West Virginia’s Dolly Sods Wilderness Seeking Volunteers For Unique Experience

Outdoor enthusiasts have a new way to help maintain West Virginia’s natural beauty for future generations.

Outdoor enthusiasts have a new way to help maintain West Virginia’s natural beauty for future generations.

Created in 2021 as a response to a large influx of visitors during the pandemic, the Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards aim to assist the Monongahela National Forest with managing and protecting the wilderness character of Dolly Sods.

Stewards serve as a resource for visitors entering the backcountry to understand the unique nature of the wilderness, what to expect and how to prepare for the experience of a primitive area. Opportunities to help with other projects such as trail maintenance are available.

No specific background or experience is required to apply, and there is no minimum time commitment. Those who live far away or who can only occasionally volunteer their time are welcome.

The program is a partnership between the USDA Forest Service and the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy.

The next training for Trailhead Stewards is tentatively planned for late May.

For more information or to sign up, go to www.wvhighlands.org or https://bit.ly/3pBjiyV.

Glidepath To Recovery: Flying Squirrels And Spruce Forests Share Common Fate

U.S. Forest Service district biologist Shane Jones stands on an overlook high up on West Virginia’s Cheat Mountain. Behind him lush, red spruce trees stand like sentinels on this frozen landscape. As he looks out, small patches of green dot what is largely a view of the barren, brown trunks of leafless hardwoods.

More than a century ago, this high-elevation ecosystem, now located inside the Monongahela National Forest, would have been dominated by the evergreen spruce. After being logged and suffering from fires in the 1880s through early 1900s, today an estimated 90 percent of this ice age-relic of an ecosystem has been removed from West Virginia.

And that has been a challenge for another iconic species: the West Virginia northern flying squirrel.

Credit Brittany Patterson / Ohio Valley ReSource
Ohio Valley ReSource
A rare stand of old red spruce trees in WV.

“We always say as the spruce goes the squirrel goes,” Jones said. As he hikes through a rare virgin patch of red spruce forest, he explains the interconnected relationship the northern flying squirrel and red spruce forest share.

Over the last decade, efforts to help both the squirrel and spruce recover are showing some promising signs, but that there is dispute about whether those efforts are enough.

Tight Relationship

A mature high-elevation red spruce forest will have a mixture of trees of different ages. There will be big trees, as well as fallen trees that create a hole in the canopy that allows smaller trees to grow. The diversity makes the forest resilient. The cool, moist climate of red spruce forests, coupled with the dead needles — or leaf litter — the trees shed, allow rich soils to build up on the forest floor.

“It’s completely different than the soil that develops under hardwood forests or other forests,” Jones said.

Credit Brittany Patterson / Ohio Valley ReSource
Ohio Valley ReSource
Cavities in older trees provide shelter for the squirrels.

And it’s important fodder for mycorrhizal fungi, which develops on the root tips of red spruce trees in the deep organic soils created in these high-elevation forests. The layman’s term for these mycorrhizal fungi: truffles. And that is the meal of choice for the northern flying squirrel.

“They have this really tight relationship with spruce forest,” said Cordie Diggins, a research scientist at Virginia Tech who studies flying squirrels.

The small, nocturnal rodents are notoriously hard to catch. And they don’t actually fly, they glide, she said. The northern flying squirrel spent almost three decades under federal protection. In 2013, it became one of the few species to have its protections removed under the Endangered Species Act, a process known as delisting.  

Recently, federal biologists released a status report for the West Virginia northern flying squirrel. It was largely optimistic. It found in the five years since delisting, the squirrels are still found across much of their range and in some new areas.

But not everyone is convinced the northern flying squirrel is thriving since its delisting. Noah Greenwald directs the endangered species program for the Center for Biological Diversity. The conservation group sued and won protections for the northern flying squirrel in the mid-2000s. He’s concerned wildlife managers don’t really know how many squirrels are out there.

Credit Jack Wallace / Courtesy WV DNR
Courtesy WV DNR
A flying squirrel in flight.

“They just have some, you know, sort of somewhat sporadically collected information showing squirrels to be present or absent in different areas,” he said.

And he has concerns about the forest restoration work itself.

“They’re taking out these big hardwood trees that are part of the squirrels’ habitat and they’re planting young red spruce which aren’t currently habitat and won’t be for a while,” Greenwald said.

The small gliding rodent is notoriously challenging to trap, which is the traditional way biologists estimate population, said Diggins at Virginia Tech.

“In a perfect world, we would be able to catch a ton of squirrels and get an idea of population, but that’s not always possible for rare species,” she said.

Ugly Restoration

Back in the truck, Jones, the USFS biologist, begins driving to the Mower Tract, a 40,000-acre parcel of land owned for decades by the Mower Land and Lumber Company that was logged and mined for decades. In the 1980s, the land was purchased by the Forest Service and for the last decade, this has been where much of the red spruce restoration has been happening in the Monongahela National Forest.

At first glance, he concedes, it’s not the most pleasing picture.

“We call it ugly restoration,” he said with a laugh.

Credit Brittany Patterson / Ohio Valley ReSource
Ohio Valley ReSource
A young red spruce grows in the Mower Tract in WV.

Under its reclamation obligations, the company restored much of the Mower Tract. It bulldozed the land back into roughly its original shape and planted trees on the surface. To an outsider it looks like, well, forest.

But Jones points to signs the ecosystem here is not thriving. Trees have stopped growing and big, open patches of land show little sign of life besides some grasses. Soil testing in the region has confirmed a few centuries ago this land was red spruce forest. That is what Jones hopes it will be again.

To get there, the restoration staff tries to recreate conditions conducive to a healthy red spruce forest. Dozers are used to tear through the earth and break up the ground so tree roots can penetrate through the soil. Some of the existing hardwood trees are ripped out of the earth and left on the landscape to decay. These “snags” as biologists call them provide crucial animal habitat. Contractors also build wetlands.

About a year after this work is done, volunteers come in and plant a variety of species including red spruce. At one area of the Mower Tract, a few years old, knee high green baby spruce trees dot the brown landscape growing up among the twisted, decaying limbs of downed hardwoods.

“What we’re doing is we’re taking an area that was like a biological desert, stuck in arrested succession, the ground was compacted, and we’re putting it back into a forest that eventually, like a long time for now, will be a functional red spruce ecosystem,” Jones said.

Restoration work on the Mower Tract is a partnership between USFS, Green Forest Works and the Appalachian Regional Reforestation initiative. Since 2011, more than 760 acres have been restored and more than 350,000 plants planted in the Mower Tract. More than 150,000 red spruce have been planted, according to a project report released in 2019.

Jones said red spruce planted here have about a 90 percent survival rate.

Credit Brittany Patterson / Ohio Valley ReSource
Ohio Valley ReSource
U.S. Forest Service district biologist Shane Jones.

While re-establishing a red spruce ecosystem is the primary objective of the project, the work also creates early successional habitat, which supports hunting. The creation of wetlands helps with water quality and in the long term will boost the sequestration of carbon, Jones said.

The spruce restoration effort is also important in the face of climate change. Warming threatens the endangered ecosystem. Because of their status as high-elevation forests, they have little room on the landscape to shift northward as temperatures climb. Red spruce forests are also possible climate refugia for species that may flee lower elevation climates as they warm. The central Appalachian mountains are an important wildlife migration corridor, Jones said.

The work also increases the odds that one day the West Virginia northern flying squirrel will thrive here too. “I think 50 years [for] squirrels is not unrealistic,” he said.

January 1, 1973: Songwriter Jack Rollins Dies

Songwriter Jack Rollins died on New Year’s Day 1973 at age 66. The prolific composer wrote more than 500 songs but will always be remembered for two holiday favorites.

Rollins was born in Keyser in Mineral County in 1906. As a youth, he wrote poetry with his mother, who encouraged him to become a songwriter. He left home at 18 and worked in a glass factory, as a railroad baggage handler, and in a carnival. On the side, he started writing lyrics as a freelancer before joining a New York publishing company in 1948. The next year, he co-wrote “Here Comes Peter Cottontail” with Steve Nelson. The song sold more than a million copies.

Then, in 1950, he and Nelson penned “Frosty the Snow Man,” which was a big hit for Gene Autry. He and Nelson also wrote “Smokey the Bear” for the U.S. Forest Service. The character was originally known as Smokey Bear, but the composers added “the” to his name because it fit better musically.

Jack Rollins is buried in Keyser. He was inducted into the West Virginia Music Hall of Fame in 2011.

Court Throws Out Forest Service Approvals for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

A federal court today ruled the U.S. Forest Service improperly granted permits for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to cross under national forest lands, including the Appalachian Trail.

In her 60-page opinion, 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephanie Thacker bashed the agency for failing to protect federal land when it issued approvals to allow the 600-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline to cross the George Washington National Forest, Monongahela National Forest and the Appalachian Trail.

“We trust the United States Forest Service to ‘speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues,'” Thacker wrote, invoking Dr. Seuss’ “The Lorax.” “A thorough review of the record leads to the necessary conclusion that the Forest Service abdicated its responsibility to preserve national forest resources.”

Concluding remarks from 4th Circuit Judge Stephanie Thacker’s opinion.

The opinion finds the Forest Service violated both the National Forest Management Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. For example, the judge agreed with environmental groups’ arguments that the Forest Service shirked its responsibilities under NEPA by not doing an analysis of whether the pipeline could be approved with a route that goes outside of the national forest lands. The agency argued that FERC was responsible for that analysis in its environmental assessment, but, as the court notes, “no such analysis is apparent anywhere in the record.”

Thacker said the agency repeatedly expressed serious concerns about the environmental impacts of the multi-billion dollar natural gas pipeline project, which crosses West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina.

But, she continued, those concerns were “suddenly, and mysteriously assuaged in time to meet a private pipeline company’s deadlines.”

“I think what happened here is for years the Forest Service was asking tough questions about this project and requesting additional information and it turned on a dime when the Trump administration came into power,” said Patrick Hunter, a lawyer with the Southern Environmental Law Center, which was one of the groups that filed the original lawsuit in February. “Federal agencies can change their minds, but they have to good reasons for doing it and they didn’t have a good reason to change their mind and turn on a dime like this and I think that came through in this decision-making.”

The court’s opinion also clarifies that the Forest Service does not have the authority to grant the Atlantic Coast Pipeline the approval to cross under the Appalachian Trail. Following that reasoning, the panel of appellate court judges tossed the agency’s approvals granting the project’s right of way for the Appalachian Trail.

Hunter said the ACP’s developer, Dominion Energy, will not have to rethink the project’s route and if that is the case, other federal agency permits and approvals may have to be reexamined.

“The pipeline route that Dominion has chosen cannot be approved as of right now, and so if they want to keep working on this thing, they’re going to have to go back to the drawing board,” he said. “All of the agencies that have to issue approvals for this pipeline — their approvals depend on this one pipeline route. And since that can no longer be built as planned, I think that calls all of those other approvals into question.”

Aaron Ruby, a spokesman for the project, said in a statement that Dominion strongly disagrees with the court’s ruling and the developers intend to immediately appeal the court’s decision to the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. 

“Under Democratic and Republican administrations alike, for decades, 56 other oil and gas pipelines have operated across the [Appalachian Trail],” Ruby said. “This opinion brings into question whether or not these existing pipelines can remain in place.”

Currently, all construction along the ACP’s route has been stopped following a separate decision from the 4th Circuit, which stayed the pipeline’s revised Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement, a key permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Study Finds Invasive Ant Species Have Gone Global

The majority of ants entering the United States are coming not from their native countries, but from other regions, according to a new U.S. Forest Service study released this week, co-authored by a Morgantown entomologist.

Over the past two centuries, more than 400 insects have invaded the U.S. Some of those include ants. And although they are little, ants can cause big ecological problems worldwide including triggering outbreaks of sap-feeding insects because some non-native ant species keep away parasites.

Some non-native ant species displace native ants, which can cause decline in native plant species that depend on those species for pollination. Some, like the red imported fire ant, are highly venomous.

An international team of researchers looked at more than 70 years of data collected by the U.S. and New Zealand. The data tracked when USDA inspectors found ants at air and maritime ports of entry.

Between 1914 and 1984, ants were found more than 1,400 times at U.S. ports. More than three-quarters of those ant species came from shipments outside their native range.

Andrew Liebhold, a research entomologist with the U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station in Morgantown, who was a co-author of the study, said that was surprising. The data showed most of the ants intercepted at U.S. ports are African species, but they weren’t stowing away with goods from Africa.

“What seems to happens is that these species is they initially invade one part of the world and then those parts of the world basically serve as jumping off points for the rest of the world,” he said.

Most U.S. ant invaders, for example, are coming from Latin America.

Leibhold said it’s a bit of mystery as to why ants are coming from outside their native range. One reason might be that certain parts of the world are more connected through trade.

As a result, ants, like most other things, may have gone global, he said.

By having a better understanding of what species are coming into U.S. ports and from where, officials may be able to better prevent invasive ants from entering the country. Port officials, for example, could set up more detailed screening protocols for goods coming from certain ant-prone places or encourage more cleaning of certain imports.

Researchers from the University of Lausanne, University of Paris-Sud, the New Zealand Forest Research Institute and Landcare Research also participated. The study was published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Prescribed Burn Planned for Parts of Monongahela National Forest

Prescribed burning is planned for the Hopkins Knob area of Greenbrier County on Sunday, April 29.

According to a news release issued by the U. S. Forest Service, two helicopters and up to 60 firefighters and support staff will be on hand to assist with the prescribed burn inside the in the Monongahela National Forest.

Burning will occur only if weather conditions are favorable.

More information, including maps and photos, can be found on the webpage here.

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