Disability Rights Advocates Question Kentucky Policy On COVID Vaccines

Nathan French signed up for a COVID-19 vaccination and is waiting for an appointment. The 22-year-old Transylvania University senior has had COVID-19 twice.

“The first time it was asymptomatic, and I was thankful,” French said. “But the second time, I was stricken with lung issues, and it felt like my heart rate was faster than normal. I was horrified for my safety because I just didn’t know what was going to happen to me.”

French has a developmental disability, a form of the neuromuscular disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, which affects his diaphragm and his nerves. French also has a heart condition.

The second coronavirus infection made French feel like he couldn’t breathe, and it landed him in the hospital for a day where he said he didn’t feel like his treatment was a priority.

“They were more concerned with dealing with people who aren’t disabled, so I felt like I was being neglected and not important as a person,” French said.

Courtesy Nathan French
Kentucky college student Nathan French is unsure if he is eligible for a COVID vaccine.

French said he doesn’t know if he is currently eligible for a vaccine in Kentucky, but hopes to get one soon. Despite appeals from disability advocates, and studies showing that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are at an increased risk of dying from COVID-19, Kentucky’s plan for prioritizing vaccinations did not clearly include disabilities in the early phases.

Because French has a developmental disability, he would have already qualified for a vaccination if he lived in some other nearby states, such as Ohio and West Virginia, which prioritize people with disabilities.

Kentucky’s vaccination plans have prioritized medical conditions that are considered “high risk” for severe COVID-19 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Down Syndrome is listed as a qualifying condition for phase 1C of vaccinations, a broad category which recently got underway in the state, but that is the only such disability on the state’s list, according to disability advocates.

During a press conference March 16, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear responded to a question on the issue from the Ohio Valley ReSource and said that the commonwealth’s vaccination plans closely follow the CDC’s guidelines.

“And so the reason it’s not included in Kentucky is it’s not in the CDC prioritizations, but with that said, we should consider it,” Beshear said.

Questioned again on the subject on March 18, Beshear still did not have a firm answer.

“There was even an internal disagreement with whether these individuals are in 1C,” Beshear said. “They certainly need to be prioritized and we’ll be providing clarity on that shortly.”

Crystal Staley, communications director for the governor’s office, said later that night in an email, “yes people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are in 1C.”

However, by the end of the week, even advocates who track the issue closely were left uncertain about just what the state’s policy is for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, or IDD.

“Those with IDD and their family members don’t know they’re in 1C if, in fact, they are,” Kentucky Protection and Advocacy Legal Director Heidi Schissler said in an email. “It definitely needs to be clarified and the website needs to be updated to clearly explain it, especially now that supply is greatly increasing.”

A Push For Change

In 2017, an estimated 101,535 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities received services in Kentucky. Kentucky Protection and Advocacy is a federally mandated, independent state agency that works to protect the rights of people with disabilities.

The group sent a letter to Gov. Beshear in December requesting priority status for vaccinations for those with IDD. Legal Director Schissler said some concerns have been addressed. For example, people with disabilities who live in congregate housing were prioritized in the state’s first vaccine phase, which also focused on long-term care centers. In early February, the agency met with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services over Zoom.

“They said, you know, ‘We’re still listening. We’ll get back with you,’” Schissler said. Since then the agency sent another letter and drew attention to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that found that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities were more likely to become infected and were nearly six times more likely to die from COVID-19 compared to the general population.

Corinne Boyer
People waiting at the UK HealthCare vaccination site at Kroger field after being vaccinated.

Schissler said she thought that data would get the state’s attention.

“We thought that (study) was truly a game changer — that that was going to make Kentucky officials and the CDC wake up,” she said.

“Devastating Impact”

On March 5, the New England Journal of Medicine published a commentary with a blunt warning about the “devastating impact” COVID-19 was having on people with IDD. The study found that people with intellectual disabilities “are at substantially increased risk of dying from Covid-19.”

One of the study’s authors, Dr. Wendy Ross, is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician who directs the Center for Autism & Neurodiversity at Jefferson Health in Philadelphia. Since the study’s publication, she said about six states have changed vaccine plans to include intellectual disabilities.

“I think the big differentiator about this study that made it so impactful is that it wasn’t saying that intellectual disability is one of many things that can make you more likely to get COVID and die from COVID,” Ross said. “It said it is literally the top independent risk factor for getting COVID. And second, only to age for dying from COVID.”

The CDC’s vaccination guidelines for people with disabilities state that “disability alone does not put you at higher risk for getting COVID-19.” The agency updates the list of medical conditions regularly, but has not added intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Ross said the data from the study was presented to the CDC.

“They did not question the quality of our data, but they did not change the recommendations, and I honestly cannot explain that,” she said.

Challenges Elsewhere

Ohio listed intellectual and developmental disabilities in phase 1B of its vaccine plan that was slated for distribution on Jan. 25. For people who also have certain medical conditions, county developmental disability boards are in charge of helping them to coordinate a vaccine. People with IDD who do not use county board services should reach out to those boards to plan to get their vaccine.

“Ohio’s decision to vaccinate those with developmental or intellectual disabilities and certain medical conditions was based on the potential severe outcomes these individuals could face if infected with COVID-19, in line with Ohio’s goal to save lives,” Alicia Shoults with the Ohio Department of Health said in an email.

Shoults added that local health departments are vaccinating people who aren’t able to leave their homes.

West Virginia’s vaccine plan lists intellectual and developmental disabilities and care takers in phase 2-A. The state expanded eligibility in phase 2A on March 15.

Anne McDaniel, executive director of the West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council, said advocates and disability groups have been pushing to make people with disabilities a higher priority within the state’s plans.

“People with disabilities (were) included in phase 2-A all along, but we’ve been in phase one, since vaccination started until just the last week or so,” she said.

McDaniel said it was especially important to focus on people with disabilities living in group settings.

“Because the whole phase structure started with people in nursing homes, people in assisted living, people in prisons,” McDaniel said. “But people with disabilities who are living in group homes, larger group homes, other congregate settings, were not included in that.”

McDaniel said the groups’ continual push for the inclusion of people with disabilities “may have sped up that move to phase two a little bit.”

To ensure people have access to vaccines, ongoing efforts have focused on vaccine registration and pop-up clinics have been set up to reach people who cannot get to vaccination sites.

McDaniel said strategies to have nurses vaccinate people in their homes and in congregate settings are also underway.

“The new vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, I think, is really going to help with that,” she said. ”You don’t have that time frame, from the time it’s thawed, until the time it has to go into an arm,” she said.

Still, identifying people who can’t leave their homes or don’t have access to transportation to reach a vaccine clinic has been a challenge in West Virginia.

Maj. Gen. James A. Hoyer, the Adjutant General of West Virginia, said there isn’t a single way to identify someone who can’t get to a vaccine clinic. Health departments, regional clinics and programs that focus on vaccinating people with disabilities have helped identify about 2,400 individuals so far.

But Hoyer said he’s not sure how many of those 2,400 have been vaccinated in their homes or at health departments.

“It’s probably not something that we have tracked,” Hoyer said.

Hoyer said university health and science programs and pharmacy programs have volunteered to administer shots. “The other group that’s been really exceptionally good is the independent pharmacy folks, because, you know, in some of these small rural communities, it’s not uncommon for pharmacists to go still make a house call for a vaccine.”

A New Advocate

When Nathan French learned that people with IDD weren’t listed as eligible for vaccines in Kentucky, he said he was disappointed.

“I have learned to expect to be disappointed,” he said.

But French wants things to change. He plans to become an advocate for people with disabilities.

“I hope that later in my life I can go into politics to represent people with disabilities and make changes at the state and national scale.”

June Leffler, West Virginia Public Broadcasting’s Appalachian Health News reporter, contributed to this story.

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Justice Launches Investigation As More Unreported COVID-19 Deaths Emerge

Gov. Jim Justice announced more unreported COVID-19 deaths at a virtual briefing Friday, and said he’s beginning a complete investigation into the problem, which the state became aware of last week.

Initially, the state realized 70 hospitals and other health providers undercounted 165 COVID-19 deaths. The state became aware of the issue after death certificates arrived at vital statistics, a process that takes several weeks.

Justice says that’s too long of a window to wait on the necessary data that health providers are responsible for providing in a timely manner.

“We are disrespecting great West Virginians, and there is no excuse for that,” he said.

Friday he confirmed another 20 deaths in an undercount, though that number could be as high as 50.

“I will absolutely get to the bottom of the ‘why,’ because there is no excuse why,” he said.

On the vaccine front, West Virginia continues to get and administer more doses than ever before.

While most people 65 and older have gotten at least one dose, the state wants to ramp up its Save Our Wisdom effort — the state’s campaign name for vaccinating West Virginia’s eldest and most vulnerable. The Joint Interagency Task Force will stand up three large-scale, permanent clinics for seniors specifically. Justice hasn’t confirmed where those will be or when they will open.

“And if that doesn’t work, we’re going to go up every holler, anywhere and everywhere we can. And we’re going to get you,” he said.

The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department opened two lines Friday specifically for seniors.

Justice has set a goal of vaccinating at least 85 percent of seniors.

West Virginians Finding COVID-19 Vaccines Any Way They Can

West Virginia is getting more COVID-19 vaccines and more people are eligible for their shot than ever before. How people access their first shot is changing, too.

Some residents are stumbling upon available doses through social media or word of mouth tips. Instead of waiting for a call, folks are keeping their ears to the ground and jumping at the chance to get a vaccine sooner rather than later.

That’s exactly what happened at a Walgreens pharmacy on Charleston’s West Side on Tuesday. At any given time, a dozen cars filled the parking lot of that Walgreens store. On March 16, the lot overflowed with as many as 50 cars.

Marissa Sanders, 44, heard there were vaccines available, and hurried on down.

“So I didn’t know what to expect. And I actually stood in the wrong line for a couple minutes,” she said.

Once Sanders found the right line, she saw that it snaked up and down the store aisles, and she worried she might not get her dose.

“I didn’t know if there would still be any left. But I thought, well, it’s worth a shot,” Sanders said.

A subtle chaos circulated through the store. The small staff worked at the pace of a fast food joint during lunch hour — registering people, manning the drive through window, and putting shots in arms. They kept it up from late afternoon to almost midnight, giving shots to about 130 people.

Those in line chatted as they waited, and almost no one complained.

“I was really excited when I found out I could do that,” said 53-year-old Andrea Akers. She was not expecting to get the vaccine that day, but someone at her work tipped her off.

“I heard there were no restrictions. So I hopped in the car and came down,” Akers said.

She and her husband received the single-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

The number of doses coming to West Virginia has tripled in about a month. And due to a recent federal program that sends doses directly to pharmacies, there’s even more available. These pharmacies aren’t beholden to the state on how doses are allocated. Maj. Gen. Jim Hoyer told West Virginia Public Broadcasting even he is not sure exactly how many doses are coming through that program.

Sometimes an appointment isn’t necessary. Residents just need to know where to go.

“We got the information actually from Facebook from a friend. So we just dropped on a dime to come down here and are hoping for the best,” said Patrick Racer, 32, who drove 30 miles from Jackson County.

While the state has pushed the central pre-registration website and hotline as the go-to place to sign up for a vaccine, clearly there are more proactive ways to get a shot. And Jamie Miller was just one of those letting people know where to go.

“I’m just literally passing along information, which is what West Virginians do,” she said.

Miller doesn’t work for the state or the National Guard. She is an artist and activist, and has almost 1,000 Twitter followers. People send her tips and she shares them as widely as possible.

“People are so desperate to get vaccinated and to get back to somewhat normal that it just kind of spread like wildfire,” Miller said.

She encourages everyone to listen to their neighbors and stay ready.

“If you hear about something, you check it out, and you go and try to get the vaccine any way that you can,” she said.

While many are keeping their ears to the ground, there are a number of things they can do to stay proactive. First, pre-register on the Department of Health and Human Resources website. Also, they can give their local health departments a tap on the shoulder by calling and letting them know they are waiting. Also, state residents can reach out to their local pharmacies along with checking their Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Gov. Justice: All Essential Workers, Those With Chronic Diseases, Eligible for Vaccine

All essential workers and those with certain health conditions are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Gov. Jim Justice announced an expansion in vaccine eligibility today at a virtual press briefing. That includes grocery store workers, bank clerks, child care providers, truck drivers and many others who keep cities and towns running smoothly.

This announcement comes less than two weeks after the state opened eligibility for all essential workers 50 years and older and those with Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia and an organ transplant or current pregnancy. Now, those with lung, heart, kidney, and liver diseases are also eligible. The same goes for those with asthma, certain diabetes, and immunosuppression. Anyone considered medically obese can also get their shot.

As more West Virginians can expect to get the call for their first doses, the state still wants to prioritize those 65 and older. More than half of that age group has gotten a shot, state officials reported.

Local health departments and other organizations continue to host clinics targeting vulnerable or underserved populations. That includes clinics directed at Black West Virginians, grandparents, veterans, coal miners and those in the Eastern Panhandle.

West Virginians 50 And Older Now Qualify For COVID-19 Vaccine

As of today, a lot more West Virginians will qualify for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Gov. Jim Justice announced at a virtual press briefing Wednesday that the state has lowered the age requirement from 65 to 50 for the general population. Teachers 40 and older will also be able to receive their first shot.

The state is also opening eligibility to anyone with a number of disabilities or health concerns, regardless of age. That includes those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Anyone who needs assistance with basic living now qualifies for their first shot.

Same goes for those with health conditions that put them at a higher risk of being hospitalized or dying from COVID-19. That includes anyone who has had an organ transplant, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, or is medically obese. Pregnant women are also included.

The state will continue to prioritize those 65 and older. To get on the waiting list, register online at the Department of Health and Human Resources website. Currently more than 300,000 West Virginians have signed up through that portal.

UK Variant Detected In West Virginia, WVU Students

Three cases of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7, or commonly known as the UK Variant, have been detected in north central West Virginia, state health officials announced Friday evening.

“While the presence of this COVID-19 variant in West Virginia is not surprising, it’s a good motivator for us to double down on the prevention efforts we’ve had in place for many months now,” said Dr. Ayne Amjad, West Virginia’s state health officer, in a statement Friday.

Two of the three cases are West Virginia University students, according to a Saturday announcement from university officials. Additionally, they said the university is conducting contact tracing in collaboration with the Monongalia County Health Department.

Last week, the university reported a weekly 3.53% positive rate from 3,143 tests conducted. 111 positive cases of the virus were reported.

It is believed the three individuals are related to each other and have not visited the WVU campus while they were infectious, according to a university press release.

Forty-two states had previously detected the B.1.1.7 variant that originated in the United Kingdom and scientists believe it is more contagious than the original COVID-19 strain. The CDC reports all states bordering West Virginia had already detected the variant and 1,523 cases of the variant have been detected nationwide.

Early data shows the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines offer protection against the B.1.1.7 variant but just 9% of West Virginia’s population has been fully vaccinated.

“It is critically important that everyone (vaccinated and unvaccinated) continue to mask up, physically distance and wash our hands, particularly at this time when there’s light at the end of the tunnel,” Dr. Sally Hodder, associate vice president for clinical and translational research at WVU, said in a statement on Saturday. “We don’t want to shoot ourselves in the foot.”

Testing labs at both WVU and Marshall University have partnered with the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources to conduct genetic sequences tests of COVID-19 and to detect variants.

More information on the recently detected B .1.1.7 variant can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website.

“Now that we have this confirmation, as Gov. Justice always says, it’s not time to be fearful, it’s time to be smart,” Amjad said. “All West Virginians should continue hand-washing, social distancing, proper mask-wearing, testing, and everyone should get vaccinated when it’s their turn.”

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