Obama to Visit West Virginia to Discuss Substance Abuse

A spokesman for Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin says President Barack Obama will visit West Virginia next week to discuss substance abuse.Spokesman Chris Stadelman…

A spokesman for Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin says President Barack Obama will visit West Virginia next week to discuss substance abuse.

Spokesman Chris Stadelman says Obama will travel to Charleston on Wednesday. Details of the visit haven’t been released.

Stadelman says Tomblin is pleased that Obama is coming to West Virginia to talk about an issue that has been a focus of the governor’s administration.

A recent report by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation says West Virginia has the highest rate of overdose deaths in the U.S.

Goodwin: Must Curb Demand to Combat Drug Abuse

"Just tackling the supply side of this issue, it's not going to be enough." – U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin

U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of West Virginia Booth Goodwin brought together local first responders, state health officials and substance abuse treatment specialists Tuesday to celebrate the success he sees in his district in combating drug abuse. 

Goodwin said his office intends to continue enforcing federal laws that prohibit the sale of narcotics, but now, he and his colleagues are also focusing on the treatment side, looking at ways to curb the demand for the drugs. 

Goodwin focused on the expanded use of Naloxone, a opioid antagonist that reverses the effects of an overdose.

A drug that’s been used by paramedics in the county for years, now some members of the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Department have also been trained to administer it. Charleston Police Chief Brent Walker said Tuesday his department is also in the process of training to carry and use Naloxone.

“We believe that the paramedics at the Charleston Fire Department will do the bulk of it, but we want to be in a position to save a life if we can,” he said. 

Charleston City Council also passed an ordinance this week that will pave the way for a needle exchange program which Kanawha-Charleston Health Department Executive Director Michael Brumage said will help prevent the spread of some serious diseases like Hepatitis B and C and possibly HIV and AIDS.

Credit Ashton Marra / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Kanawha-Charleston Health Department Executive Director and Health Officer Dr. Michael Brumage during the panel Tuesday.

“Just being able to bring somebody in and offering them a clean needle and at the same time exploring whether or not they would be willing to go into recovery, that’s a service we can offer to as part of this program,” he said.

Brumage is working to model his program after the Cabell-Huntington needle exchange program that began this month, the first of its kind in the state. He believes Kanawaha County can have a program in place by December. 

Goodwin also highlighted other success in the area, including Governor Tomblin’s recently launched 24-hour helpline. 

The call center, which can be reached at 844-HELP4WV, helps connect those in need of substance abuse or mental health treatment to providers in their communities. 

W.Va. Not Alone in Battle Against Opioid Addiction

We all worry about national security. We worry about ISIS and terrorism and cyber security, but the enemy within the nation is the addiction issues of our population and how it's ruining lives. – Gov. Mary Fallin, Oklahoma

According to a report by the nonprofit groups Trust for American’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, West Virginia has the highest rate of overdose deaths in the country, about 34 for every 100,000 people. The state is working to find ways to reduce those rates, but is not alone in its work. States across the country are grappling with the same problems. 

Oklahoma saw a record number of overdose deaths in 2014, reaching 864 that year. Neighboring Kentucky reported nearly 1,000 in the same year, more than half of which were due to prescription narcotics and heroin.

“Well, we’ve got a tremendous problem all across the country,” Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear said after a meeting of the National Governor’s Association focused on the nation’s opioid epidemic.   

At that meeting, a group of governors from across the country heard from Dr. Deborah Houry, director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

“In the year 2012, there were 259 million prescriptions for opioids,” Houry reported. “To put that into perspective, that’s enough for every single U.S. adult to have their own bottle of pills.”

In 2012, doctors in the U.S. wrote 259 million prescriptions for opioids, enough for every adult in the country to have their own bottle of pills.

Houry said as the number of prescribed narcotics rose between 1999 and 2012, the number of overdose deaths grew as well. Now, overdose death outnumber deaths from car crashes in more than 30 states.

“Think how much money we spend to keep our roads safe,” Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy said after Houry’s presentation. “Whether it’s on snow removal or writing tickets or having police on the streest, we do everything we can to prevent those [deaths].”

“We’re now seeing an increase in death as a result primarily in heroin and opioid use and we’ve just got to step up our game.”

Credit National Governors Association
Gov. Tomblin during a meeting of the NGA Health and Human Resources Committee.

The tactics used in West Virginia to curb abuse are not unlike those used in states across the country. During the 2015 legislative session, lawmakers approved bills to increase access to the life saving drug Naloxone, which reverses the effects of an overdose, and extend some immunities to people who stay with an overdose patient and cooperate with first responders, known as Good Samaritan laws.

Next, the state will look to needle exchange programs to cut down on outbreaks of Hepatitis B & C, diseases associated with intravenous drug use, with a pilot program in Cabell County this fall.

Beshear said Kentucky is starting to see success with a similar needle exchange program in his state, and recently implemented a mandatory prescription reporting system to cut down on doctor shopping. 

“Now every doctor, before they write that prescription in Kentucky, has to plug that information in to the system and they can tell if that person has just been prescribed a drug some place else,” he said.

Other states have implemented similar programs, including Connecticut. Malloy said his state is working with other New England states to take on the problem of doctor shopping from a regional perspective.

Prescription Drug Take Back Initiative Set for Sept.

Another prescription drug collection effort will be held in September.

U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and other Senate colleagues had asked U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to reinstate the national initiative after it was discontinued by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

The DEA announced Tuesday the initiative will be held Sept. 26. Sites will be set up in communities nationwide so residents can return their unwanted, unneeded, or expired prescription drugs for safe disposal.

Officials say the collection helps the DEA and other agencies fight against the epidemic of illegal prescription drug abuse.

Bridgeport Seeks Federal Drug Unit for Northern W.Va.

Bridgeport’s City Council is seeking a federal narcotics investigation unit for the Northern District of West Virginia.

The Exponent Telegram reports that the council unanimously approved a resolution this week asking the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to assign a tactical diversion squad to the region.

Councilman and former DEA agent Lowell J. Maxey says the unit would focus on prescription drugs. That would give the Greater Harrison County Drug and Violent Crimes Task Force more time to investigate other drugs, such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine

Mayor Bob Greer says he plans to talk to other northern West Virginia mayors about adopting similar resolutions during a West Virginia Municipal League conference next week.

Vivitrol: Will the Medication Help Curb Opioid Abuse in W.Va.?

In the world of medication-assisted substance abuse treatment, there are three prescription drugs that are the most widely known: methadone, Suboxone and Vivitrol.

Traditional Opioid Agonists

Methadone and Suboxone have been the most widely used drugs in addiction therapy in West Virginia. Both are synthetic opioid-based medications that react with opioid receptors in the brain just as heroin or prescription narcotics would. These drugs are often used to wean people off of illicit drugs like heroin or prescription painkillers like oxycodone.

Dr. Erika Pallie works at Valley Alliance Treatment Services, a private medication-assisted treatment clinic in Morgantown, has just started using Suboxone for treatment, but she most often prescribes methadone.

“So how it works as a medication-assisted treatment is by replacing the drugs that they’re used to and you very gradually increase the dose until the patient is no longer in withdrawal and their cravings are blunted,” she said of methadone treatment.

The problem with methadone, Pallie said, is its bad reputation. Many people hear the name and think about its illegal use on the street, or the doctors who have been arrested for passing out prescriptions. Pallie agreed, it is sometimes sold illegally, but that doesn’t mean the treatment option should be discounted.

“The big complaint I hear is you’re just trading one drug for another,” she said, “which is a very judgmental approach to it and it’s coming from an abstinence-based philosophy, which doesn’t really work that well.

“I think that one thing that’s really important is that people need to realize that methadone clinics actually help people.”

Still, there are other barriers to drugs like methadone or Suboxone. For instance, addicts who choose those treatments must initially be supervised when they take the medication, meaning they have to go to a clinic every day to both receive and take the drugs.

A New Treatment Option

Vivitrol is an opioid antagonist. Taken just once a month through injection, the drug enters an addict’s system and coats the opioid receptors in the brain. That prevents an addict from feeling the high that comes with using heroin or prescription narcotics.

While Vivitrol has been used clinically by some health care providers in the state, during the 2015 session, members of the West Virginia Legislature approved a bill expanding access to the drug.

“It creates a unique pilot program within the criminal justice system in West Virginia,” Kanawha County Del. Chris Stansbury said of the bill. He was its lead sponsor.

The Pilot Program

Administered through the court system and paid for with Medicaid dollars from the state and federal government, the pilot program gives non-violent, low-level drug offenders participating in drug courts the option to use Vivitrol alongside counseling and rehabilitative services.

Drug courts are diversionary programs that allow addicts to work toward recovery with a team of medical and legal professionals instead of being incarcerated.

The pilot doesn’t just allow for Medicaid coverage, it also calls for two years of intense monitoring of Vivitrol’s use in five counties.

While those counties haven’t been determined by the West Virginia Supreme Court just yet, Justice Brent Benjamin — who helped create the drug court program — expects that decision to come soon. Then, he said, the data collection will be crucial.

“The one thing that we stress, we underscore in drug courts is that drug courts is an evidence-based program. We can tell what our re-occurrence rate is for people who graduate from the programs. They’re very good, in fact, they’re some of the best in the country, but we only know that because we keep the numbers,” he said.

The Counter

There are people who say Vivitrol won’t work, like Dr. Rolly Sullivan. He runs West Virginia University Hospitals’ addiction treatment clinic in Morgantown, where he specializes in using Suboxone coupled with individual and group therapy.

Sullivan said he doesn’t believe Vivitrol does much to help with an addict’s urge to get high.

“The cravings, which is that basic, biologic brain illness that is addiction, doesn’t go away when you’re on Vivitrol, and it doesn’t really get treated when you’re on Vivitrol,” he said. “That cravings still sits there and gnaws at people.

“Theoretically you should be able to put someone on Vivitrol and it would work fine. People wouldn’t use drugs because they couldn’t get high, but in reality, people will use Vivitrol once and the chances of them coming back for a second shot a month later are really low and the chances of coming back for a third shot is almost nonexistent.”

Sullivan was once a paid spokesman for Suboxone’s manufacturer, Reckitt Benckiser, but stopped accepting payment for speaking events in 2014.

Addicts Say It Works

Although the Federal Drug Administration hasn’t affirmed the claim, supporters of Vivitrol disagree with Sullivan. They say anecdotally, addicts have told them it does take away that itch to use.

“I’ve heard a lot of testimony on this, and the addicts, independent of one another and in testimony, have said it took my craving away and Vivitrol is the only thing I’ve heard people say that it took my craving away,” Ohio Representative Ryan Smith said. Smith wrote the pilot program for Ohio that West Virginia’s legislation was modeled after.

“That’s the thing we fight because we get people clean for 30 days or 60 days and then they fall off the wagon and end up using again,” he said.

Just like in West Virginia, Ohio administers the medication through state drug courts as an option for participants. Andrea Boxill, Deputy Director of the Ohio Governor’s Opiate Action Team, said while 82 percent of the drug court participants in that state’s six pilot counties chose Vivitrol, it’s not necessarily any more effective than another drug.

“You can use Vivitrol, which for some younger people who are just starting out in terms of heroin, it’s been effective, but it has not been any more effective than methadone, which is something that’s typically prescribed to people who are older who have been using heroin for years,” she said. “Nor is it any more impactful than Suboxone.

“The best way to say it is there is no one size that fits all disease, as with heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. You have to treat the individual and figure out which works best for that individual.”

But no matter which side of the fence you’re on, which medication you think is best, medical professionals, judges, politicians, they all say the same thing about the medications. They can’t be used alone. They must be used in conjunction with intense counseling and education.

Once counties are identified, both Justice Benjamin and Delegate Stansbury expect the Vivitrol pilot program in West Virginia to begin quickly. The bill went into effect June 16.

Those eligible for Medicaid or other government assistance within the pilot counties will have the option to use Vivitrol, but no medication or even participation in the drug court program is required.

Court officials expect to have preliminary results from the pilot program to report to the legislature during the 2016 session. A final report is due in 2017.

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