Mountain Stage at 30: Songs From the Doc (Part Six)

I’m sad to report that this sixth ‘Songs From the Doc’ post marks the penultimate in the series that documents the music used in ‘Mountain Stage at 30: A Radio Retrospective’. It’s been a lot of fun putting these posts together and being able to share the music that’s help shape the history and identity of the show.

But never fear, dear music lovers, these last two post are certainly on par with their predecessors. There’s also the forthcoming Mountain Stage Digital Archive Project that’ll give the world access to over 2,000 hours of live performance radio. Until that project sees the light of day, enjoy these songs from the doc.

Mavis Staples – “I’ll Take You There”

  Mountain Stage kicked off their 28th season in grand fashion by traveling across the pond to Glasgow, Scotland. Although the show had been presented in Canada and had been presented around the world via the Voice of America, the trip to Scotland mark the first and (at least to date) only the time had left North America.

On the bill was longtime friend Tim O’Brien, his sister Mollie and her husband Rich Moore, Dougie MacLean, Joy Kills Sorrow, and the legendary Mavis Staples.

Here’s Staples belting out one of the many R&B/Gospel classics first recorded with her family band, The Staples Singers.

Bela Fleck, Zakir Hussain, & Edgar Meyer – “Bubbles”

Credit Brian Blauser / Mountain Stage
Mountain Stage

Banjo virtuoso Bela Fleck has appeared on Mountain Stage as a member of a wide swath of projects, as band leader of the jazz fusion/progressive bluegrass outfit The Flecktones, as a duo with his wife Abagail Washburn, with her project the Sparrow Quartet, as well as with bluegrass supergroup New Grass Revival. In May 2011, Fleck teamed up with bassist Edgar Meyer and tabla guru Zakir Hussain for a performance that proves how diverse and impeccable his talent truly is. The project, marked by the recording The Melody of Rhythm, is the intersection of Eastern and Western styles of music and is both ethereal and corporeal simultaneously.

Bela Fleck, Zakir Hussain, & Edgar Meyer – "Bubbles"

Tim O’Brien – “Workin'”

It’s safe to say the blue collar ethic West Virginia is known for is deeply rooted in the way Mountain Stage operates. Not surprisingly, West Virginia native Tim O’Brien found a way to perfectly  distil that ethic into song. Here’s a video produced by Mountain Stage web coordinator Josh Saul that ties all of that together.

Larry Groce & The Mountain Stage Band – “Simple Song” (Live from Fairbanks, Alaska)

Credit Vasilia Scouras

“Simple Song” has opened Mountain Stage for more than two decades now and its Larry Groce-penned lyrics have warmed up radio audiences around the world through one very to-the-point message:

“The world is turning around a simple song.”

While audiences around West Virginia get to enjoy two takes of the theme (one for Francis Fisher’s ears to approve and the other a signal that the show is rolling), crowds elsewhere usually only get to hear one take.  

One of the audiences that only got to hear one go-through was the crowd in Fairbanks, Alaska in August 2012. In speaking to Lori Neufeld of KUAC for the documentary, she said sometimes the audience takes it for granted that the theme song is performed live. In this version of “Simple Song” recorded in Fairbanks, you can truly tell the audience’s excitement to hear the theme and their realization of what’s coming next.

Larry Groce & The Mountain Stage Band – "Simple Song" (Live from Fairbanks, Alaska)

Editor’s Note: Mountain Stage at 30: Songs From the Doc is a multi-part series that serves as a companion to a recent documentary that details the history of the show. Stay tuned to as the series is rolled out over the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Mountain Stage at 30: Songs From The Doc (Part One)

Probably–well, not probably, most definitely–the most fun part of producing a documentary on 30 years of Mountain Stage is getting to cull through the archives of 2,000 hours of live performance radio. It’s daunting, humbling, and exciting all in one. There’s music recorded on virtually every format: reel to reel, DAT, miniDisc–you name it–they’ve got it on that medium.

Some of the archive more accessible than other parts, and sometimes it is necessary digitize the tapes in real time (meaning a 2-hour show takes 2 hours to “dub”). But, never fear, the Mountain Stage crew is planning to digitize their entire archive and will soon make every bit of it available to the public. If you’re interested and have the means, you can help them out with this endeavor. 

Until then, I (and the folks that work on the show) wanted to offer you a taste with a series of posts that contains the music from ‘Mountain Stage at 30: A Radio Retrospective’.

So, without any further adieu, here’s part one in a series to be rolled out over the holidays–enjoy!

Larry Groce – “Junk Food Junkie”

Long before Mountain Stage began, Texas native Larry Groce landed in central West Virginia as a musician-in-residence with the National Endowment for the Arts.  In 1976,  “Junk Food Junkie” shot up on the charts, reaching #9 on the Billboard Top 100. Groce toured the country in support of the single and landed on national radio and television programs, including The Dick Clark Show, The Rich Little Show, and The Merv Griffin Show.

Bob Thompson – “Take the ‘A’ Train” 

  Also before Mountain Stage came into being, Andy Ridenour of West Virginia Public Radio produced live music events around Charleston. One of the first acts was local jazz pianist Bob Thompson. While this version of “Take the ‘A’ Train” was recorded live on Mountain Stage in 2004, I felt it was a safe enough bet that Thompson has been performing it for years. And plus, everyone loves some Bob Thompson.

Bob Thompson – "Take the 'A' Train"

 Larry Groce – “West Virginia Hills”

With hopes of putting on a regularly scheduled program, Mountain Stage creators Larry Groce, Andy Ridenour, and Francis Fisher put together a one-off pilot show in March 1981. Athough they lacked a proper theme song on the pilot episode, Ridenour and Groce introduced the show with the chorus of state’s official song, “West Virginia Hills”.

"West Virginia Hills" – Performed as the show opener by Larry Groce on the pilot episode of Mountain Stage in March 1981.

Larry Groce & Company – “Mountain Stage Theme”

Although today’s audiences of Mountain Stage recognize the show’s current theme as “Simple Song”, the earliest days of the show featured a theme song that was much different. Here’s the first version of the Mountain Stage Theme from the December 1983 broadcast, the first one the show produced that kicked off the show’s official beginning.

The Mountain Stage Theme Song from the first broadcast – December 11, 1983

Editor’s Note: Mountain Stage at 30: Songs From the Doc is a multi-part series that serves as a companion to a recent documentary that details the history of the show. Stay tuned to as the series is rolled out over the Christmas and New Year holidays.

The Last Forest Collection on West Virginia Public Radio Presents

West Virginia Public Radio Presents is broadcast Thursdays at 9 p.m. and features a variety of insightful programs that explore life, politics, and culture in and around the Mountain State.

Produced by Larry Groce (host of Mountain Stage) these three one-hour programs  dramatize five of the short stories from G.D. McNeill’s book, “The Last Forest.”

October 17  The First Campfire  Back in the 1880’s when this story takes place, the author was a 10-year-old boy living on a mountain farm nestled up against one of the last virgin forests in the eastern United States. It was a life bounded by the seasons and the sun, a life enriched by the tall tales, legends, and family memories recounted over long winter nights by the fireplace. This story tell of his first fishing trip across the mountains to the Cranberry River wilderness.

October 24  The Battle at the Whirlpool & The Last Campfire  This is a fish story told at a time when the native Brook trout streams of the Gauley country were struggling to survive. Logging and waste during the first two decades of the twentieth century killed off many good trout fisheries.  The Battle at the Whirlpool is a quest-story about a young boy seeking to catch the last great brook trout in the Gauley country. In The Last Campfire, 50 years after The First Campfire, a group of old friends reunite to travel to the old wilderness where they spent their youth. It’s a story of loss and renewal, as the group of friends faces the reality of the destructive hand of man, and the ability of nature to be restored.

October 31  The Mystery at Gauley Marsh & The Duke of Possum Ridge  In these stories, G.D. McNeill tells the story of the Gauley Marsh, based on the real-life Cranberry Glades, a sub-arctic wetlands environment that was left behind when the last Ice Age receded from the Allegheny Mountains. In the spirit of Halloween, this is a murder mystery inspired by a real story from McNeill’s day.  The Duke of Possum Ridge is a tale of greed about neighbors who took advantage of those around them during the boom times when the railroads, timbering and mining began to exploit the cheap land and resources of the state.

A curriculum guide is available at The Last Forest Website from the Pocahontas Communications Cooperative. Made possible in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the West Virginia Humanities Council.

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