Rockefeller honored by Vice President for years of service

This week, it was the Democratic Party’s turn to raise money, but also pay tribute to a man who has served the state for 50 years.

“Your overwhelming proof, Jay, that it’s not about the circumstances you come from, it’s about soul. And Jay Rockefeller, you’ve got soul.”

Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Charleston to honor Senator Jay Rockefeller at the annual Jefferson-Jackson fundraising dinner.

Focused more on the long-time politician’s accomplishments than politics, Biden spoke of the years of service Rockefeller has given to the state, likening him to the ranks of former Senators Robert C. Byrd and Jennings Randolph, both men the Vice President knew personally during his seven terms in the U.S. Senate.

“As different as their backgrounds and personalities, these three great men had a common thread that runs through all of them and I got to witness it up close and personal,” he said Saturday night in a ballroom at the Charleston Civic Center. “They’re all extremely bright, patriotic men who have an incredible sense of decency and a concern most of all for the struggles of ordinary people. That was the driving force of their devotion to their job.”

Vice President Joe Biden's full keynote address.

Throughout the evening, the Vice President, Senator Joe Manchin, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and other state Democratic leaders recounted the battles Rockefeller took on for the people of West Virginia.

An outsider from one of the richest families in the nation, Rockefeller moved to the state in the early 1960s as a VISTA volunteer, spending time in the small southern West Virginia town of Emmons located in Boone County.

“I learned that public service is what I wanted to do because if you love people who are constantly trying to push a rock uphill with life sort of stack against them, but they don’t quaver,” Rockefeller said. “They just go ahead.”

Senator Jay Rockefeller and his wife Sharon Lee Percy share their thoughts on West Virginia, moderated by their daughter Valerie.

“In effect, I was reborn, in a secular sense, in Emmons because of the people. They told me without telling me what I needed to do and who I was and that I was okay.”

Biden said from his years of friendship with the Senator, he could tell Rockefeller took that time to heart, eventually using the experience to motivate him as he served the state in the House of Delegates and during his eight years as governor.

“I’d already been in the Senate a long time when Governor Rockefeller ran for the United States Senate, but I can remember when he ran for governor because I remember what they said about him,” Biden recounted.

“This is this sycon of a wealthy family. He’s just form shopping. He’s just down here trying to find a safe Democratic seat and this is all he’s doing. He doesn’t give a darn. He’s an opportunist. Remember the phrase he has nothing in common with us? He has nothing in common with us. They didn’t know you, Jay.”

“You came to give, but you found out the people of West Virginia they stole. They stole your heart,” the Vice President said.

Rockefeller was praised for his work on the Children’s Health Insurance Program, known commonly as CHIP, the 1992 Coal Act which established a health benefits fund for coal miners, and his work as Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee during the war in Iraq.

“There’s no doubt in my mind, and I’m sure none of you know any of this because Jay can’t come home and talk about this stuff and I can only talk about it in generic terms, but I promise you. I promise you, you and America are a much safer nation because of Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia,” Biden said.

But the evening was still about politics, after all the fundraising dinner is one of the largest events for the party of the year.

Attendees paid $75 a plate, and with more than 1,500 in the room, state Democratic Party Chair Larry Puccio called it one of the most successful dinners in the party’s history.

Even Rockefeller took time during his question and answer session with his daughter and wife to endorse Natalie Tennant, West Virginia’s Secretary of State and the Democratic candidate running to fill his seat.

Rockefeller, who will retire in early 2015 after 30 years in the U.S. Senate, said he has been lucky to serve West Virginia and the entire country on a broad scale, fighting for jobs, health care, working people, seniors and veterans.

Rebuilt bridge's debut draws dignitaries, public

A bridge replacing a 70-year-old span linking Nitro and St. Albans is open for traffic.The old bridge was demolished earlier this year to make way for the…



A bridge replacing a 70-year-old span linking Nitro and St. Albans is open for traffic.

The old bridge was demolished earlier this year to make way for the new Dick Henderson Memorial Bridge. It cost nearly $24 million to construct.

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin and Sen. Joe Manchin were among the dignitaries on hand Friday to mark the opening of the span to traffic. It opened to foot traffic Thursday night.

Instead of a ribbon cutting, a construction worker used a blowtorch to cut through a chain.

Hundreds looked on as the new span made its debut.

A new trophy for the annual football rivalry game between St. Albans and Nitro is made from steel from the old span.

For more information on the reconstruction of the Dick Henderson Memorial Bridge, visit the Department of Transportation’s website.

Education Summit kicks off Tuesday, Nov. 5

Governor Tomblin’s education reform bill passed by the legislature earlier this year requires all children to read proficiently by the third grade. A…

Governor Tomblin’s education reform bill passed by the legislature earlier this year requires all children to read proficiently by the third grade.  A strategy to make sure that happens will be discussed at an education summit Tuesday, November 5. 

From grades kindergarten to third grade, children learn to read.  By fourth grade, they must read to learn.

Dr. Amelia Courts, the President and CEO of The Education Alliance in Charleston says it takes more than a law on the books to do that.  It takes support from the school community.

“Obviously Governor Tomblin has made it very clear that he views the improvement process for education to be a long term commitment and that’s where our organization stands as well. There were some legislative changes this past session,” said Courts. 

“We would envision that some additional changes will occur this coming session and we want to continue to engage the community as we move through that process. Also as we work with individual schools and school districts we hope to take some of these lessons learned from the summit and work with them as they are implemented in programs at different schools.”

The summit includes speeches, panel discussions and a town hall meeting hosted by former governor Gaston Caperton.  It convenes Tuesday morning at the Charleston Civic Center.

One in five West Virginians seeing reduction in food assistance benefits

An automatic reduction to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps, will begin taking effect today, cutting benefits for more than 47 million people across the country. 

West Virginians rely heavily on this assistance program, with about 20 percent of the population enrolled.

A Kanawha County man who is already struggling to provide for his family said this national cut means he will have to make even harder choices in the near future. 


Rick Hodges is a single dad raising his 7-year-old daughter in Cabin Creek. Hodges was a subcontractor for a cable company for 17 years, but was hurt on the job in 2001. Now, he relies on disability and food stamps to provide for his family.

“I don’t eat a lot of times. I just make her food,” said Hodges. ” I might eat what she don’t eat. In fact, I just did that this week one day.”

This week, Hodges received notice from the state Department of Health and Human Resources that his benefits were being cut from $79 to $59 a month.

“That’s $20 less food I can buy for my daughter. That’s $20 I’ll somehow have to come up with out of my check and that means not paying the sewer bill,” said Hodges. “If you don’t pay your sewer bill, they want to cut your water off so that really puts you in a bind. That’s a large cut. That’s a very large cut.”

But he’s not alone. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, nationwide will be cut by more than $5 billion Friday, affecting more than 14 percent of U.S. households, as a temporary boost when 2009 federal stimulus package automatically expires.

For West Virginia, that means the average family of three’s benefits will be cut by 29 dollars or 16 meals a month based on numbers from the U.S. Agriculture Department.

Executive Director of the Healthy Kids and Families Coalition Stephen Smith says about 350 thousand working West Virginians will feel the impact first hand.

“Poverty doesn’t look like someone who is not working and relying on government,” said Smith.

“Poverty looks like, especially in West Virginia, a majority are people who are working sometimes two or three jobs and making minimum wage which everyone knows isn’t enough money to get by on and those are a lot of the people who are receiving SNAP benefits to try to fill the gap at the end of every month.”

In West Virginia, the program is funded exclusively through federal monies. SNAP Senior Policy Specialist Marsha Stowers said the budget will shrink by nearly $2.7 million this month.

“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and it was temporary. It increased net benefits across the board in efforts to stimulate the economy and the law was set to expire November 1, 2013. So, as of right now, the state doesn’t have anything they’re going to add,” she said.

Communities, however, are working to fill the gap left by federal funding. Smith said over the past few decades, as the economy has worsened, charities and food banks have started to step up to help families make ends meet.

Even with the 40 to 50 thousand new programs created across the country in the past few years, the number of people who are food insecure has only increased, showing that what they can do is not enough.

“It is absolutely clear that those cannot fill the gap and we’ve seen that in West Virginia,” said Smith. “Talk to anyone who is running a backpack program or a feeding program, they see increasingly more and more working families showing up and they’re still not making the difference they need to.”

Hodges said he’s had that experience, traveling from food bank to food bank in southern West Virginia just to make it through the month.

As for what he thinks lawmakers should be doing when it comes to SNAP benefits:

 “I would tell them thanks for the stimulus that we did have, but there’s going to be children that go hungry because of this cut. They have to look themselves in the mirror and know that there are kids going to bed because of cuts that are going to be hungry and crying and sick for school the next morning,” said Hodges.

Hodges said the reduction in the program will be a challenge for him, but he isn’t giving up.

“No matter what they throw at us, we have to make it. We can’t just blink our eyes and disappear from the world. We have to somehow find a way.”

Campaign targets pseudoephedrine regulation in W.Va.

An industry trade group has launched a campaign in West Virginia opposing legislation that would require prescriptions for medications containing pseudoephedrine.
     Pseudoephedrine is also used illegally to make methamphetamine.
     The Consumer Healthcare Products Association began running ads this week on Charleston-area news websites. The group also has set up a website called Stop Meth, Not Meds, a Facebook page and a Twitter account.
     Association spokeswoman Elizabeth Funderburke tells the Charleston Gazette that families rely on cold, sinus and allergy medications containing pseudoephedrine. She says the association provides a platform for them to voice opposition to prescription legislation.
     House Health Committee Chairman Don Perdue and Nicholas County Sen. Greg Tucker have said they plan to introduce prescription-only bills for pseudoephedrine.

State working to increase security at some juvenile facilities

A judge called the inner workings of the Gene Spadaro Juvenile Center “concerning” after receiving a report from a court monitor for the Adjudicated Juvenile Rehabilitation Review Commission.

The Commission was established in June of 2011 to examine the operations and programs of the Division of Juvenile Services facilities across the state. Cindy Largent-Hill is a member of the commission and visited the Spadaro Juvenile Center in Fayette County Monday.

Judge Omar Aboulhosn, Marty Wright, who serves as counsel for DJS, and Lydia Milnes and Dan Hedges of the public interest law firm Mountain State Justice received copies of the report and discussed its findings during a hearing in Kanawha County Circuit Court Tuesday.

“When I read this report, when I talked with my monitor about it, I was kind of surprised to hear the staff being so vocal, saying please help us. We’re afraid someone’s going to get hurt,” Aboulhosn said.

“To hear that they’re afraid the residents are going to take over the facility? That’s pretty stunning,” he said.

When the state decided to close the Salem Industrial Youth Home and, subsequently, Aboulhosn ordered the closure of the Harriet B. Jones Treatment Center this summer on the same campus, juvenile residents were transferred to facilities around the state.

Those with behavioral or mental health issues, called wellness residents, were transferred to the James H. “Tiger” Morton Juvenile Center in Kanawha County and convicted sex offenders were relocated to the Sam Perdue Juvenile Center in Mercer County.

In order to make room for the residents at those facilities, others were shifted between centers and now, Stephanie Bond, acting director of DJS, said staff members at Spadaro have to deal with new types of offenders.

“The staff is used to having lower end status offenders. Our goal was to put lower end detention kids there, but due to the crowding at our more secure detention centers we haven’t been able to move them as we wanted to do,” Bond told the judge.

Not all juvenile facilities in the state have the same security features. Higher end detention centers, like the Lorrie Yeager, Jr., Center in Parkersburg, W.Va., are called hardware secure facilities, meaning they have additional security measures at entrances and fences with barbed wire, while Spadaro is a staff secure center meant for less violent offenders and therefore doesn’t have the same security features.

“The building is not equipped appropriately and staff members know it will take time,” Hill told Aboulhosn, “but they are in dire need now.”

Bond said the state is working to upgrade the Spadaro Center to a hardware secure level, but it is taking time.

Aside from the staff learning to handle a new type of resident and upgrading security, Bond said three residents at Spadaro were acting as ring leaders, egging on their peers. Those residents are being transferred to more secure facilities, including Yeager and the Chick Buckbee Center in Hampshire County.

Wright, however, adds this is problem staff members are seeing at facilities across the state. Over the past year the court has ordered procedural changes within the DJS system and Wright says residents are starting to feel empowered.

“We noticed a trend starting to happen where there’s a belief that you can’t touch me, you can’t do anything to me,” Wright said. “I’ll go complain and get you all in trouble type atmosphere from the residents and now we’re starting to see the matriculation of that mentality going to the extreme.”

Wright told the court it is time to bring some concreteness to the matter.

“We need to bring some calm to the situation and let things start taking its course and get some finality in terms of what these are the rules,” Wright said. “Let’s start implementing them so residents see them.”

Aboulhosn agreed. He has given DJS and Mountain State two weeks to finalize an agreement on the handling of due process rights, education and recreation.

From there, he said he’ll ask counsel to submit its final fact findings and decide how to appropriately dismiss the case.

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