Millions Announced For School Building Improvements

Millions of dollars will be invested into improving the state’s school buildings.

The West Virginia School Building Authority approved a combination of multi-county and major improvement awards totaling more than $26 million at its meeting Wednesday.

The money will go to 26 renovation and improvement projects including additions, roof replacements and utility improvements.

More than a third of the awards will go to five career and technical centers that serve multiple counties.

Gov. Jim Justice, who serves as the authority’s chairman, said “an investment in our schools is an investment in our children.”

“We’ve made huge strides in improving our infrastructure, but we aren’t going to stop here,” he said. “Our work isn’t done. We will keep doing more to provide the best education possible for our kids because they deserve it. Let’s keep it going.”
The legislature appropriated $150 million for the School Building Authority in the state budget for the coming fiscal year in order to avoid a federal claw back of COVID-era funding.

More Than 500 Residents With Substance Use Disorder Complete Job Training Program

Jobs & Hope, a West Virginia program that provides job training to residents with substance use disorders, celebrated its 500th graduates during a ceremony in Charleston Wednesday.

Community members filed into a graduation ceremony unlike any other Wednesday.

It was held in the office of Gov. Jim Justice, celebrating the graduations of Sierra Mullins and Shane McCoy — the 500th graduates of West Virginia’s Jobs & Hope program.

The program provides residents who have substance use disorders access to job training and educational resources, with the goal of helping them secure long-term employment.

Founded in 2019, the program now has 1,619 active participants across the state, and has graduated more than 508 individuals, with even more completing their programs after Mullins and McCoy.

During the ceremony, both graduates had the opportunity to share speeches, expressing gratitude for the program and pride in what they have accomplished.

Originally from Boone County, Mullins said the program provided her much-needed support during a difficult recovery process.

“The road wasn’t always easy. Monthly screenings, basic classes and maintaining sobriety,” she said. “But each hurdle was a small price to pay for the invaluable support and resources provided by the program.”

McCoy said he began his recovery journey in 2019, and soon accessed educational resources through Jobs & Hope that taught him how to operate heavy machinery.

Now, he said he has had steady employment on a construction crew since November.

“The crew that I work with, and the gentlemen that I have met at this place, it has definitely helped my growth in the field,” McCoy said.

After the graduate’s speeches, Justice expressed his gratitude for the program’s success, and his support for participants statewide.

“Lo and behold, we’ve got 508 people, that their lives have changed in every way,” he said. “God bless each and every one of you for the guts that it takes to really get this done.”

For more information on the Jobs & Hope program, visit the program’s website.

Justice Breaks Ground On New State Lab

Dignitaries broke ground Tuesday on a new consolidated state laboratory in South Charleston.

Alongside fellow state leaders, Gov. Jim Justice broke ground on a new state laboratory on Tuesday.

The West Virginia Regional Technology Park is expanding to include the new $250 million West Virginia consolidated state laboratories facility.

Funds for the 300,000-square-foot facility were appropriated by the West Virginia Legislature in 2023 through Senate Bill 1031.

“This is truly a great day for West Virginia as we start turning our dream of a brand new state laboratory into a reality,” Justice said. “When it’s finished, this facility will provide the space and resources many of our state agencies need to properly serve the people of West Virginia. This will make a huge difference and promote collaboration because so many great people from our state agencies will be working together under the same roof. This isn’t just an investment in a new building. This is an investment in the future of our state, and I’m very thankful to see it happen. Finally, I want to thank the West Virginia Regional Tech Park for their efforts in making sure our needs are met during this process.”

Design work is set to conclude by early 2025 and construction is anticipated to be completed by 2027.

When complete, the facility will house the Department of Health’s Office of Laboratory Services, the Division of Labor’s Office of Weights and Measures, the State Police and the Department of Homeland Security forensics lab and the State Medical Examiner. 

According to a press release, the facility will also include labs from Marshall University and West Virginia University.

The Department of Administration will operate the facility in cooperation with all of these tenants and the tech park.

Justice Declares May ‘Older Americans Month’

Gov. Jim Justice has declared May 2024 Older Americans Month in West Virginia, aiming to honor older adults’ contributions to society and raise awareness of senior services.

In West Virginia, May 2024 has officially been recognized as Older Americans Month, following a proclamation from Gov. Jim Justice.

The designation aims to recognize “the contributions of our older citizens” and promote “programs and activities that foster connection, inclusion and support for older adults,” Justice said in the proclamation.

The idea for the month came from Kanawha Valley Senior Services (KVSS), a nonprofit based in Charleston, according to a Monday press release. 

KVSS offers a range of services including health resources like the Aged and Disabled Waiver program and an adult day center for individuals living with Alzheimer’s.

Justice wrote in the proclamation that it was important to recognize the contributions of older adults to American society, and to spread awareness about aging resources in West Virginia.

“Older Americans improve our communities through intergenerational relationships, community service, civic engagement and many other activities,” he wrote. “Through their wealth of life experience and wisdom, older adults guide our younger generations and carry forward abundant cultural and historical knowledge.”

Each county in West Virginia has its own senior service program. Visit the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services website to find your local office.

Justice’s Billion Dollar Lawsuit Transferred To Virginia Court

A federal judge has ruled to move a civil court case involving Gov. Jim Justice from West Virginia to Virginia. 

A federal judge has ruled to move a civil court case involving Gov. Jim Justice from West Virginia to Virginia. 

A network of Justice’s businesses filed the suit against his longtime banker, Carter Bank & Trust, saying the bank engaged in unfair banking practices. 

Justice is suing Carter for about $1 billion. 

The bank asked the court to move the case out of the Mountain State’s federal courthouse in Beckley, contending the majority of the business had been done in Virginia, and that is where the majority of the stakeholders reside. 

Judge Frank Volk ultimately agreed, and the case has been moved to the Western District of Virginia’s federal court in Roanoke. 

This will also move the case out of the state where Justice is the sitting governor and a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat. 

Residents Along Contaminated Creek Just Want Clean Water

In Pineville, West Virginia, a town of 500, residents filled up the front rows of the county courtroom recently. They came to hear the latest legal update on a battle some have been fighting for generations – securing clean water. Bobby Lee Keen and his wife Patsy attended the hearing. “How come they have people living like they’re in a third world country in the United States of America?” asked Bobby Keen.

In Pineville, West Virginia, a town of 500, residents filled up the front rows of the county courtroom recently. They came to hear the latest legal update on a battle some have been fighting for generations – securing clean water. Bobby Lee Keen and his wife Patsy attended the hearing. 

“How come they have people living like they’re in a third world country in the United States of America?” asked Bobby Keen.  

The Keens have lived in their house for 20 years, but they have never had clean drinking water. They say the only way they can drink the orange water that comes out of the faucet is by using it to make coffee. 

Keen said the water quality has gotten worse in the last year, and he and his wife have had stomach issues and rashes. Other residents have reported similar symptoms.

And they’re not sure what could be causing it. Regardless, Keen believes one thing to be true. 

“There’s something getting in that water,” he said. 

One of the three places along the creek where water started coming out, and with it, a white stringy slime.

Courtesy of David Stover

A year ago, down the street from the Keens’ house, water started flowing out of the ground in the middle of a field, forming a pool. All that water led to a mold infestation in a nearby property owner’s house. The water had a rotten egg smell and white stringy slime. 

Who Is Responsible?

Just below the surface of that pungent pool is an old mine, previously owned by the now-defunct Pinnacle Mining Company. 

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (EPA) tested the water and said that the results indicated that it had been polluted by the abandoned mine. 

Nicolas Zegre, a Mountain Hydrologist at West Virginia University (WVU), said holes like the one in Pineville are known as artesian wells. They naturally push water from aquifers to the surface. 

“When you start mining, the geologic layers, the below ground layers,” Zegre said. “You’re fundamentally changing how water is going to flow through the earth.” 

Now, the pool of smelly, murky water has become a steady stream that flows into Indian Creek. 

The DEP ordered Pinnacle to remedy the situation. When Pinnacle failed to act, it took the company to court. 

There is one major problem here. Pinnacle Mining Company no longer legally exists. As part of its bankruptcy, the company’s assets and liabilities were sold. But to whom? 

“That’s the million dollar question,” Matt Hepler, a scientist with Appalachian Voices, said. 

Court documents show Pinnacle was, at least in part, bought by Bluestone Mining Resources and is owned by Gov. Jim Justice. However, Justice said Bluestone is not responsible.

Justice answered this question: “Many people along Indian Creek in Wyoming county are sounding the alarms about water contamination possibly coming from a mine that your company purchased, and now owns. As both the governor and the owner of said company is there anything you are planning on doing for these folks so that they can have clean drinking water?” by saying he is not responsible.

Photo Credit: WV Governor’s Office

“I’m all for them having good clean drinking water. But you can’t, you can’t blame me on this one,” Justice said at one of his regular press briefings. “The companies that we have are so distantly involved in this, it’s unbelievable. You know, the DEP is working on the issue.”

Hepler said this fits into a bigger context of the mess that ensues after a coal company goes bankrupt.

“They can’t even figure out, they’re arguing who that new owner is. So they’re not even sure. They’re just pointing fingers at each other,” Hepler said. 

Which raises another big picture question. 

“Who gets left holding the liability when these coal companies go out?” Hepler asked. 

Will The Problem Be Fixed?

In court on April 4, the presiding Wyoming County Judge Derek Swope demanded the companies figure out who is responsible by their next court date in May. 

Outside the courthouse, community members said they felt disappointed. Richard Altizer has been delivering water bottles to some of the residents affected by the water crisis. He and others were hoping the courts would have ordered Bluestone and Alpha Metallurgical Resources to cease all operations until they fixed some of the problems associated with Pinnacle’s abandoned mine.

Disappointed residents, some affected by the water crisis, leave the court room.

Photo Credit: Briana Heaney/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

“If that judge were to order that mines and the gas companies shut down until that is fixed they’d be out there tomorrow fixing it,” Altizer said.  

In their lawsuit, the DEP and the man whose house was flooded, are asking for injunctive relief. They don’t want money for the damaged property or the health issues the water has caused, they only want what has been broken to be fixed. But residents are frustrated by what they say is a year of inaction.

“Now that the mine gets to operate, and the gas wells keep doing what they’re doing, everything’s hunky-dory with the poor people down here. And it’s frustrating,” Altizer said. “But like I said, we still got legal rights.” 

The community is considering a class action lawsuit. 

Richard Altizer has been delivering water bottles to community members paid for through crowd funding sites and city officials.

Photo Credit: Briana Heaney/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Is The Water Toxic?

In the meantime, the question looms, is the water safe? 

Grace Dever, an expert on water and its connection to people’s lives, works at WVU’s Center For Resilient Communities. She affirmed what residents have been saying about their everyday use of the water from contaminated wells.  

That can result in huge GI issues, skin rashes,” Dever said. “It can even lead to longer-term things like cancer and things like that.”

Patsy Keen brought photos with her to court in hoping to show someone involved in the legal process what the water was doing to her skin while she was routinely showering in it.

Photo Credit: Briana Heaney/West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Even though the DEP found the mine was the source of the contamination, it said the water quality passes all mine reclamation standards. But members of the community are skeptical. Terry Fletcher, with the DEP, said the agency is doing everything within its power to take on the issue. 

“I know, there’s been kind of a narrative pushed out there that we’re only testing for one to two, three to four things when we’re testing for dozens and dozens of parameters,” Fletcher said.  

But Hepler from Appalachian Voices said the tests that the department has done so far might not show the true water condition. 

“Now when you test the water column, which is just to say test the water without any of that slime in it,” Hepler said. “The water has been coming back fine, according to West Virginia DEP standards.”

Hapler believes the water does pass mine reclamation standards, as well as Clean Water Act standards, but he said that even still that doesn’t translate to the water being safe.

And there is another set of data that is being ignored, said WVU’s Grace Dever. 

“Community members are experts of their own lives,” Dever said. “And so I think like their lived experience of knowing, like recognizing the smell, noticing the color change in their community, and recognizing also if any rashes are appearing, or if they’re feeling funky, I think that is scientific knowledge. And I think that we should be taking these observations from the community a lot more seriously.”

For Bobby Keen, whose faucet still has orange water coming out, he said he isn’t angry at anyone, he just wants his family and community to have access to safe water. 

**Editor’s Note: A previous version of this story said even though the DEP found the mine was the source of the contamination, it said the water quality passes all mine reclamation standards. It has been changed to: Even though the DEP found the mine was the source of what residents believe is contaminated water, it says the water quality passes all state water quality standards.

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