State Natural Disaster Emergency Funding Becomes Political Squabble

Gov. Jim Justice said the opinions of some legislative leaders that he can use some of the $85 million Civil Contingency Fund for emergency relief are wrong. Those leaders say otherwise.

Gov. Jim Justice said the opinions of some legislative leaders that he can use some of the $85 million Civil Contingency Fund for emergency relief are wrong. In a press release, Justice said the fund allows no appropriations for emergencies. 

“These funds are to be utilized for purposes outlined by the legislature during the appropriation process,” Justice said in the release. “Such as economic development, water and infrastructure projects, higher education capital improvements, and, most recently, to maintain our jails and prisons.”

Justice said in his weekly media briefing Wednesday that he will place on the call for the upcoming special session the proposed and rejected $50 million allocation to the West Virginia Flood Resiliency Trust Fund. That proposal was removed from the budget bill in the last days of the session. 

“Instead of pulling together and hoarding back money, for some pet project somewhere, we need to take care of our people,” Justice said. “It’s the people’s money. It’s not the legislators’ money. It is frivolous for us to not create a bucket to where we can help folks,”

Senate Finance Committee Chair Eric Tarr, R-Putnam, said the bucket is already there. He said Justice may be ignorant of the fact that $7 million of the Civil Contingency Fund can be used at his discretion for natural disaster relief 

“There’s discretionary spending there,” Tarr said. “And as everybody has witnessed across the state, he uses discretionary authority for spending on a lot of things that had nothing to do with emergency status.”

Tarr said even if the legislature had approved the $50 million trust fund allocation, as a surplus item, that money could not be used until the end of fiscal 2025.  

“The flood fund that he’s referencing is a prevention effort,” Tarr said. ”So it’s not as if it was constructed by the legislature as a state form of FEMA”. 

Speaker of the House Roger Hanshaw, R-Clay, said there may be a misunderstanding here. He says there’s money available in Fiscal Year 2024 accounts to deal with natural disasters. 

The law as we understand it, provides the governor during a state of emergency the ability to move some money between accounts and utilize money to respond to natural disasters,” Hanshaw said.  I just want to make clear that the budget process that we follow is the normal course of business. Nothing that we did or were asked to do during the regular session, or the last couple of months, had anything to do with the current natural disaster that we faced.”

Hanshaw said the executive branch can use its inherent expertise to take action.

“We don’t and shouldn’t be in the business of managing the day-to-day affairs of how the executive branch agencies respond to natural disasters,” Hanshaw said “They actually do that very well. They have a good track record here of how we get emergency responders out quickly to those people that need help. And it’s never been a problem in the past. I don’t think it should be a problem now.”

Justice said with the many challenges of obtaining federal FEMA help, the legislature needs to help create that natural disaster relief funding bucket.

“The problem with FEMA is they want a great number of people that are affected, or a great amount of property damage and everything that’s affected,” Justice said. “We ought to create the bucket and then we’re going to have to continue to replenish the bucket as we go forward. There’s too many instances where really, really good people across this state that we can’t get them qualified for FEMA, but we could still have an emergency fund to be able to help them.”

Fighting for a Dream at the Boxing Junior Olympics

At the Charleston Civic Center, pairs of boxers in four rings are fighting bouts at the same time. For the fourth year, Charleston is hosting the boxing Junior Olympics. Almost 700 athletes from all over the country, ages 8-18, are competing for a national title in their age and weight divisions.

The kids are lithe and share an expression of determination as coaches check wraps, adjust headgear and pat thin shoulders on the back. The fighters face one another, tap gloves and begin.

Credit Kara Lofton / wes

The athletes are fighting three 1- to 3-minute rounds, depending on age. In amateur boxing, the goal is not to knock out one’s opponent as it is in professional boxing, but to score points. Points are scored by the number of quality blows landed, technique, competitiveness and style.

“It’s a very unique sport—it’s an individual sport that teaches self-confidence, delayed gratification,” said Mike McAtee, executive director of USA Boxing. He said many of kids at the Junior Olympics tournament are from some of the toughest neighborhoods in the United States. Boxing gives those kids direction and a place to earn respect.

Credit Kara Lofton / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting

“While you’re here, I would challenge you to watch these bouts. These kids will be competing as hard as they can,” said McAtee. “The second the bell rings, they stop, they hug each other, they go and congratulate each other — so it’s about respect. It teaches respect.”

McAtee argues boxing also teaches discipline, builds physical fitness, and is a positive outlet for energy.

“I tell everybody I walked into a boxing gym when I was 12 years old. By the time I was 13, I decided I was going to be a police officer because one of my coaches was a police officer,” he said. “I was from a single parent family, lower socio-economics. And, if it wasn’t for boxing, probably instead of being a retired police detective of 25 years, I’d probably have been on the receiving end of law enforcement.”

Credit Kara Lofton / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting

But when a sport is centered around fighting and rewards athletes for blows to the head and face, concussions are a big concern. The American Academy of Pediatrics has long tried to ban youth boxing, citing concerns about repetitive hits to developing brains.

But there isn’t a lot of good data about the actual percentage of youth boxers who sustain a concussion — mainly because the sport is quite small compared to things like soccer and football and doesn’t figure into the big studies.

A 2017 study of nine sports found that girl’s soccer had the highest rate of concussions followed by football for boys — boxing wasn’t included on the list. When boxing is included in statistics, it’s often lumped in with MMA, and little distinction is made between professional boxing and amateur boxing, which McAtee claims is a big deal.

Credit Kara Lofton / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Female fighters wait to hear who has won the bout at the 2018 boxing junior Olympics in Charleston

“The purpose of our sport is to score points, compete competitively, teach respect, and then all the great benefits we all know that come from organized sports is just a great benefit,” he said.

But the reality is, no one actually knows how big of a deal concussions are in youth boxing.

However, one of the rules of amateur boxing is that a physician is present at every match and runs concussion tests before and after every bout. The physician also has the power to stop a bout if there’s any concern that one of the fighters is getting hit too hard. If a concussion is suspected, the doctor may suspend the fighter from competing or sparring for 30 days. If the fighter loses consciousness, the suspension can extend to 180 days — in some cases even longer. Family physician Martha Dodson was working this week’s event.

“Anytime there’s potential injury — and certainly with repeated blows to heads — it’s in the media. It’s a big concern right now, but that’s why we’re here that’s why we have the coverage we have, the extent of the coverage we have. That’s why we have the rules we have,” she said. “Everyone is really well trained and really, I think, as you can see, really on top of everything that is going on.”

Credit Brian Taylor / USAA Boxing
USAA Boxing
Natalie Dove watches her opponent in her last bout at the 2018 junior Olympics. Dove won the match. This is her third time fighting this particular opponent. The win pushed the matchups 2-1 in her favor.

While the American Academy of Pediatrics is particularly concerned with boxing, most neurologists concerned about the impact of concussions also recommend banning certain aspects of soccer (heading for instance), youth football, hockey and lacrosse. Others are wary of any contact sport, recommending that kids play tennis, badminton or swim instead.

But boxing often flourishes in low-income neighborhoods where access to a pool or tennis equipment is limited or nonexistent. McAtee said many boxing coaches offer their time on a voluntary basis and utilizing a gym is usually free for young fighters.

“I fell in love with it because in every other sport you have a whole team to rely on, but when you’re in boxing you’re doing stuff that’s only on you,” said Natalie Dove, a 16-year-old from Philadelphia.  

“You know what you’re capable of doing and you know exactly what you have to do to win and I feel like it’s just — you feel really good knowing you did all of this yourself rather than relying on other people to do it for you.”

About 87 percent of the kids competing this week are male and that statistic is fairly consistent across the sport. Dove said she’s the only female fighter in her gym, but that doesn’t bother her.

“I learned a lot of discipline. I learned to work as hard as I can and push myself to the limits. I know what I can and can’t do,” she said.

For Dove, boxing is an opportunity to go places she never would have dreamed of. She said she loves that if she works hard, stays focused and is smart, she has the chance to succeed. Her goal is to fight in the 2020 and 2024 Olympics.  

“We work really hard,” Dove said. “Nothing is ever handed to us. We have to work for what we get and I feel like people should understand that.”

McAtee said less than half a percentage of kids who participate in boxing go on to the Olympics or to become professionals. He said the community built around boxing is as much about teaching life skills as teaching kids to fight. And for many young fighters, he said, that makes all the difference in the world.


Appalachia Health News is a project of West Virginia Public Broadcasting, with support from the Marshall Health, Charleston Area Medical Center and WVU Medicine.

"You Can Not Kill Me" – Boxing Champion Christy Salters-Martin Shares Her Story of Survival

Thirty West Virginians were killed as a result of domestic violence in just a year’s time during the last reporting period, between October 2012 and September 2013. It’s situation that Wyoming County native Christy Salters Martin is all too familiar with.

The six-time World Boxing Council Champion found herself fighting for her life after her former husband and manager tried to kill her. The former boxer is now sharing her story with the hopes of helping other victims.

Hear the champion tell her story of a small town girl making it big to reaching a point so low that she didn’t care if she lived or died. Salters-Martin describes being pistol whipped, stabbed and shot and recalls the point in the attack in which she decided her attacker, would not kill her.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and need help call 1-800-799-SAFE.

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