It's Early Voting Season in West Virginia

Early voting in West Virginia’s primary election begins Wednesday April 30, 2014 and runs through Saturday May 10.According to the Secretary of State’s…

Early voting in West Virginia’s primary election begins Wednesday April 30, 2014 and runs through Saturday May 10.

According to the Secretary of State’s web site, voters can cast ballots at each county courthouse or annex during regular business hours and on Saturday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Primary election day is Tuesday May 13, 2014.

The top of the ticket this year features races for one U.S. Senate seat and all three House seats.

Voters will choose the Democrat and Republican nominees who will run to replace retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va). Three Republicans and three Democrats are vying for the nomination.

Republicans for U.S. Senate

  • Larry Eugene Butcher, Wood County
  • Shelley Moore Capito, Kanawha County
  • Matthew Dodrill, Wood County

Democrats for U.S. Senate

  • Dennis Melton, Lewis County
  • Natalie Tennant, Kanawha County
  • David Wamsley, Wood County

Since Second District Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va) is running for Senate that seat is open. Nine candidates are running for the seat she’s vacating. Two are Democrats and seven are Republican.
Democrats for U.S. House of Representatives, Second District

  • Nick Casey, Kanawha County
  • Meshea L. Poore, Kanawha County

Republicans for U.S. House of Representatives, Second District

  • Robert Lawrence Fluharty, Jefferson County
  • Steve Harrison, Kanawha County
  • Charlotte Lane, Kanawha County
  • Alex X. Mooney, Jefferson County
  • Jim Moss, Putnam County
  • Ken Reed, Morgan County
  • Ron Walters, Jr., Kanawha County

Candidates in the first congressional district primary are running unopposed. They are Incumbent David McKinley (R-W.Va.) and Democrat Glen B. Gainer III, who is currently West Virginia’s auditor.
Third district Congressman Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) has a primary opponent, Richard Ojeda II of Logan County. Republican Evan Jenkins of Cabell County is running unopposed in the third district primary.

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