W.Va. Fiction Competition Open For Submissions

Submissions for the West Virginia Fiction Competition are open until May 1. The statewide writing contest is held annually by the Shepherd University Center for Appalachian Studies and Communities.

Submissions for the West Virginia Fiction Competition are open until May 1.

The statewide writing contest is held annually by the Shepherd University Center for Appalachian Studies and Communities. It is open to anyone living or attending school in West Virginia.

Once the submission period closes, a group of editors and creative writing teachers will select eight to 10 finalists for this year’s contest.

The final winners will be determined by West Virginia Poet Laureate Marc Harshman, who will also write reviews of all the finalists’ stories.

The prize for the first-place winner is $500. Second and third-place winners will each receive a prize of $100. Additionally, one middle or high school student will receive the Judges’ Choice Prize.

The competition aims to “foster an appreciation of Appalachian people, culture and values,” by honoring writers with “distinctive and promising” skills, according to a Thursday press release from Shepherd.

Winners and finalists could also have an opportunity to publish their work in the “Anthology of Appalachian Writers,” an annual literary publication from Shepherd.

For more information on this year’s West Virginia Fiction Competition, visit Shepherd University’s website.

W.Va. Native Looks At Depression, Treatment In New Novel

Debut novelist William Brewer teaches creative writing at Stanford University, but his Morgantown roots have deeply influenced his writing, and even the main character of his new book — "The Red Arrow" — is also a West Virginia native.

Debut novelist William Brewer currently teaches creative writing at Stanford University, but his Morgantown roots have deeply influenced his writing, and even the main character of his new book — “The Red Arrow” — is also a West Virginia native.

Brewer also wrote a highly acclaimed book of poetry that focused on the opioid crisis in West Virginia called “I Know Your Kind.” He will be speaking at Taylor Books in Charleston on Wednesday, Aug. 10.

News Director Eric Douglas spoke with Brewer about the book and growing up in the Mountain State.

This interview has been lightly edited for clarity. 

Douglas: Tell me a little bit about the plot of the story in The Red Arrow.

Jonathan Sprague/Redux/Jonathan Sprague/Redux
Poet William Brewer, whose debut novel ?The Red Arrow? will be published by Knopf in 2022. Brewer is also a Jones Lecturer at Stanford University.

Brewer: So the book begins with a narrator sitting on a train in Rome that’s about to depart for the north of Italy. He’s heading towards Modena, a town in the north, hoping to find a physicist that he works for as a ghost writer. He’s working to try to write this guy’s memoir to clear a huge debt he’s gotten himself into. He got into debt by taking a ton of money to write the ‘great West Virginia novel,’ which he sort of BS’d his way into and then quickly realized he had no business doing. So the book begins as the train is leaving the station. And he starts reflecting on how he got himself into this position. And in the meantime, what happens is he reflects on his failed career in the New York art world, a large chemical spill disaster in West Virginia, the phenomenon of psychedelic therapy in northern California. And then lastly, some experience of travel in Sicily and Italy.

Douglas: It’s interesting, you chose the chemical spill. Obviously, some of the facts have changed, but you set it about 20 years previous to the actual water crisis here in West Virginia. Why did you choose that as a seminal event?

Brewer: Something that’s really amazing about being from West Virginia, and then not living there and meeting other people, is they really struggle to believe the number of chemical and environmental disasters that have happened in the state and those disasters keep happening from a relationship with industry. People just don’t believe it’s possible.

They say that there’s no way you could do that. They’re like, I’ve never heard of it, so it couldn’t possibly be true. And so there’s two phenomena there. One is the scale of these events when they happen, and how often they’ve actually happened over the history of the state. If you look up the number of water crises that have happened, it’s quite a long list. But at the same time these things could be so big and so common, and yet people never know about them. And there’s something quite challenging about that in my mind.

The one that I fictionalize is, in some ways, cobbled together from any number of events; a detail from this one, a detail from that one. And the parameters sort of replay themselves over and over again.

I grew up in Morgantown, the river is sort of the central artery of the area. And it’s how you orient yourself. And I think that’s pretty much true throughout much of the state. There’s almost always a river where the towns are. And so when this sort of thing happens to the water, how quickly it has the ability to impact basically everybody’s lives in that town, and then how they each sort of struggle to deal with it in their own ways.

Douglas: I’m interested in your book of poetry as well. Tell me a little bit about that.

Brewer: The first book I wrote was a book of poems. And its main focus is the opioid epidemic in West Virginia. At the time, when I was going from undergrad up through grad school, and when I was writing my first book I was realizing this was happening all around. And I think people in West Virginia knew that this sort of epidemic was taking place, really before much of the nation caught on to it.

I think that was really by design, I think people who were moving these drugs through the state knew that the world wouldn’t notice right away. So I became really interested in that phenomenon and why it was happening. That’s sort of how these pharmaceutical companies treated people in the state in a way that was not unlike how timber treated people, and then how coal for much of its history treated people, which is more broadly to say the relationship between industry, these big industries with a great deal of power, and the people themselves that actually live in these places and have real lives.

Douglas: So what’s the name of the book?

Brewer: It’s “I Know Your Kind,” and it was published by the wonderful publisher called Milkweed Editions

Douglas: How does one make the transition from writing a book of poetry to teaching creative writing to your debut novel “The Red Arrow?”

Brewer: I started reading really seriously when I was about 15. And then I just sort of followed it wherever I went. One of the gifts of growing up in a place like West Virginia is that I was aware at a very early age that I was living somewhere that was vastly different than a lot of other places. And the times when my family would leave and travel to other parts of the Eastern Seaboard, it was very clear to me that where I lived was very different. And I mean that both in the landscape, the very distinct quality of the place, but also the quality of the people and the culture. And also how the state lives in relation to the rest of the country, that it’s this place that the country has been sort of built off the labor of, especially coal.

As a young person, when I would say, “I’m from West Virginia,” people would say, “I have cousins in Arlington.” And I don’t live in a state with Arlington. And so realizing that I was in this very specific part of the country, and yet, it was a part of the country that most of the country didn’t recognize, that piqued my attention at a really young age. And it sort of made me observe really heavily for much of my life. And if you’re going to write stuff, you have to be relatively good at paying attention and seeing the world around you. West Virginia was like a crash course on how to do that.

Douglas: It’s an interesting perspective that forced you mentally to pay attention, to be an observer. And then that extends into your writing.

Brewer: It shows you the relationship between people and where they live. And that’s something that you don’t necessarily get everywhere you go. I’ve certainly been to parts of the country where there’s these vast, sprawling suburbs, and you really could be anywhere. That’s never the case in West Virginia. When you are there, there is no doubt about where you are. And that’s something that I really became interested in.

Douglas: I thought it was interesting you chose a narrator, so the book is in first person, rather than a more traditional third person for a novel. Why did you choose that perspective?

Brewer: For this book, specifically, one of its concerns is how people lose track of reality in their minds. That their perceptions can get the better of them. And specifically, in the case of mental illness. I think the book is definitely interested in depression, but even sort of a kind of hyper awareness and a pressure of anxiety. And these are situations that I think are running rampant in America at the moment. I think the last two years of the pandemic made that all the worse with people being isolated, and strange for their jobs and just their own health.

The book is really interested in how mental illness functions in the mind. One of the ways to do that, to explore that in a book is to really sit squarely in a person’s mind. But the speaker has found freedom from this sort of oppressive depression that he’s lived with for much of his life. One of the ways to do that in the book is have this person speaking from the other side of the sort of burden of depression, which then allows him to reflect on his own mind from within his own mind. It sort of gives the reader the closest examination they can hope for.

Douglas: What haven’t we talked about?

Brewer: One of the blockbuster topics in the book that people are probably starting to learn about is the subject of psychedelic therapy. A documentary that just came out on Netflix called “How to Change Your Mind,” which is based off of the book by Michael Pollan. That book recounts the use of psychedelics towards how they function in the human mind demystifying them as these really, really dangerous drugs, but also showing how they can help people that are undergoing serious suffering.

I’m always interested in how humans change their minds, how they change consciousness. My poetry book relating to the opioid epidemic is part of that. If we look at something like the opioid epidemic, it doesn’t suggest to me that West Virginia has a problem with a lot of people that just want to use drugs. It has a problem with a lot of pain, and it’s a place that’s had a lot of pain put on it. If one drug gives people the power to numb that pain, and those drugs being opiates, the alternative then is these psychedelics, which used in a therapeutic context, are being shown time and time again, at places like Johns Hopkins University, for example, that are running huge studies and have now opened an institute for the study of these chemicals, that they offer immense potential in helping people be alleviated from that suffering.

People want to tiptoe around it as a subject, but my job as a writer is to dive headfirst into it. I based the book off my own experience. It completely changed my life. I encountered it here in northern California, but it’s something that I believe would offer immense help to places like West Virginia, for example, where I think people want help.

Douglas: In the book, you referred to the mist, which is a euphemism for depression, for feeling like you’re kind of walking through a cloud. Tell me a little bit about that.

Brewer: I experienced depression pretty severely for much of my life, and I’d read a lot about it. But in a lot of books, they talk about it in the abstract. Something I wanted to do is make it sort of a presence. That’s certainly how it felt. For me, it felt like this thing that was with me at all times, but was not me. I hoped that it could show people the kind of physical power of it, how it really becomes this thing that interrupts your experience of reality, that anyone who has been around someone who has a really hard walk with depression.

It can be really hard to even get your words to them. By making it this cloud, this misty figure really articulates the physicality, the sort of derangement of it. I live here where there’s the famous Bay Area fog all the time. That’s often a quite common component of life. And in the mountains of West Virginia, there are these foggy, misty mornings that hang on for much of the year. Those always stayed with me. I have very visceral memories of walking to the bus stop through these foggy mornings, and I think I’ve never stopped thinking about them.

Douglas: You went through this psychedelic therapy, and by all accounts, it has changed your own mind.

Brewer: It completely changed my life. It liberated me from the disease of depression. And it taught me a lot about how the human mind works. It sounds to some people very hippie dippie. But it’s the most immense experience I’ve ever had. Besides meeting my wife, easily the most important thing that’s ever happened to me. But it also made the most sense in terms of mental health care of anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s like having open heart surgery on your mind.

Novel ‘How Fire Runs’ Looks At White Supremacy In Appalachia

Racially motivated terrorism spurred by white surpemacists is on the rise in America, according to a U.S. State Department report released this summer.

In a fictional story based in eastern Tennessee, author Charles Dodd White explores this issue in his new novel “How Fire Runs” which looks at what happens when a group of white supremacists come to town. The twist is, they aren’t there to march and protest, but to attempt to gain local political power while setting up their own “racially pure enclave.”

White spoke with Eric Douglas by Zoom to discuss the novel and the inspirations behind the story.

This interview has been lightly edited for clarity.

Douglas: Explain to me the premise behind “How Fire Runs.”

White: “How Fire Runs” is a novel that essentially imagines what it would be like for white supremacists to come into a contemporary east Tennessee community. One that has, like much of the southeast in general, a checkered history, racially speaking, and yet is kind of forward thinking to a degree. It looks at how you reconcile that when you’re confronted with this really ugly manifestation of the kind of the worst parts of the American original sin of racial crimes.

How does that community essentially try to save its own soul? How do they fight these individuals who are not just these kind of errant people out on the periphery, but are actually trying to come in and gain political power? Obviously, we’re seeing this, we’re seeing exactly that sort of story playing out. Neo-Nazis and white power movements are in the news on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

Douglas: When did you start writing this?

White: I started writing it right after the rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. People are really more confidently and precisely calling white supremacy, white supremacy. But we started to see a lot of things about white nationalism and Christian nationalism, these kind of code words for this kind of extremist ideology. It seemed to be something of the moment, but it was also something that bothered me. I mean, for obvious reasons. I always feel like good fiction comes from the things that bother the writer. What are the things that will compel them to explore the different aspects and really make it reflect the world truthfully?

Douglas: What’s been some of the reaction? You said this is in eastern Tennessee, where you live? What’s been some of the reaction to the story?

White: It’s been very positive. As far as the reviews, they see it as being very reflective of things as they are today. I think maybe one of the reasons people were hesitant when the book came out in October, was that it was right before the presidential election. I’ve been asked about that. Was that on purpose? I knew it was coming out then, but I don’t think that these problems are limited to November. If anything, I think a lot of these subterranean tensions are maybe more activated now more than ever.

Douglas: Have all of your previous books been this sort of political thriller?

White: No, this is the first one to kind of wade into this. I mean, they’ve all been set in Appalachia, in the southeast. This is my second book in East Tennessee, and before that, I had a couple that were in western North Carolina, but the same general neck of the woods. Political life was usually a little bit more buried. I think that this was a case of a book that very much came out of being upset or dissatisfied with the way that the country was going.

Douglas: What do you want your readers to take away from the story?

White: I think the main thing I would want them to take away would be essentially that nothing is fixed, that as dark as the future, or the present, may seem at times, that there are ways that we can do better, there are ways that we can make amends. And I don’t even think that it necessarily has to be really that upsetting as soon as you just kind of change your way of looking at the world and understanding that.

Taking Faulkner’s quote that “The past is never dead. It’s not ever even past.” I think that may be true, but it doesn’t mean the future has to be the past as well. I think that we have a way of moving forward and really following our best instincts.

Charles Dodd White lives in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he is an associate professor of English at Pellissippi State Community College. The book is available through the Ohio University Press.

This story is part of a series of interviews with authors from, or writing about, Appalachia.

West Virginia Author Mesha Maren Writes Noir Story Set in Greenbrier County

West Virginia author Mesha Maren’s debut novel “Sugar Run” is set in a fictional version of Greenbrier County. Maren is from Alderson and currently splits her time between North Carolina and West Virginia. 

“Sugar Run” tells the story of a woman named Jodi McCarty. The story begins as she is being released from prison. She wants to head back to where she grew up in southern West Virginia, to live on land owned by her grandmother. But before she does that, she wants to make good on a promise she made before prison.

The book has received dozens of glowing reviews, including a review in the New York Times book section. 

Credit Photo by Jesus Perez

“It really broke my brain that Charles Frazier wrote a review for The New York Times to be totally honest with you,” Maren said. 

She said she began crying when she read Frazier’s review in a grocery store where she went to buy the Sunday paper.

“That was way more than I expected and just shocking in a really great way,” she said.

Frazier’s review described “Sugar Run” as “Southern Noir.” Maren said when she saw that, she wasn’t exactly sure what “noir” meant and had to look it up. 

“I mean, I’d heard of noir before and I thought about noir movies and I’d heard of noir books, but I realized all of a sudden that I didn’t actually totally know what that meant,” she said. 

Maren explained that noir fiction often features a protagonist who is a little bit of an antihero with the odds stacked against them. The character may be a bit morally dubious, but they’re trying to make their way through a world that’s throwing up all kinds of problems along the way. She explained that noir fiction often does not resolve itself in a tidy bow at the end of the story, either. 

“When I heard that definition, I thought ‘that makes a lot of sense.’ There are a lot of those aspects in my book, but I didn’t really I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t think about that genre of books when I was writing it,” she said. 

Maren is currently working on her next novel, called “Perpetual West.” 

“My new my new novel has a totally different set of characters and it takes place in West Virginia and in Texas on the border with Mexico,” she said. Maren said it does use some of the same themes as “Sugar Run,” however, like home and identity. 

This interview is part of a series of occasional interviews with Eric Douglas. He is our in-house author and talks to writers from or writing about Appalachia. You can find more of these interviews here.

Christy Smith's Debut Novel ‘Killed It’ Comes With Surprises

Christy Smith’s debut novel “Killed It” is a thriller with a twist. Smith explained that the book is both a thriller and a dark comedy. It’s set in New York City and the protagonist is a young, failed female comedian who is working as a paralegal.

Pushed too far, the young woman goes on a vigilante spree. When someone finds out and blackmails her, she has to get herself out of trouble. The story is intended for younger women, but Smith discovered some older men like it, too. 

“She’s young, she’s a millennial, and she has a foul mouth. I was thinking it would be mostly a female audience, but I have had a strange reaction from men over 50. They are like ‘I love this book,’” she said. 

Credit Courtesy photo

Smith, who writes under the pen name Lulu Smith, is a full-time lawyer. She said after she finished the first book, she took a break because work got in the way, but a new story is emerging.

“I work in opioid litigation space representing plaintiffs in the counties and cities. And so my world got completely shut up with work, but now she’s talking to me again,” Smith said. 

She said the only issue is living up to the standard of the first story. 

“Can I do this a second time? I mean, I have the idea. But the pressure, especially in a sequel is high, so that’s stressful.” 

“I am in the outlining stage. I’m kind of an anal-retentive outliner, or just because of my background as a legal writer, because I write on the geek that writes the legal briefs, and I’ve gone back to the law,” Smith said.  

This interview is part of a series of discussions with authors from the region.

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