Us & Them: Locked Out Of Voting?

Millions of people in the U.S. cannot vote because they’ve been convicted of a felony. A majority of those are not currently in prison, but on probation or parole. In this episode, we look at the nation’s patchwork of voting rights laws and the confusion they can create.

More than 4.5 million Americans cannot vote because of a felony conviction but only about a quarter are currently in prison. 

On the newest episode of Us & Them, host Trey Kay talks with people who support expanded voting rights for felons, and those who say people who’ve committed crimes should forfeit their rights until they serve their entire sentence, including any probation or parole. 

Felon disenfranchisement laws differ significantly from state to state and even legal experts say it can be difficult for someone to know their rights. In a few states, a person can vote from prison, while in others, voting rights are restored upon release or completion of parole or probation. Despite recent trends to expand voting rights, some states are moving in the opposite direction. In Florida, voters passed an amendment to restore voting rights to most people with felonies, but lawmakers passed a new law requiring that people pay all of their court fees first. And in Virginia, only the governor can restore the right to vote for someone convicted of a felony. 

This episode of Us & Them is presented with support from the West Virginia Humanities Council and the CRC Foundation.

Subscribe to Us & Them on Apple Podcasts, NPR One, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher and beyond.

Anthony Cole, 32, is from Huntington, West Virginia. He was released from prison in May 2023 after serving 12 and a half years for second-degree murder.

“I started life over, I’m living as a productive citizen. I work for the food bank. I’m trying to give back to the community at the same time, as well as feed myself. Like, I’m back into society, I should be able to be a part of society … That’s what our politics and our whole system is off of. [It’s] supposed to be equality … But it feels even less than now because my voice is completely silenced in that matter.”

— Anthony Cole

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Sara Carter is a legal fellow with the Brennan Center, a nonprofit dedicated to civil liberties and voting rights. She tracks nationwide trends and variations in voting laws for felons from state to state. She says in some states, felons can vote no matter what crimes they’ve been convicted of — even from prison. On the other end of the spectrum, in Virginia, for example, those convicted of a felony can only restore their voting rights with an appeal to the governor.

“Everyone should be able to have a say in who governs them, and everyone should be able to be represented, no matter how they choose to exercise that right when it comes to an election.”

— Sara Carter

Photo Credit: Brennan Center for Justice
Natalie Delia Deckard is an associate professor of criminology at the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada.

“There is absolutely no way to talk about voting rights in the United States without talking about the fact that the United States has the highest incarceration rate in not only the world but in world history. We know that incarceration is not sprinkled randomly through the society, it’s not just that men are overwhelmingly more likely to have criminal records. It’s that racialized men are more likely to have criminal records, because of the ways in which we understand crime … It’s also about poverty and class. It’s poor men that go to jail, they go to prison. We absolutely know that class divisions very much predict voting divisions.”

— Natalie Delia Deckard

Photo Credit: University of Windsor
Mac Warner is West Virginia’s Secretary of State. He’s running for governor this year as a Republican.

“They have violated the state code, they have committed a criminal offense. And they have shown that they are not worthy at that time, they’ve done something to go against the people of the state of West Virginia. And so we wouldn’t want people who are committing crimes to then be a part of a system that would allow them to vote for someone who may then decide to change and say, ‘These criminal offenses are OK.’ It serves as a deterrent value. So people know that they lose those rights when they commit an offense. And, again, this is just part of the criminal justice system. We all want them to be a part of society, again, with voting rights, but we want them to serve their time for the crime that they committed. There is no effort to suppress votes or to keep somebody from voting.”

— Mac Warner, West Virginia’s Secretary of State

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Mike Stuart was the former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of West Virginia. He currently serves in the West Virginia State Senate and is running for state attorney general.

“I know that we live in a period of time, where there’s a heavy emphasis on criminal rights. I support that, too. We’ve got to make sure we treat folks humanely, that we try to be in the business of rehab and rehabilitation and treatment, especially when it comes to the drug scourge. But I’m focused on victims. …I fully support the idea of the restoration of rights, but after you’ve served your entire penance, to society … and that means … not only your time behind bars, but your period of supervised release, if there’s a period of probation, it’s at the end of that entirety, that you ought to get the restoration of rights. West Virginia already does this today. I just think I’m one of those folks that truly believe that there’s a purpose to punishment, we don’t do it to hurt people. We do it for the rehabilitation part … they’re not part-time, or lesser citizens because they don’t have the right to vote. And we didn’t take that right from them. They took it from themselves when they committed the heinous crime, whatever crime it happened to be.”

— Mike Stuart, WV State Senator

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Autumn McCraw was born and raised in West Virginia. She says she used drugs for several years and spent more than two and a half years in prison for felony convictions. After she was released from her most recent incarceration, she went to a recovery residence. She says she hasn’t used drugs in over six years. After she was released from parole, she registered to vote and decided to laminate her voter registration card.

“I opened the card … and I held it in my hand, and I just looked at it and I’m like, ‘I have arrived.’ It was a really emotional moment for me. I cried because I felt like I belonged again. Like I can contribute again. Like this is my ticket back into the forefront of society and not just necessarily in the shadows or in the underbelly.”

— Autumn McCraw

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Us & Them: Another Small Town Paper Down

Across the nation, there are more and more local news deserts; communities with no local newspaper, television or radio station to cover what’s going on. When a small town paper like The Welch News in McDowell County, WV, can’t compete and shuts down, losing those local eyes and ears can affect accountability. No one is there to watch over things. Local news also provides a sense of cohesion and identity for a community. What happens when it’s gone? This story was supported by the Pulitzer Center.

Our country’s divides often reveal themselves in our choices and habits, including how and where we get our information. As the economics of the media landscape have imploded, the economics of the industry have forced changes. In the past two decades, online sites have taken over much of the income stream from classified ads and general advertising. That has led newspapers and broadcasters to slash thousands of jobs. Many local news outlets have gone out of business and there are now more than 200 counties across the country with no source of local news. 

One of those is McDowell County in West Virginia. Last year, publisher Missy Nester was forced to shut down the Welch Daily News after a valiant effort to keep the paper running. Join host Trey Kay and reporter Todd Melby on this episode of Us & Them to see what happens when local news organizations stop telling the stories of a community.

This episode of Us & Them is presented with support from the Pulitzer Center, the West Virginia Humanities Council and the CRC Foundation.

Subscribe to Us & Them on Apple Podcasts, NPR One, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher and beyond.

Derek Tyson and Missy Nester on the back steps of the now shuttered building that housed The Welch News.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
Downtown Welch, West Virginia.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
Before the Welch Daily News shut down operations, publisher Missy Nester bought another regional paper, the Pineville Independent-Herald for $1.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
Missy Nester, taking a break in the printing press room of The Welch News.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
Missy Nester kept a collection of coal-related books and pamphlets in her office, including some from the last century showing several dozen coal companies operating in McDowell County.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
The Welch News closed down operations in March 2023.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
A discarded iMac rests on top of bound copies of The Welch News.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
The Welch News printing press dates to 1966, says publisher Missy Nester.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
The Welch News hired drivers three days a week to deliver the paper to homes in nearly every holler, road and neighborhood in McDowell County.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
Derek Tyson and Missy Nester on a smoke break in the front office of The Welch News before the paper shut down in 2023.

Photo Credit: Todd Melby
Us & Them Host Trey Kay with Steve Waldman, co-founder of Report for America, which is modeled on Teach for America. Instead of bringing teachers to schools, Waldman’s focus is on bringing reporters to newsrooms around the nation. He’s currently the president of Rebuild Local News, a nonprofit dedicated to finding new ways to fund local journalism.

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Us & Them Encore: Dicamba Woes

In February, a federal judge in Arizona halted the spraying of the herbicide dicamba, but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says farmers are allowed to use it for this coming growing season. In this installment of Us & Them, we listen back to a story from our archives, exploring the heated conflict unraveling in agricultural communities.

There’s a nationwide rift among farmers over the use of dicamba, a popular herbicide. A 2024 federal court ruling has halted dicamba’s use, but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given the green light for farmers to use existing supplies this year.

In this episode of Us & Them, we revisit a story from our archives that delves into the intense battle unfolding in farm country. Originally designed to help soybean farmers combat ‘pigweed,’ dicamba has proven controversial because it drifts from where it’s sprayed, causing harm to desirable plants. The legal fallout has reached a point where farmers and gardeners hesitate to speak out about crop or plant damage due to fear.

On the flip side, those advocating for dicamba have taken the matter to court, challenging the authority over pesticide use rules in some states. In a departure from the typical tight-knit atmosphere of rural farm communities, where issues are often resolved locally, Arkansas is experiencing an un-neighborly atmosphere, with tensions escalating.

This episode of Us & Them is presented with support from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, the West Virginia Humanities Council and the CRC Foundation.

Subscribe to Us & Them on Apple Podcasts, NPR One, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher and beyond.

Terry Fuller, former member of the Arkansas Plant Board, shows Us & Them host Trey Kay the place where several of his hay bales were set ablaze not long after he made public statements calling for limitation on the use of a special formulation of dicamba during the growing season. Fuller also says that two of his tractors were vandalized which caused more than $60,000 worth of damage.

Photo Credit: Loretta Williams
Terry Fuller, former member of the Arkansas Plant Board, displays a couple of signs that have repeatedly been posted alongside the roads near his house. One sign could be seen from his daughter’s bedroom window on Christmas Day.

Photo Credit: Loretta Williams
Richard Coy’s family has been in the honey producing business since the 1960s. Over the years, Coy’s Honey Farm became the largest commercial bee business in Arkansas. Coy claims dicamba has had an adverse effect on the plant life necessary for honey bees to thrive and produce honey. He says the conditions got so bad that he and his family had to move their business from Arkansas to Mississippi.

Photo Credit: Loretta Williams
Franklin Fogelman, a soybean farmer in Arkansas, speaking at a special session of the Arkansas Plant Board in 2019. He believes farmers like him need to be able to use dicamba during the growing season to control weeds in their fields.

Photo Credit: Loretta Williams
Reed Storey, a soybean and cotton farmer, opposes the use of the newer formulations of dicamba during the growing season because he believes the herbicide can harm the crops of neighboring farmers. He sees this as “big agriculture against smaller growers.”

Photo Credit: Loretta Williams
Charles “Bo” Sloan is the manager of the Dale Bumpers White River Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas. He says dicamba has a tendency to volatilize when the weather gets above 85 degrees. When the chemical transforms into a gas, it can drift away from its intended targets. Sloan has heard the complaints that dicamba might adversely impact agriculture, and is also worried that it might be harming the environment in some of the nation’s protected lands.

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Check out the original Farm Wars episode the Us & Them team produced for Reveal in 2019.

Us & Them: Navigating Post-Pandemic Medicaid

Medicaid is undergoing a major review to determine the eligibility of millions, but not everyone is getting the notice. For this Us & Them, we look at changes to a health care safety net program that serves more than 90 million low-income Americans.

Our health care systems continue to struggle from aftereffects of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The most recent example spotlights Medicaid — a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage for more than 90 million Americans with limited resources. After several years of continuous coverage, now everyone must reapply for eligibility. 

In this episode of Us & Them, host Trey Kay reports more than a quarter of West Virginia residents rely on Medicaid for their healthcare. It pays for three-quarters of West Virginia’s nursing home residents, and nearly half of the state’s school kids use Medicaid to pay for their annual checkups. However, the application process is finding many ineligible because of changes in personal information and contact data that weren’t updated in the system. 

Join us as we look at the ‘unwinding’ of Medicaid, as millions of the nation’s most vulnerable struggle to maintain their health coverage. 

This episode of Us & Them is presented with support from the West Virginia Humanities Council, the Daywood Foundation and the CRC Foundation.

Subscribe to Us & Them on Apple Podcasts, NPR One, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher and beyond.

Tricia Brooks, a research professor at the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, parses out the nitty gritty details behind Medicaid access to explain how Medicaid coverage changed under the pandemic. The re-enrollment process for Medicaid involves millions of people, but the government cracking down on eligibility isn’t new. Like many safety net programs, Brooks told Us & Them’s Trey Kay that Medicaid is vulnerable to the push and pull of politics in Washington.

“In 2018, there were efforts made by the administration at that time to have a chilling effect on Medicaid and Medicaid enrollment for kids dropped by one million kids. And that same year, the uninsured rate for kids went up by a half a percentage point. We’d gotten down to about 5 percent uninsured kids. If we’ve lost 3.5 million, we’re talking about another 50 percent increase in the share of uninsured children in this country. And that would be a real travesty after decades of working to try to bring health coverage to almost every American child.” — Tricia Brooks, Georgetown University Center for Children and Families

Photo Credit: Georgetown University
Director Craig Robinson oversees Cabin Creek Health Systems, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in West Virginia. Cabin Creek, like other FQHCs, exists to give low-cost care to people in need. Robinson showed Trey Kay the 14-page Medicaid application the government sent out after the COVID-19 health emergency ended. He said people are required to fill it out and send it back, to determine their ongoing eligibility for Medicaid coverage.

“I’ve actually tried to complete it [the form] myself. And I couldn’t get through it because I couldn’t understand what they were asking for. They want to know about the situation of everybody in the family, including their medical situation. They want to know about your assets, and I had no idea that assets mattered in terms of Medicaid eligibility. I thought it was all income. But they’re asking for, what’s in your checking account, what’s in your savings account kind of thing. How do I fill this out in a way that I don’t mistakenly declare myself ineligible?” — Craig Robinson, director of Cabin Creek Health Systems, Charleston, West Virginia

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Jake Van Horn is a psychologist and community impact officer for Cabin Creek Health Systems in Charleston, West Virginia.

“It’s extremely short sighted to think that the upfront or initial investment in something like Medicaid doesn’t pay you dividends, in the long run. A community being better put together. Having better health care creates better employees, creates better employment opportunities, creates growth, creates better parents, creates better kids, creates better caregivers. People not struggling so much to maintain basic health, does create a more advantageous society.” — Jake Van Horn, Cabin Creek Health Systems, Charleston, West Virginia

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Katie May, psychologist and clinical director for Cabin Creek Health System’s Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Program, said that many of her substance use disorder patients don’t have time to parse through Medicaid’s 14-page re-enrollment form that’s full of legalese.

“Some of them might be experiencing homelessness. I was on Medicaid during graduate school and just graduated a while ago. And so when they started doing these annual reviews again, I was getting call after call from Medicaid to do my reviews and I was thinking, ‘How are my patients missing these reviews? They won’t leave me alone.’ But it’s also a privilege that I’ve had the same phone number for 15 years and that I have an address forwarding that they were able to keep up with me. Some of my patients, for various reasons, have a different cell phone number every couple months. Whether it’s their phone is being stolen; they’re losing their phone; they can’t afford a service and are having to change services. So, yes, a 14-page application, but that’s even if they get it. And then my patients are coming in and the first time that they’re finding out about this is us telling them, ‘Oh, it looks like your Medicaid has expired.’ And then there’s panic, of course, because that’s how they get their treatment. That’s how they get lifesaving medication.” — Katie May, Cabin Creek Health Systems, Charleston, West Virginia

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
It’s true that publicly funded medical insurance opens the door for a lot of Americans to take better care of their health. Deedra Toppings, from Branchland, West Virginia, has had significant health challenges, some of which came during the pandemic when she was not working and eligible for Medicaid. COVID-19-era policies gave Deedra’s family a taste of stable insurance that actually worked for them. But when she returned to work, the circumstances changed. As Medicaid returns to business as usual, people are losing resources that made their lives better.

“I feel like we’re being punished because we want to work and we want to better our lives and make sure our children have what they need. When I didn’t work, and we didn’t want more for our lives, we would get the Medicaid and it would help with the hospital bills, the doctor bills, whatever. But because we both want to work, I mean, we do not make a ton of money, we don’t have extras, we don’t have all of this stuff. It just kind of feels like we’re punished, because when we work, then we don’t get the help that I necessarily need for my health.” — Deedra Toppings, Branchland, West Virginia

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
James Hairston, 63, is a disabled coal miner living in St. Albans, West Virginia. He told Trey Kay that his disability occurred when “1,800 pounds of sandstone and coal” collapsed on him and pinned him to the mine floor. Hairston and his wife are both disabled. He used to get Medicaid benefits, which meant he could use home health care. That provided help with household chores and meals. He didn’t see it as a handout, just some help. Under the COVID-19 emergency declaration, Hairston couldn’t be removed from Medicaid. But once that ended, the state reported that he made too much to qualify.

“It’s a real hurting feeling. I’ve worked to provide a good living for my wife and kids. It’s hard for me to look at it and say, ‘Well, you know, you cut me off.’ And I didn’t bring this pain and all this stuff to myself. It’s just, I mean, I love what I was doing and I miss it so bad and I still had a lot of good years left in me.” — James Hairston

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
James Hairston shows the crack in the miner’s helmet that he was wearing the day the mine ceiling fell in on him and ended his coal mining career.

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Eric Hicks works with a range of Medicaid clients, including James Hairston, through the local home care company he runs called Right At Home. Right At Home is a nationwide franchise and in West Virginia, most of the company’s business comes from Medicaid patients. Hicks says when the government stops paying for a person’s home care, it puts families in a bind. Most times, they’ll try to find friends or family to help out. If that’s not available, the only other alternative is often a skilled nursing facility.

Trey Kay asked Hicks what Medicaid gives someone like James Hairston. The answer is simple: autonomy.

“There is absolutely a place for skilled nursing facilities and the services that they provide. When a person graduates from in-home care, that’s where they go, because we cannot meet all their needs. But it’s that gap in between, that people want to stay at home and they have the ability to stay at home if they have a little bit of assistance. They want to have all their things that they have at home and not be forced to leave their home to go to a place that they’re not comfortable with. A lot of people don’t want to be in a more institutionalized setting, they want to be able to comfortably have as many of their family and friends over to visit whenever they want to come by, not be restricted by time constraints, et cetera.” — Eric Hicks, president of Right at Home, Charleston, West Virginia

Photo Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Check out our colleague Emily Rice’s AP of the Virginias award-nominated series Unwinding Medicaid.

Us & Them: The Geography Of Abortion

State borders are now all important in determining access to abortion. Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, West Virginia’s only abortion clinic has moved across the border to Maryland to continue providing abortions.

State borders are the new front lines in the nation’s abortion battle. On this episode of Us & Them, host Trey Kay looks at the evolving geography of abortion. 

Since a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision overturned federal abortion rights, 21 states have either banned or restricted abortion access, including West Virginia. Meanwhile, West Virginia’s neighbor, Maryland, is one of 22 states that are protecting abortion rights and expanding access. 

Kay follows the decision of Women’s Health Center of West Virginia to move its abortion services from Charleston to a new clinic just over the border near Cumberland, Maryland. The move was intentional, because Western Maryland, like West Virginia, is a so-called abortion desert. The two regions have some deep political and cultural similarities. Western Maryland Republicans say they feel ignored by the overwhelmingly liberal, Democratic legislature in Annapolis. They say the new abortion clinic is not wanted or needed in their part of Maryland, and they blame the clinic’s presence on the fallout from Roe v. Wade’s defeat.  

This episode of Us & Them is presented with support from the West Virginia Humanities Council and the CRC Foundation.

Subscribe to Us & Them on Apple Podcasts, NPR One, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher and beyond.

Katie Quiñonez stood in the waiting room of the Women’s Health Center of Maryland, located about 10 miles south of Cumberland, Maryland. Quiñonez is executive director of this health center. She is also the executive director of the Women’s Health Center of West Virginia, which is located in Charleston and was West Virginia’s only abortion clinic until that state banned abortion in September 2022. The West Virginia center still provides reproductive health services, but in the summer of 2023, the Women’s Health Center relocated its abortion services to the Maryland clinic which is less than two miles from the West Virginia border.

Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Subsequent to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling in June 2022, Gov. Jim Justice signed a measure into law that banned abortions in West Virginia, with limited exceptions. Justice called the signed bill the “protect life” law. The law bans abortions in West Virginia except in cases when the mother’s life is in danger, or instances of rape and incest that are reported to law enforcement in a timely manner. Any abortion must be performed in a hospital within eight weeks for adults and 14 weeks for minors.

“I believe wholeheartedly that it does one thing that is absolutely so important. It does protect life.” — West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice

Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Abortion access in the U.S. varied widely even during the Roe v. Wade era. Some states had lots of clinics, others had just a few. But every state had at least one. That changed when Dobbs ended the federal right to an abortion and let states come up with their own regulations.

Now, abortion access has become even more fragmented and deeply polarized. Fourteen states, including West Virginia, have essentially banned abortion. They have become what some call “abortion deserts.” Seven states have imposed stricter legal limits, while 22 states have moved to protect abortion rights and expand access. Maryland is one of those states.

In May 2023, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore approved laws that do several things. They allow a wider range of medical professionals to perform abortions. They maintain the privacy of abortion-related medical records. And they shield doctors and others from criminal investigations by states with more restrictive abortion laws.

“I’m very proud to sign legislation that will protect access to abortion in Maryland. In this moment of serious consequences for women and for all Marylanders, Maryland can and will lead on this issue of abortion access. And I want to say to all women who are out there who are wondering what will happen. Who are worried about their future. Please hear me loud and clear. Maryland will always be a safe haven for abortion access and abortion rights.” — Maryland Gov. Wes Moore

Credit: Gov. Wes Moore’s X (Twitter) Post
Maryland Democrats, who control the state’s legislature, want abortion rights written into the state constitution. The General Assembly has placed a reproductive rights amendment on the ballot for November 2024. Democratic Del. Joseline Peña-Melnyk chairs the House Delegates’ Health and Government Services Committee, where the amendment was first considered. She said an abortion rights amendment is necessary, even though Maryland has been a reliably blue state for a long time.

“It’s necessary because we feel very strongly that we want Maryland to remain a state that protects abortion access. On the ballot this November, Maryland voters will once again be able to affirmatively and resoundingly say their reproductive freedom should be a constitutional right. It is the highest protection that we can give our constituents.” — Maryland Del. Joseline Peña-Melnyk

Credit: Maryland Del. Joseline Peña-Melnyk (D), MD 21
Maryland’s drive to protect abortion rights and access has attracted OB-GYNs to the state including Dr. Anne Banfield. She moved her practice to a hospital system in Southern Maryland after working for 13 years at a hospital in Elkins, West Virginia.

“I had spent a lot of years trying to recruit to our practice there and working a lot of shifts, taking a lot of calls. And then on top of that, you know, trying to advocate within the state, trying to advocate at the state government level to protect reproductive rights in West Virginia. And I got this great opportunity in Maryland, which is a very friendly and protective state from a women’s health and reproductive health standpoint. And we saw the writing on the wall, and I knew I was coming here and I was going to have to work less in a more friendly environment, and I just couldn’t pass that up. I don’t think I would have left otherwise.” — Dr. Anne Banfield, OB-GYN

Credit: Dr. Anne Banfield/MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital
Cresta Kowalski is the president of the Mountain Maryland Alliance for Reproductive Freedom. She said prior to the opening of the Women’s Health Center of Maryland, her group had been exploring how to bring an abortion clinic to Western Maryland.

“We were like, okay, a five to 10 year goal would be an indie clinic out here in mountain Maryland. And then in January, I get an email saying, ‘Hi, I’m Katie Quiñonez and my friend Ramsie Monk and I work with the Women’s Health Center of Charleston and we’d like to speak with you.’ And they had already found the location and it was perfect. It was made for the operation … I was relieved that we could have options for people that didn’t have options.” — Cresta Kowalski

Credit: Cresta Kowalski/Facebook
Michael Mudge is the pastor and founder of Bethany House of the Lord, an evangelical Christian church. He and several other anti-abortion advocates from Western Maryland came together to form Abortion Free Allegeny. He said their goals are to let people know about the clinic, organize demonstrations against it, and raise awareness about pregnancy support centers and other abortion alternatives. Mudge said he and others opposed to abortion do not like having a clinic in their backyard, but he knows it has a right to be there.

“What we’re dealing with here in Allegheny County, Maryland, is a direct result of the Dobbs decision. The West Virginia Legislature took the opportunity after the Dobbs decision to pass legislation effectively banning abortion. And the Maryland state legislature, as in many other states, has responded to the Dobbs decision by radicalizing even more their pro-abortion legislation. So, we’re caught up in the middle of that. It’s just that here, we’re in a part of Maryland that doesn’t fit well in Maryland.” — Michael Mudge

Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Mudge referred to the political segregation that has deepened in Maryland as it has across the country. 

There’s the rural, conservative, Republican Maryland of the western panhandle, the eastern Chesapeake Bay, and the counties north of Baltimore. And there’s the urban, liberal, Democratic Maryland of Baltimore City, Annapolis and the D.C. suburbs that dominates state politics.

David Karol, an associate professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland, said it wasn’t always like this.

Karol said his students were surprised to learn that in the presidential election of 1988, Republican George H. W. Bush won Maryland while Democrat Mike Dukakis won West Virginia.

“Which, you know, is just shocking to students, because that’s a complete reversal of the alignment that we see today,” Karol said.

“The [Maryland] legislature has been Democratic for about 100 years. The governorship has occasionally gone to Republicans, but seldom. And in presidential elections, Maryland has voted Democratic consistently since 1992.” – David Karol

Credit: David Karol/University of Maryland
Republican Mike McKay has represented Western Maryland in the Maryland General Assembly since 2015, first as a delegate and, for the last year, as a senator. He said his constituents have felt out of step with their overwhelmingly liberal Democrat fellow Marylanders. In 2021, then-Del. McKay and five other Republican lawmakers floated the idea of Garrett, Allegeny and Washington counties seceding from Maryland to become a part of West Virginia. They wrote a letter to the Republican leaders of West Virginia’s legislature to gauge their interest. It was a very, very long shot.

“We sent a letter and it became a dumpster fire, to be perfectly honest,” said McKay. “Everybody went crazy – ‘How are you leaving?’ Yada yada yada. And two of our members backed out. And the rest of us out of respect really just went our separate ways.”

McKay said his constituents are more aligned with West Virginia on abortion, too. He described himself as “pro-life” and said the Women’s Health Center of Maryland is not wanted or needed.

“I had a reporter from the Washington Post call me and do an interview, and she asked me, ‘How do you feel about this abortion clinic just moving across the state line, across the Potomac?’ I said, there’s never been a need for it. If there was a need for Planned Parenthood to move here, if there was actually this need, they would have been here by now. We have had women’s health clinics here for years. Probably 90 percent of everything that Planned Parenthood provides for women. And it’s important. That 90 percent is important to urban and rural women. It’s the abortion part that I say has been forced on our community, because Annapolis and Charleston had totally two different views, and our community has had to deal with the aftermath.” — Sen. Mike McKay

Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Katie Quiñonez said she’s not forcing anything on Western Maryland.

“We did a market analysis and looked at what health care was available in those counties in mountain Maryland. And we found that not only was there not an abortion provider, the nearest abortion providers for the people living in mountain Maryland were at least 100 miles away in any direction. But there was also a real lack of reproductive health care, outside of a hospital system located in Cumberland. And then beyond that, we met directly with folks on the ground living and working in those communities to determine that, yes, there is a need here. Not only do we need abortion access, we need reproductive health care.” — Katie Quiñonez

Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

This is what abortion care has become after the fall of Roe: a state-by-state fight over access, where abortion rights are determined by the lines on a map. The state line that divides West Virginia and Maryland runs through mountain communities that are alike in their topography, their culture and their political affiliations. 

But on one side of that state line, abortion is legal, while on the other side, abortion is a criminal offense.

Us & Them: Expungement — Between Hope and Danger

More than a quarter of the adults in West Virginia have a criminal record. That includes cases of all types, some with arrests that never progress to a conviction or jail time. Yet the records can show up years later in a background check and make someone ineligible for a job or a place to live. On this Us & Them episode, host Trey Kay looks at the road toward a second chance. Nearly every state now has some sort of process to seal or expunge a record depending on the crime. But some say giving a clean slate to someone with a record is dangerous.

It’s estimated that more than a quarter of the adults in West Virginia have a criminal record. That includes cases with one arrest or more, but no conviction or jail time. Those records can still show up years later in a background check and make someone ineligible for a job or a place to live. 

On this Us & Them, host Trey Kay looks at the road toward a second chance. Nearly every state now has some sort of process to seal or expunge a record depending on the severity and type of crime, for people who want to take steps toward their future. 

In this episode, we look at the process which can be complicated and time consuming. Some say it has given them hope — while others suggest there are dangers in shielding potential employers from the truth about people they might hire.   

This episode of Us & Them is presented with support from the West Virginia Humanities Council and the CRC Foundation.

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Marie Bechtel is a lawyer with Legal Aid West Virginia. She focuses most of her practice on helping clients expunge convictions and other unlawful activity from their criminal record. Her work is funded through West Virginia’s Jobs and Hope program, which was created to help people who are re-entering from the criminal justice system and are looking to overcome barriers to employment. Expungement cases are only a small part of what Legal Aid does. Since 2018, they have taken on approximately 1,200 expungement cases.

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Kanawha County Circuit Court Judge Carrie Webster says the number of expungement cases that come before her court is on the rise. Webster says prosecutors determine a person’s eligibility and she reviews their record.

“The nature of the offense, the person’s entire criminal history, and the passage of time between — time that they were charged with the offense or seeking expungement — whether it was an arrest that resulted in a dismissal or a conviction. And then I look at what they are doing now and if I can establish that, you know, whether it be through letters or some form of employment and the reason for it, a lot of times it’s for employment. Sometimes it’s because, you know, ‘I’m ashamed. I was 24 years old and I got off on the wrong side of the track, and I ended up being with the wrong crowd, and I got a drug conviction. Now I’m, 45 years old, I’ve got two children, and I hate to tell them that their dad’s a convicted felon. And I’ve worked for the last 15 years with the union, I haven’t touched drugs in 10 years, I’ve got steady employment…’ Those are the kinds of cases where I may expunge a felony. And I’ve expunged just a couple felony convictions where the majority unbelievably are sometimes arrested, even when there’s not been a conviction, they just want the arrest expunged.” — Honorable Judge Carrie Webster

Credit: Charleston Gazette-Mail
Amber Blankenship hoped to expunge her criminal record. However, West Virginia law says Blankenship could only expunge one of her two felonies, since they occurred at different times. Legal Aid did not take her case because she would still have a felony on her record. Blankenship says obtaining an expungement is more than just getting a “clean slate.” She says despite working hard to turn her life around, the record of her past holds her back.

“I believe that every human is redeemable, including myself. And it’s really hard to come back from that, because you are facing consequences every day, for something that you’ve made great changes to turn your life around. But, you know, those collateral consequences, they still exist, and they are still preventing West Virginians from going back to work after they’ve faced consequences for their actions.” — Amber Blankenship

Credit: Courtesy Photo
Sen. Eric Tarr, R-Putnam, chairs the Committee on Finance for the State Senate in West Virginia. Us & Them host Trey Kay spoke with Sen. Tarr back in 2019 about the “Second Chance” laws that legislators passed then. Tarr was one of the lone members against that legislation and Kay wanted to know if the senator’s position had changed.

“My position has not changed. I think that any time that an employer is evaluating an employee to whether or not they’re a fit for their organization, that they should have the right to ask any question they want and be able to pursue that answer.” — West Virginia Sen. Eric Tarr

Credit: Trey Kay/West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Troy Young successfully worked with Legal Aid to expunge his criminal record after a 2013 felony drug conviction. Young spent no time in jail, but his arrest and conviction had serious consequences.

“You can’t judge somebody by their past. God is the only one out here that can judge somebody like that. Like, people learn from their mistakes. There’s people I hear that don’t learn from their mistakes and they keep repeating it over and they keep relapsing… But if they’re still in treatment, at least they’re in there. They’re trying to do better. They really are trying. Give them the benefit of the doubt and let them try.” — Troy Young

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