House Passes Bill Banning Common Second-Trimester Abortion Technique

Members of the House of Delegates passed a bill that would ban a commonly used second-trimester abortion method.

Senate Bill 10 passed 86 to 13  in the House Monday. 

This bill bans dilation and evacuation, or D&E, abortions. It allows those procedures to take place, however, in cases of medical emergencies. Some OBGYNs have testified before lawmakers that the bill takes away one of the safest options for women and interferes with the doctor-patient relationship.

The bill was on third reading with pending amendments Monday. 

One amendment, offered by Del. Nancy Guthrie, a Democrat from Kanawha County, would have added a provision to allow for an elective D&E abortion if a woman was a victim of incest or rape if the rape is reported to a law-enforcement agency.

However, Del. Patrick Lane, a Republican from Kanawha County, pointed out that this provision was already covered in the bill, and the amendment was rejected on a role call vote of 16 to 82.

Senate Bill 10 now goes to the governor for consideration.

House to Vote on Bill Banning Certain Abortions

Members of the House will vote on a bill Monday that would ban a commonly used second-trimester abortion method.

Senate Bill 10 bans dilation and evacuation, or D&E, abortions, but allows those procedures to take place in cases of medical emergencies. Some doctors, however, have testified before lawmakers that the bill takes away one of the safest options for women and interferes with the doctor-patient relationship.

Delegates would have amended the bill Saturday, but after a motion from Majority Leader Daryl Cowles, the bill was pushed to third reading with pending amendments.

As of Saturday evening, only Del. Nancy Guthrie, a Democrat from Kanawha County had offered an amendment. It adds a provision to allow for an elective D&E abortion if a woman was a victim of incest or rape if the rape is reported to a law-enforcement agency.

The amendment and the bill will be voted on in the House Monday.

Senate OK's Ban on 2nd Trimester Abortion Method

A second-trimester abortion method would be banned in many instances under a bill that has passed the West Virginia Senate.

Senators voted 24-9 in favor of banning the commonly used abortion practice Wednesday.

Courts have already blocked similar bans that Kansas and Oklahoma enacted in 2015.

The bill would ban the dilation and evacuation method unless the doctor already had caused demise of the fetus. It would not ban the method in cases of medical emergency.

There would be no criminal or civil penalties, but physicians could potentially lose their medical licenses.

Democratic Sen. Ron Stollings, a physician, said he couldn’t vote to ban the safest second-trimester abortion method.

With Senate passage, the bill heads to the House of Delegates.

Senate Approves Non-Partisan Election of Judges

At the legislature today, with three weeks left in this session, the Senate suspended the constitutional rule that bills be read on three separate days to quickly move legislation to the house.  In the House, the Government Organization committee has rejected a bill that would give County Commissions the authority to pass smoking regulations.  These stories and more legislative news coming up on The Legislature Today. 

Abortion Bill Debated Nearly Two Hours in the House

Delegates approved six pieces of legislation Wednesday including a Senate bill that allows emergency responders, doctors, and family members to administer a drug to reverse the effects of an overdose. But it was House Bill 2568, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that got the most discussion on the floor before it was ultimately approved.

Members of the House debated the 22-week abortion ban for nearly two hours on the House floor. Republican and Democratic members alike stood to back the bill including Delegate Lynne Arvon from Raleigh County.

“This is about protecting a five month old or above unborn baby from pain. Period. That’s what we’re discussing today,” Arvon said, “We’re not discussing whether we should have abortion or not. If this bill passes, abortions will be allowed up to five months for any reason. I don’t agree with that, but we have to start somewhere. And there is a debate about whether the baby experiences pain or not, but there’s not debate in my mind. I carried three children, I said that yesterday, I know they experience pain.”

Delegate Tom Fast of Fayette County said the government has a right to protect lives.

“The reason we have these laws is because government has a civil duty to protect human life,” Fast said, “I hear over and over and over again about a woman’s right to choose. We had a debate yesterday about rape and incest. I can be sympathetic with those situations, truly, they are bad situations, but you have to understand, we need to understand that Government has a duty to protect human life. The Scripture was quoted a minute ago. Where does that duty come from? That duty comes from Almighty God that gives individual rights, that gives family rights, that gives church rights, and it also gives rights and duties to civil government.”

Delegate Saira Blair of Berkeley County expressed concern for the fathers of unborn children.

“She has every right to visit her doctor and consult her doctor about what to do, she has every right to visit her minister and make decisions, but one thing that I’m really interested in today is that not once has she had the right to visit the father of the child either,” expressed Blair, “and I will never understand that, and I know that there are a lot of men in here right now who would like to stand up and say, well you know where’s my decision? But they can’t, and so I would like to stand up for them, because they would come off as selfish, but it’s not selfish, it’s just as much your decision. And I think this is the first step we can take to representing, not just the child, but the father of the child as well.”

Only Democratic Delegates stood to oppose the abortion ban, including Delegate Nancy Guthrie of Kanawha County. Guthrie said she supports funding for family planning and birth control to prevent future abortions.

“And finally, what I’m really for, and I pray that all of you gentlemen in this room, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, would start to campaign for mass production and use of male birth control,” Guthrie said, “because to be honest with you, I’m tired. Every single year, we have a bill like this that comes before us, and it’s never about you, it’s never about you, it’s always about us. Why don’t you be in charge of reproductive health for the next couple of decades?”

Delegate Dave Pethtel of Wetzel County said he stood with women and is against the bill.

“Ladies, I’m proud to stand with you today, in speaking and voting against this bill, because I believe that when a woman has to make one of the most difficult decisions in her life on whether or not to have an abortion,” noted Pethtel, “especially in high risk, complicated pregnancies, that decision should between her, her doctor, her family, and her God, not the Government. Never the Government. Because the law is that a woman does have the right to choose, and it’s really no one’s business.”

Delegate Linda Longstreth is a Democrat who stood to back the bill, but says she’s still concerned with some of its provisions.

“I asked yesterday and argued the point about rape and incest that seemed to be overlooked today for the fact that yes, there are young children who are raped, nine, ten years old with no support. Do you ask them to carry that child to complete term? And what do they do with that child? Will she make it that long without committing suicide?  We don’t know, that is not our choice to make, and that’s a very personal, very personal thing,” Longstreth said, “I’m going back to what I said yesterday about the United States, the House of Representatives. They will not pass this bill themselves until these exceptions are put in, because they found it too restrictive. I’m saying today, this is restrictive, vote your conscience.”

The bill was ultimately approved by lawmakers on a vote of 87 to 12. It now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is Discussed in the House

State lawmakers are again pushing the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in West Virginia, despite last year’s veto.

The House Health and Human Resources Committee began discussing House Bill 2568 Thursday.  Witnesses speaking to the committee disagreed on whether a fetus can or cannot feel pain at the 20 week gestation mark. 

Dr. Mitzi Payne, a Pediatric Neurologist at Marshall University says they can’t.

“Because when we’re looking at what neuron connects to another in our pathological specimens, it’s not telling us how they’re functioning, it’s just if they’re there or not, and just because a neuron might be connecting to another neuron in the subcortical plate that an adult might be responsive we don’t know that in the fetus. Just because it’s there, physically there, doesn’t mean one part is talking to the other,” said Payne.

Jennifer Popik, an attorney and a representative with the National Right to Life says they can.

“We’re very cognizant that there is some dispute in the medical community about this. And the courts tell us, you know, we don’t need to be 100%, but there just needs to be a body of evidence that you all find. And we can definitively, you know, we can show with an overwhelming, a more overwhelming body of evidence that at 20 weeks, we can more safely say that,” Popik said.

During a House of Delegates public hearing Thursday, opponents called the proposal likely unconstitutional and intrusive into doctor-patient relationships.

Proponents cited moral and religious grounds.

The Democratic-run Legislature passed a similar proposal overwhelmingly last year. But Governor Tomblin vetoed the legislation over constitutionality concerns.

Tomblin says he’d veto the bill again if it’s the same. The legislature, now in the hands of Republicans, need a simple majority to overturn his veto.

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