EPA Pledges to Limit Public Exposure to Chemicals like C8

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said today the agency is prepared to take action to limit exposure of  widely-used toxic chemicals used to make non-stick items. 

PFAS is a category of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, C8, GenX, and many other chemicals with stain resistant, non-stick and waterproof properties. Several communities across the Ohio Valley have detected PFAS chemicals in drinking water and a few have significant contamination.

Speaking at a a two-day summit on PFAS contamination in Washington, D.C., Pruitt said EPA has a four-part plan to address water contamination from a suite of toxic fluorinated chemicals, known as PFAS.

EPA’s priority is to evaluate if a Maximum Contaminant Level, or MCL, is needed.

“It’s something that has been talked about for a number of years,” Pruitt told a crowd of about 200 people, which included representatives from 38 states and 20 federal agencies. “The process needs to begin.”

The MCL would set a legal limit on the amount of the substance allowed in public water systems. Currently, EPA has issued a health advisory for C8. It says water contaminated with more than 70 parts-per-trillion is unsafe the drink, but the advisory is non-enforceable.

Ohio EPA director Craig Butler, told summit participants in the absence of legally-enforceable federal guidance on PFAS contamination, states have taken different approaches.  Many states are using EPA’s health advisory recommendations as the bar to take action, and a few are using more protective exposure levels than EPA’s.

“The resulting variation in PFOA/PFOS standards across the state creates a potential for confusion and complicates efforts to communicate health risk,” he said.

He encouraged the agency to discuss the merits of further regulation in open and transparent ways. He added this issue is important for many communities around the country including in Ohio and West Virginia. Some municipalities in those states have been dealing with C8 contamination for decades.

C8, a chemical similar to PFOA, was released from Dupont’s Washington Works plant in Parkersburg. DuPont dumped over 7,000 tons of C8 sludge in a nearby landfill where it leached out. The chemical polluted streams and exposure killed nearby livestock in the late 1990s.

At very low levels of exposure, PFAS chemicals have been linked to thyroid disease, immune disorders and kidney and testicular cancers.

Pruitt said the agency will also release groundwater cleanup recommendations this fall. EPA will consider declaring PFOS and PFOA a hazardous substance and will establish toxicity values for two other toxic fluorinated chemicals.

Cleanup recommendations may be helpful in cases such as 2016 chemical contamination in Martinsburg by the Air National Guard. PFOA and PFOS found in firefighting foam used by the National Guard allegedly contaminated the city’s drinking water plant. The city paid $4.5 million to install water treatment filters.  This week, the City of Martinsburg sued the National Guard for damages to recoup those costs.

Pruitt told summit participants that state participation is crucial.

“Concerned citizens, local governments, states across the country are very focused upon acting,” he said. “We have people from community groups here as well that I know are very concerned about this. We want to hear from all of you as we take the next steps.”

Concerns surfaced about who was invited to the summit. Politico reported researchers who are currently and have in the past conducted studies of the health impacts associated with C8 exposure near the Washington Work’s plant were not invited.  Furthermore, reporters from the Associated Press, CNN and E&E News were barred from attending the morning sessions of the summit. They were later allowed to enter. 

EPA said it will hold a series of listening sessions across the country this summer.

This story was updated on 05/23/18 to clarify the chemical makeup of C8 and substances that the EPA is considering listing as hazardous.

C-8 Contamination Spreads Around the U.S.

For decades, communities in the Ohio Valley have grappled with water contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals, sometimes called PFOA or C-8 that are often used to make non-stick pans and other items, but this type of contamination isn’t limited to the region.

A newly-updated map shows the number of contaminated sites that are known to exist around the country has nearly doubled in the past year.

The non-profit Environmental Working Group and a team of environmental health researchers at Northeastern University in Boston developed the map, which tracks publicly-known contaminated sites reported from both EPA testing and state and local agencies.

The number of sites has exploded in the 10 months since the map was first published. Last February, researchers knew of 52 sites in 19 states. Today, they know of 94 sites in 22 states that report the presence of these chemicals, which are linked to cancer, thyroid disease and other health problems.

Much of the newly noted activity came from Michigan. Communities there are dealing with contamination from 3M’s Scotchgard fabric protector used by shoemaker Wolverine World Wide.

Martinsburg, in the Eastern Panhandle, was the only site in West Virginia researchers added during this update.

The map includes data from EPA’s testing of public water drinking systems between 2013 and 2016 and reported contamination from factories, landfills and airports gathered from state and local agencies and press coverage. It maps both C-8 and PFAS pollution. PFAS are replacements for C-8 chemicals companies no longer make and include GenX.

Bill Walker, an investigative editor with the Environmental Working Group, said the list is by no means exhaustive and many more communities are likely affected.

“Every place that has gone looking for it systematically, with any reason at all to suspect they might have contamination, has found it,” he said. “So, that’s why we’re confident in saying that we’re nowhere near the end of knowing the true scope of this problem.”

Walker says EPA could do more. The agency does not track contaminated sites. It has issued both short and long-term advisories on suggested exposure levels, but has not set a national legal limit for C-8 in drinking water.

EPA will host a national leadership summit on PFAS contamination next month in Washington, D.C.

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