Regulators Approve $7.7m Base Rate Hike for Moutaineer Gas

Mountaineer Gas has won state approval to increase its base rates by $7.7 million.

The West Virginia Public Service Commission says the 3 percent increase will be more than offset by a reduction in the rate charged by the utility to recover the cost of buying natural gas.

Mountaineer had sought a $12.2 million base rate increase.

Both the base rate increase and the purchased gas rate decrease will go into effect Nov. 1. 

The rate changes are part of a joint stipulation agreement approved by the PSC on Tuesday. Parties to the agreement were Mountaineer Gas, the PSC’s staff and Consumer Advocate Division, and the West Virginia Energy Users Group, which is a group of commercial customers.

Mountaineer serves about 221,000 customers.

Gas Utilities in W.Va. Seek Approval to Cut Fuel Cost Rates

Natural gas utilities are seeking state approval to reduce what they charge customers to recover their fuel costs.

Mountaineer Gas, Bluefield Gas, Dominion Hope Gas and Peoples Gas each have filed requests with the West Virginia Public Service Commission to reduce the purchased gas portion of their rates.

Together, the PSC says the utilities serve more than 99 percent of natural gas customers in West Virginia.

The PSC said Wednesday that Mountaineer Gas has requested a rate cut of nearly 20 percent. Dominion Hope Gas proposes cutting its purchased gas rate by 41.5 percent.

Bluefield Gas has requested a 33.8 percent rate reduction, while Peoples Gas proposes a 41 percent cut.

Utilities’ purchased gas rates are adjusted annually.


W.Va. PSC Reviewing Possible Settlement in Mountaineer Gas Rate Case

Members of the West Virginia Public Service Commission are considering a tentative settlement in a case that could have caused rate hikes for more than 221,000 Mountaineer Gas rate payers across the state. The settlement, according to the PSC’s Consumer Advocate Division, could result in an actual decrease of customers’ rates.

Mountaineer Gas Company filed for a rate increase in January of this year, increasing their base rates by $12.2 million. That increase would have resulted in a nearly 5 percent increase for ratepayers across the state.

An agreement entered Tuesday morning says instead of seeking the 4.7% increase, Mountaineer Gas would seek a 3 percent increase or about $7.7 million in base revenues.

In addition, Mountaineer Gas is filed an annual report with the PSC Monday with the company’s purchased gas adjustments rates. The report details how much the utility is paying for gas from producers.

Heather Osborn with the PSC’s Consumer Advocate Division said Tuesday because the price of natural gas is currently low, they expect the price adjustment filed to off set the 3 percent base rate increase, resulting in a reduction of cost on the gas bills of West Virginia customers.

Mountaineer’s Chief Operations Office Dave Lokant later said that savings could be as much as $63 a year for the average customer.

The PSC held its final public hearing in the case at 6 p.m. Tuesday evening. On Wednesday, Commissioners were presented the settlement for review.

The PSC has the final say on the agreement which, if approved, would go into effect November 1.

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