Fifth-Grade Students Reflect on Holiday Traditions in Youth Reporting Project

A dozen fifth-graders from Valley Elementary School in Fayette County have been exploring radio in a youth reporting project with health reporter Kara Lofton this semester.

The idea was to help kids learn how to ask questions about health issues in their community, while also teaching interview and reporting skills. At the end of the semester, students interviewed one another about their favorite holiday traditions. The result can be heard in the following two audio postcards. 

To make the postcards, the students were asked to write about holiday traditions using the prompts: “I feel connected to my family when…” “My favorite holiday foods are….” “My favorite holiday traditions are…” and “I feel loved or a part of my family when…”


During the semester, students also interviewed their parents, researched how to make their favorite holiday meals and practiced how to use recorders and microphones. 

Appalachia Health News is a project of West Virginia Public Broadcasting, with support from the Marshall Health, Charleston Area Medical Center and WVU Medicine.

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