Manchin proposes alternative to striking Syria

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) continues to lobby for a bill he’s cosponsoring with Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) promoting a diplomatic solution to problems in Syria.

Manchin and Heitkamp have proposed a joint resolution that would give Syria’s president 45 days to agree to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention and comply with its provisions. The Convention prohibits the development, stockpiling or use of chemical weapons and requires they be destroyed.

At this point Manchin opposes the Obama Administration’s proposed limited military strike.

“The question I continue to ask myself which I’m sure you all have and all American have and anyone you’ve asked, is there an imminent threat to our country and to our people. And I have found that to be absolutely not the case,” Manchin said.

Manchin said he decided to oppose immediate US military intervention after spending last week listening to all sides of the issue during Senate hearings.

“But I have to ask why are we the only ones going alone, why does it rise to the level that we should be the ones acting,” he said. “If the Arab League is not willing to go in and help their people if you will, and take the lead, if the rest of the international community has not come to the aid and not willing to come to the aid for different reasons why should we.”

Manchin said the resolution also requires the Obama administration to work at finding a diplomatic solution to preventing Syria from using chemical weapons again.

Manchin won't support a strike on Syria

With a vote expected in Congress next week, Senator Joe Manchin says he will not support a U.S. military strike over alleged chemical weapons attacks by…

With a vote expected in Congress next week, Senator Joe Manchin says he will not support a U.S. military strike over alleged chemical weapons attacks by President BasharAl-Assad on the people of Syria.


In a news release, Manchin said he has attended hearings before the Senate Armed Services Committee, of which he is a member, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committees, of which he is not. He said he has also attended classified briefings with the Obama Administration and has met with national security and foreign policy experts with hopes to seek more information on a potential attack on Syria. 


“The decision to use U.S. military force is one of the most serious decisions I have ever made,” said Manchin in the release. 


Manchin said he cannot support the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s resolution passed on Wednesday that calls for a “limited and tailored” strike.  That resolution would limit a strike to 60 days with an option to be extended another 30 days after a consultation with Congress. It would also block the use of U.S. troops on the ground.  


Despite these limitations, Manchin said he does not support a strike on Syria.


“In good conscience, I cannot support the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s resolution and will be working with my colleagues and the administration to develop other options,” he said.  


Manchin said he believes the U.S. should exhaust all diplomatic options and have a comprehensive plan for international involvement before a strike occurs.

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