Blankenship Gets One Year in Prison, One Year Supervised Release, $250,000 Fine

Former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship has been sentenced to the maximum one year in prison and another year of supervised release for his role in a conspiracy at the company to skirt mine safety standards. Judge Irene Berger also imposed a maximum $250,000 fine, which is due immediately.

Blankenship was convicted in December of conspiring to willfully violate federal mine safety laws–a misdemeanor. The charge stemmed from an investigation into the April 5, 2010 explosion at the Upper Big Branch Mine near Montcoal that killed 29 men.

The ex-executive was cleared of two felony counts of lying to investors and the federal Securities and Exchange Commission about Massey’s safety record in the wake of the explosion. Those counts combined would have carried prison terms of up to 30 years.

While speaking to the court, Blankenship maintained his innocence on the conspiracy charge. He then attempted to apologize to family members of those who lost their lives at Upper Big Branch, but was stopped short by Judge Berger. 

“You should be someone that we are able to tout as a West Virginia success story. Instead of being able to tout you, we are here,” said Judge Berger to Blankenship while delivering the sentence. 

Outside of the courtroom following sentencing, Blankenship spoke only briefly about the reactions of those who lost their loved ones. 

“I feel badly for them. It’s a lot of emotion and that’s understandable,” Blankenship said to reporters. 

Bill Taylor, lead attorney for Blankenship, expressed a sense of relief while speaking to media outside of the courthouse following the sentencing.

“We’re obviously glad that that this process has come to an end. It’s been a long time coming and we’re glad to come to the end of it,” said Taylor, as family members of Upper Big Branch vicitms shouted at Blankenship and his attorneys. 

UBB Victims’ Families Offer Mixed Reactions to Sentencing

During a short recess Wednesday morning, Betty Harrah, who lost her 40 year-old brother Steve in the blast, expressed her frustrations over Judge Berger not allowing victims’ families to speak  at the hearing. 

"You should be someone that we are able to tout as a West Virginia success story. Instead of being able to tout you, we are here." Judge Irene Berger to Don Blankenship

“Her not allowing her us to actually, finally, to say something to that man is not right. If he has the right to speak, we should have the right to speak,” said Harrah.

Harrah also referenced a pre-trial ruling in June by Judge Berger that allowed Blankenship to leave the state to see his son compete in a dirt bike race. 

“We got a lifetime sentencing and we didn’t do anything wrong. My nephew has to go see his daddy at the grave. [Blankenship] gets to go see his son go racing,” she said. 

Sherry Depoy’s brother “Boone” Payne was another victim at Upper Big Branch. 

“I’m feeling a little a bit better than I did after the verdict, you know? Hearing the judge say the things that she said–thathe was guilty of different things.  [As for] Blankenship, I almost walked out because I didn’t want to hear him talk. I don’t want to hear anything he has to say,” said Depoy.  

“I hope they don’t grant him the appeal. The only thing would’ve been better [would have been] to see him come out in handcuffs,” she added. 

Gary Quarles, who lost his son Gary Wayne Quarles was satisfied with the sentence handed down by Berger.

“We are very happy. I think all the families are very happy that she gave him what she was allowed to give him,” said Quarles.

Credit Ashton Marra / West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Gary Quarles speaks to the media following the sentencing of former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. Quarles lost his son Gary Wayne in the Upper Big Branch mine explosion.

Quarles and other family members of the vicitms of the Upper Big Branch explosion say they want Congress to increase the penalties assessed to those at the top of the corporate ladder for workplace safety violations.

“That law should be a felony and it was only a misdemeanor. It should be changed and, [Senators] Joe Manchin and [Shelley Moore] Capito, they ought to see to it that it’s changed,” said Quarles.

Manchin has introduced a mine safety bill that includes increased penalties for those at the top of the corporate ladder, but in the almost full year since it was introduced, it hasn’t budged in Congress.

Blankenship’s attorneys said after the verdict in December they planned to file an appeal. One has not yet been filed.

Judge Denies Millions in Restitution in Ex-Coal CEO Case

A judge has ruled that an ex-energy company CEO does not have to pay $28 million in restitution related to a mine explosion in 2010 that killed 29 men.

In her order issued Monday, Judge Irene Berger said ex-Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship doesn’t have to pay Alpha Natural Resources for legal fees paid for former Massey employees, cooperation with investigators and fines.

Blankenship was convicted Dec. 3 of a misdemeanor conspiracy to willfully violate mine safety standards at Upper Big Branch Mine. The southern West Virginia coal mine exploded in 2010.

Berger wrote that Alpha incurred the financial hardships at least a year after Blankenship’s indictment period, after Alpha bought Massey in 2011 and voluntarily entered a non-prosecution agreement with the government.

Blankenship’s sentencing is Wednesday. He faces up to a year in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Alpha declined to comment Monday.

94 Seeking Restitution from Former Massey Energy CEO

Ninety-four people are seeking restitution from former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship as he prepares for sentencing on Wednesday.The Charleston…

Ninety-four people are seeking restitution from former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship as he prepares for sentencing on Wednesday.

The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports Blankenship’s defense team filed a motion late Friday asking the federal court judge to deny the claims. The motion says the claims seek money that the restitution statute does not authorize.

Defense lawyers also argue that assessing each claim individually could take months.

Blankenship faces up to a year in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 for engaging in a conspiracy to violate federal mine safety and health standards at the Upper Big Branch Mine prior to the April 2010 explosion that killed 29 miners.

The judge has not ruled on a request from the government for a separate hearing to address restitution issues. 

Prosecutors Seek Max of 1 Year in Prison for Blankenship

Prosecutors want a year in prison and a $250,000 fine for convicted ex-Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, who ran a West Virginia coal mine that was the…

Prosecutors want a year in prison and a $250,000 fine for convicted ex-Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, who ran a West Virginia coal mine that was the site of a deadly explosion.

In a sentencing memorandum in federal court Monday, prosecutors said a shorter sentence could only be interpreted as declaring that mine safety laws aren’t to be taken seriously.

Prosecutors wrote that Upper Big Branch Mine was a powder keg 1,000 feet below the surface, primed to blow at any time. The mine exploded in 2010, killing 29 men.

Blankenship was convicted Dec. 3 of a misdemeanor conspiracy to willfully violate mine safety standards at the mine.

In their memorandum, Blankenship’s attorneys say he shouldn’t receive more than probation and a fine. They say they intend to appeal. Defense attorneys included letters from people commending him.

Prosecutors Oppose Sentencing Delay for Coal CEO

Federal prosecutors say they oppose a request for a delay in the sentencing of Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship following his mine safety conspiracy conviction.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Ruby said in a court filing on Wednesday that the sentencing of Blankenship should not be delayed.

The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports that attorneys are currently arguing over whether Blankenship should also pay restitution to compensate victims of the case for any losses. Ruby says that prosecutors agree that matters about restitution payments by Blankenship should be handled through a hearing separate from his April 6 sentencing hearing.

Blankenship was convicted Dec. 3 of a misdemeanor conspiracy to willfully violate mine safety standards at Upper Big Branch Mine. He faces up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

Blankenship Files for Sentencing Delay

Attorneys for former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship are asking a federal judge to either delay his April sentencing or put off deciding the amount of a…

Attorneys for former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship are asking a federal judge to either delay his April sentencing or put off deciding the amount of a federal fine. 

In December, Blankenship was found guilty of conspiring to violate federal mine safety laws linked to a 2010 mine explosion that killed 29 men.  Blankenship could face up to a year in prison for the charge. 

His sentencing is scheduled for April 6.

In a court filing Tuesday, Blankenship asked Federal District Judge Irene Berger to delay the sentencing or prevent federal prosecutors from discussing a possible monetary penalty in the case.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office is seeking $28 million from Blankenship to repay Alpha Natural Resources for legal fees and restitution for mine safety penalties. Alpha bought Massey Energy in 2011—more than a year after the federal investigation into the mine explosion began.

Blankenship was also charged with two counts of lying to investors and the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission about Massey’s safety record following the explosion.

After more than a week of deliberations, jurors found the former CEO not guilty on the felony counts which would have carried larger prison terms. 

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