Gee: Culture of the University Must Change

West Virginia University President Gordon Gee says the culture of the university must change following riots that erupted after the football team's win…

  West Virginia University President Gordon Gee says the culture of the university must change following riots that erupted after the football team’s win over Baylor.

Gee says in a letter to the WUV community that setting fires and other incidents following Saturday night’s game are unacceptable. 
Morgantown and WVU have been trying for years to end the long-standing tradition of setting fires to celebrate athletic victories and other events.  
Gee says student leaders have been made responsible for creating solutions. The university also will continue alcohol abuse programs and activities and work with the city to address underage drinking and abusive behavior.
He also asked students, staff, alumni and others for ideas on how to support changing the culture of the school.
The university released Gee’s letter Monday night.

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