Manchin Eager to Hear What's Next in State of the Union

With the President’s State of the Union coming up tonight, Senator Joe Manchin is still unsure about what a more conservative political climate on Capitol Hill means for the nation, and for West Virginia.

At the end of 2014 Senator Joe Manchinpublically expressed his discomfort with the back and forth between each party and what was being accomplished. Manchin said his tune hasn’t changed much, he’s taking a wait–and-see attitude:

“Right now it’s still up in the air, right now the appearance and everything I’ve seen is a big change and I’m eager for the change and I want to participate, I want to be involved and have input and protect my state of West Virginia and make sure our state has a voice and that’s what’s been promised to us,” Manchin said.

Manchin said he’s curious to find out more about the President Obama’s stance on free community college attendance, trade agreements and security issues.

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