State Receives Millions In Federal Grants For Preparedness

Organizations across West Virginia will receive millions in federal grants for preparedness efforts.

Organizations across West Virginia will receive millions in federal grants for preparedness efforts.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Preparedness Grant Programs and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have awarded more than $24 million via 21 grants in the state.

The West Virginia Bureau for Public Health is the largest grant recipient with close to $16 million from FEMA.

The State Homeland Security Program provided the next-largest grant of nearly $5 million to the State of West Virginia.

The funding is designated to prepare against man-made threats and natural disasters, and reimburse costs accrued during the COVID-19 pandemic.

New ARC Grants Could Mean $40 Million For State

If approved by the Appalachian Regional Commission, 14 grant projects could bring more than $40 million into West Virginia.

If approved by the Appalachian Regional Commission, 14 grant projects could bring more than $40 million into West Virginia.

Gov. Jim Justice recommended the projects to the ARC through the state development office. The recommendations alone total more than $18 million. The additional money comes from matching funds that accompany the grants.

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is an economic development partnership agency of the federal government and 13 state governments across the Appalachian region. ARC’s mission is to innovate, partner, and invest to build community capacity and strengthen economic growth in Appalachia.

West Virginia’s ARC grant program, which is managed by the State Development Office, provides financial and technical assistance for economic development and infrastructure projects through a partnership of federal, state, and local participants.

The ARC grants, totaling $18,134,694, will leverage an additional $22,230,299 from other funding sources, bringing the total amount of funding supporting these projects to $40,364,993.

Grants are awarded in two categories: Area Development, where funding can be spent in any county, and Distressed Counties, where funding can only be spent in areas officially designed as “distressed” by ARC – census tracts in at-risk and transitional counties that have a median family income no greater than 67 percent of the U.S. average and a poverty rate 150 percent of the U.S. average or greater.

The governor’s recommendations will now be sent to ARC for final approval.

Recommended projects listed below:


Partner Community Capital


West Virginia Recreational Economies Initiative

Project will provide technical assistance services to tourism and recreation-based businesses across the state. Assistance will include business consulting, raising capital, financial packaging and management, real estate consulting, legal issues, and branding, design, and marketing strategies. Project partners include WV Department of Tourism, Woodlands Community Lenders, and the Hatfield-McCoy Trails Regional Recreation Authority. The project will create an estimated 585 jobs and leverage over $18 million in private investment into the state’s tourism and recreation-based economy.

West Virginia Department of Economic Development


Competitive Improvement Program

The project will provide training and consultation services to small and medium-sized firms in West Virginia to increase their competitiveness. The project will address a unique need for which no other funding sources are available. The results of these services will be a greater number of companies that are increasing the range of their market and market share, and a commensurate increase in the number of jobs retained or created.

West Virginia Department of Economic Development


Consolidated Technical Assistance

The West Virginia Development Office, with ARC funding assistance, will continue the Consolidated Technical Assistance program. The grant allows the West Virginia Development Office to employ staff for providing technical assistance to ARC applicants and grantees, monitoring and administering ongoing projects, drafting and implementing the West Virginia Development Plan, and operating the West Virginia Main Street and ON TRAC programs.

West Virginia Rural Water Association


Infrastructure Circuit Rider Project

The project will provide funding for a drinking water and wastewater circuit rider to provide technical assistance to water and wastewater systems throughout the state. The circuit rider will provide assistance and consultation to local utilities in areas such as leak detection work, preventing inflow and infiltration, utility finance and management, water and wastewater system operations, and loan servicing. The project will enable local utilities to address critical issues without having to hire additional staff and promote more efficient operation and management of existing systems.


Region 7 Planning and Development Council


Corridor H Site Analysis Plan

Region 7 Planning and Development Council, in collaboration with the Corridor H Authority, will conduct a site analysis study to identify developable sites for industrial and commercial development along Corridor H. The study will evaluate identified sites based upon factors such as access, topography, infrastructure, environmental constraints, and surrounding land uses. Additional activities include completion of environmental assessments, site plans, and construction estimates at prioritized sites. The project area includes Barbour, Grant, Hardy, Lewis, Randolph, Tucker, and Upshur counties.


City of Oak Hill


Oak Hill Collection System Rehabilitation Project

The project will rehabilitate portions of the collection system and pump stations for the City of Oak Hill’s wastewater system. The system has excess levels of inflow and infiltration and requires high levels of operation and maintenance expenses. The project will benefit approximately 4,048 customers and is in an ARC-designated at-risk county.


The EdVenture Group


Simulated Workplace Leadership Series Project

The Simulated Workplace Leadership Series (SWLS) is a leadership development program designed to serve career and technical education (CTE) students within the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE)’s Simulated Workplace (SW) initiative. The project includes professional development for CTE instructors and training for CTE students in leadership skills and project management. Leadership and management skills will bolster the technical education students receive in CTE and better prepare them for post-secondary employment. The project will benefit approximately 270 CTE students in the ARC-designated distressed counties of Calhoun, Gilmer, Mingo, Nicholas, Roane, and Wyoming.

Marshall University Research Corporation


Building Removal and Renovation Initiative

The project will address abandoned, unused, and dilapidated buildings and properties in the 17 ARC-designated distressed counties in the state. Project activities will include identifying dilapidated properties in each county, evaluating the properties according to environmental conditions, remediation costs, and redevelopment potential, and ranking structures based upon the evaluation results. The project will create 17 county level assessments and provide a roadmap for demolition or revitalization activities in each county.


Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center


Minnie Hamilton Sewer/Water Line Replacement

The project will replace the water and sewer lines at the Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center in Grantsville. The current water and sewer lines at the facility are deteriorating and beyond their useful life. The facility has suffered repeated failures due to obsolete water and sewer lines, resulting in closure of parts of the facility, hampering critical care services to the local public. Minnie Hamilton is the only critical access hospital and community health center serving Calhoun and Gilmer counties.


Pleasant Hill PSD


Norman Ridge/Bull River Water Extension

The project will provide new water service to approximately 77 customers in the areas of Norman Ridge, Big Root Run Road, and Bull River Road in Calhoun County. Customers currently rely upon private wells or cisterns that provide poor quality or insufficient quantity of water. The project is in an ARC-designated distressed county. The USDA grant funds are fully committed to the project.


Clay County Commission


Big Otter/Nebo/Walker Road Waterline Extension

The project will provide potable water to over 80 residences, businesses and churches along Route 16 the northern part of Clay County, including Big Otter, Nebo, and Walker Road. This project will provide increased fire service pressure to the Big Otter Elementary School, who currently provides their own fire suppression tank. The extension will also serve Walker Creek Farms, a resort with cabins, restaurant, and other amenities. Project complements tourism development from the Elk River Trail and is in an ARC-designated distressed county.


Reconnecting McDowell


Renaissance Village Equipment Installation Project

The project will provide funding to purchase and install kitchen equipment for a restaurant to be located on the first floor of Renaissance Village, a multi-use facility located in downtown Welch. The project will aid in revitalizing Welch and facilitate tourism development from the nearby Hatfield-McCoy Trail. Matching funds are being provided by the ARC Federal Co-Chair. The project is in an ARC-designated distressed county.


City of Richwood


Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Project

The project will replace existing sanitary infrastructure and wastewater treatment equipment in the City of Richwood, reducing inflow and infiltration and create a more reliable sanitary sewer system. This will serve the existing 841 customers and the reconnection of 621 sanitary sewer customers. This will also improve the water quality of the Cherry River. Project is in an ARC-designated distressed county.


Town of Oceana


Oceana Water System Upgrade, Phase II

The project will repair and replace Oceana’s water delivery system to reduce water loss and waste. Project will also include upgrades to the existing water treatment plant. Most of the town’s water system was installed over 70 years ago and has deteriorated and is at the end of its useful life. The project will reduce a very high level of water loss, benefiting approximately 1,172 customers, and is in an ARC-designated distressed county.

New W.Va.-Washington, D.C. Liaison Seeks Federal Grants

Melissa Decker said her title is D.C. Director for Gov. Jim Justice. She will identify areas where the state can compete for more federal grant funding, serve as liaison with the West Virginia congressional delegation and be the primary point of contact between federal officials and the state of West Virginia.

A member of Gov. Jim Justice’s staff is now working in Washington, D.C. to bring home federal grant money.

Melissa Decker said her title is D.C. Director for Gov. Justice. She will identify areas where the state can compete for more federal grant funding, serve as liaison with the West Virginia congressional delegation and be the primary point of contact between federal officials and the state of West Virginia.

“I’ve met our folks in Charleston just to get to know them and establish relationships,” Decker said. “So I can pick their brains on what grants they have looked at. I’m working so we can identify if we haven’t competed for a grant, and how we can change that legislatively.”

Decker said her decades of experience in working with federal legislators and agencies has honed her communication skills.

She brings more than 30 years of public service experience to the position having worked in various roles with state governments and the federal government.

Most recently, she served as Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of Memorial Affairs within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Decker previously worked in former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s administration as Deputy Director of California’s D.C. Office and as a Deputy Cabinet Secretary. She also served as a legislative analyst for the U.S. House Republican Conference under U.S. Rep. John Boehner.

Decker has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, an Executive Master’s Degree in International Relations, and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Security Studies from Syracuse University.

Originally from Ashland, Ohio, Decker earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Politics and Public Policy from Bethany College in Bethany, West Virginia She says she went to college as a math major, but the curriculum at this small liberal arts school swayed her interests.

“I took an amazing class from a Reagan Democrat appointee for American government studies,” Decker said. “And all of a sudden I realized that public policy was really cool because there’s no one answer. It’s all about building the coalition and finding ways to get everyone on board and moving something forward.”

Decker says she’s a grant researching nerd who knows how to compete for the money.

“And I think it just allows West Virginia to be more competitive,” Decker said. “Just being able to walk across the street and up to Capitol Hill and talk with our delegation anytime it’s needed.”

Justice recently said there were 381 possible grants that West Virginians could tag on to. Decker said she looks forward to seeking that number, or more.

W.Va. Grant Hunter To Work Out Of Washington D.C.

Gov. Jim Justice announced during his Monday COVID-19 briefing he will soon add a staff member who will do nothing but scour Washington, D.C., for any grant money or other funding available.

West Virginia will soon have a grant seeking specialist working exclusively out of Washington, D.C.

Gov. Jim Justice announced during his Monday COVID-19 briefing he will soon add a staff member who will do nothing but scour Washington, D.C., for any grant money or other funding available.

The governor said his staff has gone through the interview process, traveled to Washington, and hired the right person for the job.

He said this hire should have been made a long time ago.

“There are 381 possible grants that West Virginians could tag on to,” Justice said. “If you have somebody that’s really qualified, on point and they’re digging all the time, there’s so much stuff that’s available out there. That person should, in multiple ways, pay for their salary.”

Justice said the last time West Virginia had a similar full-time employee in the nation’s capital was during the Bob Wise administration.

He said he will announce who his new D.C. staff member is – in the near future.

Grant Commission Targets Funding Help To Coalfield Communities

As part of our ongoing, occasional series "Effective from Passage," we take a closer look at a bill intended to bring relief to our coalfield region.The passage of House Bill 4479 establishes the Coalfield Communities Grant Facilitation Commission. The objective is funneling federal dollars to revitalize coalfield communities.

“Effective from Passage” is West Virginia Public Broadcasting’s ongoing, occasional series that explores the greater impact of bills passed by the West Virginia Legislature and signed by the governor. Check out more of these stories here.

As part of our ongoing, occasional series “Effective from Passage,” we take a closer look at a bill intended to bring relief to our coalfield region.

The passage of House Bill 4479 establishes the Coalfield Communities Grant Facilitation Commission. The objective is funneling federal dollars to revitalize coalfield communities.

Del. Ed Evans, D-McDowell, was a lead sponsor of the law. The coalfield resident saw a prime example of the revitalization this commission could help with – right in his own backyard.

“Down here in McDowell County, I think about the Walmart building that we have sitting empty,” Evans said. “We’ve got the Magic Mart building also sitting empty.”

Evans said with help, new businesses could emerge in those empty but solid structures.

“Why couldn’t we manufacture the very ATVs that are dragged hundreds of miles here to McDowell County to ride the Hatfield McCoy trails?” Evans said. “We could be making those things right here and putting people to work.”

The newly formed commission could help that happen. Small town officials apply for federal funding for all sorts of things like grants to rehabilitate their water system or enhance historic tourist attractions. But that federal funding often requires matching funds that small towns don’t have. That’s where state money can come in hand, and Evans expects that funding to be substantial.

“I’ve heard that the governor could put in as much as $250 million. I certainly hope he does,” Evans said. “That money would be used to pull down matching grants from the federal government from the money that the President Biden’s interagency working group put together, and it’s for Coalfield and powerplant communities.”

Secretary of Economic Development Mitch Carmichael will serve as the commission chairperson. He said a quarter billion dollars or more in seed funding was feasible and provides a much needed start.

“If the federal government provides that kind of money, yes, it’s a very workable number,” Carmichael said. “And I commend the legislature and the governor for taking this initiative because the coalfield communities have been negatively impacted. And we need to make sure that they have long term sustainable growth.”

So who gets the grant funding? Some of the initial targets laid out in a federal study include Greenbrier, Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Monroe, Nicholas Pocahontas, Summers, Webster and Wyoming counties.

Carmichael said once the commission is formed, it will decide on designated target communities.

The legislation also requires the commission to include representatives from the coalfield communities themselves, from non-profits, from higher education and from business and industry representatives.

Carmichael said a broad spectrum of commission members creates a better understanding of what’s most needed for coal community revitalization.

“We’re going to focus primarily on infrastructure and economic activity from my perspective,” Carmichael said. “And then when we pull in the other entities that are involved in the commission, you’re looking at restoring downtown areas, making investments in coalfield communities with housing stock, tearing down dilapidated buildings, ensuring safety and security in these areas and a recreational opportunity.”

Evans is hoping for all these big economic improvements to turn around his region. But he said action could start with bringing basic needs up to par with the rest of the state.

“We need to look at more first responders. We don’t have nearly what we need,” Evans said. “And I hope some of that money will go toward training first responders and maybe even some encouragement to be a first responder whether it’s a volunteer fireman or working for one of the ambulance services.”

The commission is charged with providing vocational and entrepreneurial training for displaced coal miners and others who have lost jobs or closed businesses in the region. Much of that retraining has often been too far away. Out-of-work miners have struggled with traveling 200 miles to learn a new skill. Carmichael said the distance aspect of retraining will be addressed.

“I think we can certainly provide mobile training and bring our training to those who need it,” Carmichael said. “And provide transportation and so forth. We have some great training programs in our community and technical college system, as well as higher education systems.”

One of the biggest challenges for small coalfield communities is finding grant writers. This commission is charged with providing expert training in developing, applying for, and administering grants. Evans said there are already firm commitments.

“We had a Zoom meeting with Mrs. Gayle Manchin, who’s the chairman, as you know, of the Appalachian Regional Commission,” Evans said. “And she promised us all the help when needed and as far as technical support in writing these grants.”

Kristi Wood-Turner is the assistant dean of Community Engagement at West Virginia University. She said in successful grant writing, inspiring mission statements that tie to a community’s strengths is one part. Part two is proving they can follow through.

“Are they the people that are supporting and collecting for this grant? Are they doing creative and innovative partnerships?” Wood-Turner said. “Are they utilizing other resources that they have available to them to show a more engaged effort than just those folks that are writing the grant so they are looking at the bigger picture? Are you utilizing the skills this small community already has and using what we can provide you as a resource to enhance that kind of skill and partnership that they have?”

Carmichael understands that many state promises of coalfield revitalization have gone unfulfilled. He believes this commission, getting the expected funding and implementing a well thought out process, will provide substantial change.

“I think they should have a healthy degree of skepticism and, and hold us accountable for delivering the promises that are made within this piece of legislation,” Carmichael said. “And so we want to work with them to alleviate their concerns and to show real progress.”

Carmichael said the Coalfield Communities Grant Facilitation Commission’s mission is not just revitalization, but long term sustainable growth.

“Effective from Passage” is West Virginia Public Broadcasting’s ongoing, occasional series that explores the greater impact of bills passed by the West Virginia Legislature and signed by the governor. Check out more of these stories here.

Federal Agency Awards $9.3 Million To 19 W.Va. Organizations

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded $9.3 million for 19 organizations in West Virginia that address homelessness and domestic violence.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded $9.3 million for 19 organizations in West Virginia that address homelessness and domestic violence.

U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia announced the funds. The programs also support people experiencing dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.

The individual awards range from $73,000 to $1.8 million and go to Huntington West Virginia Housing Authority, WV Coalition to End Homelessness, Cabell-Huntington Coalition for the Homeless, Raleigh County Community Action Association, Telamon Corp., Clarksburg Housing Authority, Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless, Covenant House, Bartlett House, YWCA Charleston, Branches Domestic Violence Shelter, Kanawha Valley Collective, Roark-Sullivan Lifeway Center, Task Force on Domestic Violence HOPE, Charleston-Kanawha Housing Authority, Prestera Center for Mental Health Services, Shenandoah Women’s Center, North Central WV Community Action and Southwestern Community Action Council.

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