steel town. You know how many steel mills it has today? Zero. But look at their sky line. It’s all commerce and banking and industry and research and education. Those are the kinds of things we can do.

What’s Next for Jeff Kessler

I’ve been in this legislature for 20 years. You can burn out on doing it. I’ve done everything I can do in that venue. I’ve appreciated my opportunity to serve the people of the state but it was time for me to move up or go home. I’ve got five kids, three of them are at the ages of 10, 7, and 2. I’ve decided that being gone two and three months a year at the legislature living out of a hotel room it just wasn’t fair to them anymore.

I decided we’re going to live under the same roof somewhere. At the end of the day I’ll return to my practice of law, probably make more money, and get to spend more time with my family and wife. Not a bad fall back!

Final Thoughts

I love my state. I’ve given it my all and laid it all on the field and we lost. I’m a big sports fan. Sometimes the best team and the best player doesn’t always win. 

It’s been an honor and I’ll continue to help in any way I can to help move my state forward. I do love my state. I truly do. I only want what’s best for it.


Walker Wins First Nonpartisan Election to the W.Va. Supreme Court

After losing a close race in 2008, Morgantown attorney Beth Walker has come back to win the first nonpartisan election to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. She did it with substantial backing from outside groups.

Beth Walker and her immediate family watched the results from her lakeside home just outside Morgantown. She held a strong lead from the beginning but was hesitant to call the race until it was clear her lead wasn’t going to fade.

That’s when her phone began dinging steadily with texts and tweets of congratulations.

“I’m just so grateful to everyone who’s helped and all the voters of West Virginia who have obviously shown some trust and confidence in me being able to serve in the next twelve years on the Supreme Court,” Walker said.

This year is the first time judges were elected on a nonpartisan basis. It’s also the first time the Supreme Court candidates were decided in the Primary Election.

Walker says she supports the nonpartisan election of Supreme Court judges and plans to carry out her term in a similar way.

“The entire campaign we’ve talked about the importance of the rule of law,” she noted, “and that’s going to be my first priority is that and taking politics out of the court. You know, we’ve made an excellent step forward I think as West Virginia electing judges as a nonpartisan election, and I plan to take that onto the court with the commitment to the best I can, at least as one justice to take politics out of the court.”

It may have been a nonpartisan election, but partisan groups poured money into TV ads supporting Walker and attacking fellow candidates Darrell McGraw and Bill Wooton. The Republican State Leadership Committee – Judicial Fairness Initiative and other groups dropped about $2 million on the campaign.

Walker beat current justice Brent Benjamin who released a statement saying, “This race had unique difficulties for the candidates. To prevail was not an easy thing.”

Former Attorney General Darrell McGraw came in at a distant second. He declined to comment on the results.

Walker is now the third woman to ever serve on the state’s highest court. She joins Justices Margaret Workman and Robin Davis – meaning the state’s Supreme Court has a female majority for the first time.

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